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KfW Base rate (Initially 5% per year; increases to 5.75% in 2012, to 6% in 2015, to 6.5% in 2018 and to 7% in 2021) multiplied by proportion of days on which six-month Libor is no greater than the upper barrier (Initially 6% per year; increases to 6.25% in 2012, to 6.5% in 2015, to 6.75% in 2018 and to 7% in 2021); payable quarterly due 12/28/2024

KfW Base rate multiplied by proportion of days on which Libor is 7% or less; base rate is initially Libor plus 200 bps and becomes 10% per year on Dec. 11, 2012; payable quarterly due 12/11/2024

KfW 10% per year until Jan. 14, 2009; after that, 10 times spread of 30-year CMS rate over two-year CMS; payable quarterly due 7/14/2023

KfW for each six-month period, base rate times proportion of calendar days on which six-month Libor is at least 0% and not more than 6%; base rate is 7% per year for first five years; beginning on May 7, 2013, base rate is 8% per year due 5/7/2023

KfW 7.25% times proportion of calendar days on which six-month Libor is at least 0% and not more than 7% for each six-month period due 5/13/2023

KfW 7% for each day six-month Libor is within the reference range until Oct. 17, 2012; then, 10% times the proportion of days the rate is in the range until Oct. 17, 2017 and 15% times the proportion of days the rate is in the range until maturity; payable semiannually; Reference range: 0% to 7%, inclusive due 10/17/2022

KfW 7% for each day six-month Libor is within the reference range of 0% to 6.25%; payable semi-annually due 3/12/2012

KfW 13%, payable annually on Dec. 13, unless any of the commodities falls to or below its barrier level on the interest determination date preceding the interest payment date due 12/13/2009

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