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Bank Loans - Convertibles - Distressed Debt - Emerging Markets
Green Finance - High Yield - Investment Grade - Liability Management
Preferreds - Private Placements - Structured Products

Click on the company name to see deals from that issuer.
Security type: BK = Bank loan, CA = Canadian bonds, CL = CLOs, CV = Convertibles, DD = Distressed Debt, EM = Emerging Markets, GN = Green finance, HY = High Yield, IG = Investment Grade, LM = Liability Management, MU = Municipals, PP = PIPEs, PF = Preferred Stock, PV = Private Placements, SP = Structured Products

I-many, Inc. PP

I.A. Hedin Bil AB HY

I.C. Isaacs & Co., Inc. PP

I.D. Systems, Inc. PP

I.D. Systems, Inc./Movingdots GmbH (PowerFleet, Inc.) BK

I.M. Skaugen HY

I.M. Skaugen ASA HY

I.M. Skaugen SE DD

I.M. Skaugen SE HY

I.M. Skaugen SE LM

I.T Ltd. EM

I/OMagic Corp. PP

IA Bancorp Inc. PF

IA Global Inc. PP

IAA Spinco Inc. (IAA, Inc. (Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc.)) BK

IAA Spinco Inc. (Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc.) HY

IAA, Inc. (Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc.) BK

IAAI Finance Corp. (Insurance Auto Auctions) HY

IAC FinanceCo 2, Inc. (IAC/InterActiveCorp) CV

IAC FinanceCo 3, Inc. (IAC/InterActiveCorp) CV

IAC FinanceCo Inc. (IAC/InterActiveCorp.) CV

IAC/InterActiveCorp BK

IAC/InterActiveCorp HY

IAC/InterActiveCorp LM

IAC/InterActiveCorp. BK

IAC/InterActiveCorp. HY

IAC/InterActiveCorp. LM

Iamgold Corp. BK

Iamgold Corp. CA

Iamgold Corp. LM

Iansa Overseas (Cayman) (Empresas Iansa SA) EM

IAP Worldwide Services Inc. BK

IAP Worldwide Services Inc. DD

IAS Operating Partnership LP (Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc.) CV

Iasis Healthcare Corp. BK

Iasis Healthcare Corp. HY

Iasis Healthcare LLC BK

Iasis Healthcare LLC LM

Iasis Healthcare LLC/Iasis Capital Corp. HY

Iasis Healthcare LLC/Iasis Healthcare Corp. HY

IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. PP

Ibercaja Banco, S.A. LM

Ibercaja Banco, SA GN

Ibercaja Banco, SA HY

Ibercaja Banco, SAU LM

Iberdrola Finance Ireland Ltd. IG

Iberdrola Finanzas LM

Iberdrola Finanzas SAU GN

Iberdrola Finanzas SAU IG

Iberdrola Finanzas SAU LM

Iberdrola Finanzas SAU (Iberdrola SA) GN

Iberdrola Finanzas SAU (Iberdrola SA) IG

Iberdrola Finanzas, SAU LM

Iberdrola Finanzas, SAU (Iberdrola SA) GN

Iberdrola Finanzas, SAU (Iberdrola SA) IG

Iberdrola International BV LM

Iberdrola International BV (Iberdrola SA) GN

Iberdrola International BV (Iberdrola SA) IG

Iberdrola, SA LM

Iberia Lineas Aereas de Espana SA, Vueling Airlines SA (International Airlines Group) BK

Iberiabank Corp. PF

IberiaBank Corp. PF

Iberiabank Corp. PP

Iberian Minerals Corp. PP

Ibex Global FZ-LLC (Ibex Ltd.) BK

Ibex Global Solutioins, Inc. (Ibex Ltd./Ibex Global Ltd.) BK

IBF 1 Corp. PP

IBI Group Inc. BK

IBI Group Inc. CA

IBI Group Inc. CV

IBI Group Inc. LM

IBI Group Inc. PV

IBI Income Fund CV

IBI Income Fund PP

Ibiden Co., Ltd. CV

Ibis Technology Corp. PP


IBM Credit LLC (International Business Machines Corp.) BK

IBM Credit LLC (International Business Machines Corp.) IG

IBM Credit LLC/International Business Machines Corp. BK

IBM International Capital Pte., Ltd. (International Business Machines Corp.) IG

IBM International Group Capital LLC IG

Ibotta, Inc. BK

IBSG International Inc. PP

Ibstock plc BK

IC Potash Corp. PP

Icade GN

Icade GN

Icade HY

Icade IG

Icade LM

Icagen, Inc. PP

Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp./Icahn Enterprises LP HY

Icahn Enterprises L.P./Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp. HY

Icahn Enterprises LP HY

Icahn Enterprises LP IG

Icahn Enterprises LP (Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp.) IG

Icahn Enterprises LP/Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp. HY

Icahn Enterprises LP/Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp. IG

Icahn Enterprises LP/Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp. LM

Icahn Enterprises LP/Icahn Enterprises Finance Corp. (Icahn Enterprises Holdings LP) HY

ICAP Group Holdings plc LM


ICB Financial PP

ICBC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. EM

ICBC Ltd. Singapore Branch EM

ICBC Standard Bank plc (Standard Bank plc) LM

ICBCA (C.I.) Ltd. (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Ltd.) EM

ICBCIL Finance Co. Ltd. EM

ICBCIL Finance Co. Ltd. (ICBC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.) LM

ICBCIL Finance Co., Ltd. LM

Iccrea Banca SpA GN

Iccrea Banca SpA GN

Iccrea Banca SpA HY

Iccrea Banca SpA IG

Iccrea Banca SpA LM

ICD Funding Ltd. (Investment Corp. of Dubai) EM

ICDPS Sukuk Ltd. (Islamic Corp. for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD)) EM

ICDPS Sukuk Ltd. (Islamic Corp. for the Development of the Private Sector) EM

Ice Group Scandinavia Holdings AS HY

Ice Group Scandinavia Holdings AS LM

ICE Thermal Harvesting, LLC BK

Icefloe Technologies Inc. PP

Iceland GN

Iceland GN

Iceland IG

Iceland LM

Iceland PV

Iceland BondCo plc LM

Iceland Bondco plc LM

Iceland Bondco plc (Iceland Foods Ltd.) HY

Iceland BondCo plc (Iceland) HY

Iceland Seafood International hf HY

Icelandair Group hf. BK

Icelandair Group hf. HY

Icelandair Group hf. LM

Iceweb Inc. PP

IceWEB Inc. PP

Iceweb Inc. PP

IceWEB, Inc. PP

Iceweb, Inc. PP

IceWEB, Inc. PP

ICF Consulting Group, Inc. (ICF International, Inc.) BK

ICF International BK

ICF International, Inc./ICF Consulting Group, Inc. BK

ICG Enterprise Trust plc BK

Ichor Holdings, LLC BK

Icici Bank EM


Icici Bank (Hong Kong branch) EM

ICICI Bank Ltd. EM

Icici Bank Ltd. EM

ICICI Bank Ltd. EM

Icici Bank Ltd. (Bahrain branch) EM

Icici Bank Ltd. Dubai Branch EM

ICICI Bank Ltd., Bahrain branch EM

Icici Bank Ltd., Dubai branch EM

Icici Bank Ltd., Dubai International Finance Centre EM

ICICI Bank Ltd., Hong Kong Branch EM

Icici Bank UK plc EM

ICICI Bank UK plc EM

Icici Bank UK plc LM

ICICI Bank UK plc (ICICI Bank Ltd.) EM

Icici Bank, Dubai branch EM

Iciena Ventures Inc. PP

ICL Group Ltd. BK

ICL Group Ltd. EM

ICL Group Ltd. GN

ICN Pharmaceuticals CV

ICN Resources Ltd. PP

ICO Global Communications (Holdings) Ltd. PP

ICO North America, Inc. (ICO Global Communications (Holdings) Ltd.) PP

ICON Aircraft BK

ICON Aircraft DD

Icon Energy Corp. BK

Icon Health & Fitness Inc. BK

ICON Health & Fitness, Inc. HY

Icon Health & Fitness, Inc. HY

Icon Industries Ltd. PP

Icon International Holdings Inc. PP

ICON Investment Five Unlimited Co. (ICON plc) PV

ICON Investments Six DAC (ICON plc) IG


Iconic Minerals Ltd. PP

Iconix Brand Group Inc. BK

Iconix Brand Group, Inc. BK

Iconix Brand Group, Inc. CV

Iconix International Inc. LM

Icop Digital Inc. PP

Icop Digital, Inc. PP

Icoria Inc. PP


ICP Group BK

ICP Solar Technologies Inc. PP

ICP Solar Technologies, Inc. PP

Icron Technologies Inc. PP

ICS Copper Systems Ltd. PP

ICS Parent, Inc. (Industrial Container Services LLC) BK

ICSA India Ltd. CV

ICT Group Inc. BK

ICTSI Treasury BV EM

ICTSI Treasury BV (International Container Terminal Services Inc.) EM

ICTSI Treasury BV (International Container Terminal Services, Inc.) EM

ICTV Brands Inc. PP

ICU Medical, Inc. BK

ID Finance Investments, SL BK

ID Global Solutions Corp. PP

ID.me, Inc. BK

Idacorp, Inc. BK

Idaho MU

Idaho Bond Bank Authority MU

Idaho First Bank PP

Idaho General Mines Inc. PP

Idaho General Mines, Inc. PP

Idaho Health Facilities Authority MU

Idaho Housing and Finance Association MU

Idaho Power Co. BK

Idaho Power Co. IG

Idaho Power Co. PV

Idaho Power Co. (Idacorp, Inc.) BK

Idavang A/S HY

IDB Invest IG

IDB Invest (Inter-American Investment Corp.) GN

IDB Invest (Inter-American Investment Corp.) IG

IDB Trust Services Ltd. (Islamic Development Bank) EM

IDB Trust Services Ltd. (Islamic Development Bank) GN

IDB Trust Services No. 2 (Islamic Development Bank) EM

IDB Trust Services No. 2 (Islamic Development Bank) GN

IDB Trust Services No. 2 Sarl (Islamic Development Bank) EM


IDBI Bank Ltd. EM

Idea Financial BK

IdeaEdge, Inc. PP

Ideal Power Inc. CV

Ideal Power, Inc. CV

Ideal Protein of America Inc. DD

Ideal Restaurant Group, Inc. CV

Ideal Standard International SA HY

Ideanomics, Inc. BK

Ideanomics, Inc. DD

Idearc Inc. HY

Idearc Inc. DD

Idearc Inc. (Verizon Directories Disposition Corp.) BK

Idearc, Inc. BK

IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corp. CV

Idemia BK

Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

IdentiPHI, Inc. PP

Identiv, Inc. CV

Identive Group, Inc. PP

Idera BK

Idera Inc. BK

Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP


Idex Corp. BK



Idex Corp. PV


Idexx Laboratories, Inc. BK

Idexx Laboratories, Inc. PV

IDH Finance plc (Integrated Dental Holdings) HY

IDH Finance plc (mydentist) HY

IDH Finance plc (mydentist) PV

IDI Acquisition Corp. (InterDent Service Corp.) HY

IDI Global Inc. PP


IDI, Inc. PP

IdleAire Technologies Corp. HY

IdleAire Technologies Corp. BK

IdleAire Technologies Corp. DD

IDM Mining Ltd. PP

IDM Pharma, Inc. PP

IDnow BK

IDO Security Inc. PP

Idorsia Ltd. CV


IDQ Acquisition Corp. HY

IDQ Holdings, Inc. HY

IDT Entertainment BK

IEA Energy Services LLC (Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc.) HY

IEA Energy Services LLC (Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc.) BK

IEA Energy Services LLC (Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, Inc.) LM

IEA Energy Services, LLC (MasTec, Inc.) LM

IEG Holdings Corp. CV

IEG Holdings Corp. HY

IEG Holdings Corp. PP

IEH Auto Parts Holding LLC (Auto Plus) BK

IElement Corp. PP

IES Holdings, Inc. BK




Iesy Repository GmbH HY

IFAN Financial Inc. PP


IFC Development (Corporate Treasury) Ltd. (IFC Development Ltd.) EM


IFCO Management GmbH BK

IFCO Systems NV HY

IFCO Systems NV LM

IFM (Industry Funds Management) BK

IFM (US) Colonial Pipeline 2 LLC LM


IFuture.com Inc. PP

IG Design Group plc BK

IG Group Holdings plc BK

IG Investments Holdings LLC (Insight Global) BK

IGas Energy plc HY

Igas Energy plc HY

Igas Energy plc LM

IGas Energy plc LM

IGC Resources Inc. PP

IGE Resources AB PP

IGI Laboratories Inc. CV

IGI Laboratories, Inc. CV

IGI Laboratories, Inc. PP

IGI, Inc. PP


Iglo Foods Midco Ltd. BK

Iglo Group HY

Igloo Holdings Corp. (Interactive Data Corp.) HY

Igloo Products Corp. BK

IGM Financial Inc. CA

IGM Financial Inc. IG

Ignis Petroleum Group Inc. PP

Ignite International Brands, Ltd. PP

Ignite Restaurant Group BK

Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc. BK

Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc. CV

Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc. DD

Ignition Group Telecoms Investment Pty. Ltd. PV

Ignition Point Technologies Corp. PP

Ignyta, Inc. CV

Ignyta, Inc. PP

IGT Lottery Holdings BV (International Game Technology plc) HY

IHI Corp. CV

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH GN

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH HY

IHO Verwaltungs GmbH (currently Schaeffler Verwaltungs Zwei GmbH)(Schaeffler AG) HY


IHS Holding Ltd. BK

IHS Holding Ltd. EM



IHS Markit Ltd. BK

IHS Markit Ltd. HY

IHS Markit Ltd. IG

IHS Markit Ltd. LM

IHS Netherlands BV (IHS Holding Ltd.) HY

IHS Netherlands Holdco BV LM

IHS Netherlands Holdco BV (IHS Holding) EM

IHS Netherlands Holdco BV/IHS Holding Ltd. LM

IHS Towers Netherlands Finco NG BV LM

II Fornaio Corp. BK





IIB Luxembourg SA (International Industrial Bank) EM

IIB Luxembourg SA (International Industrial Bank, JSC) LM

Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd. CV

IIFL Finance Ltd. EM

IIFL Finance Ltd. LM

IIG Funding Ltd. - International Investment Group KSCC DD

IIG Funding Ltd. – International Investment Group KSCC DD

III to I Maritime Partners Cayman I, LP DD

IIP Operating Partnership, LP (Innovative Industrial Properties Inc.) CV

IIP Operating Partnership, LP (Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc.) HY

Ikanos Communications, Inc. CV

Ikanos Communications, Inc. PP

Ikaria Acquisition Inc. BK

Ikaria Holdings BK

Ikaria Holdings Inc. BK

Ikaria Inc. BK

Ikkuma Resources Corp. PP

IKON Office Solutions Inc. BK

IKON Office Solutions Inc. HY

IKON Office Solutions, Inc. HY

IKON Office Solutions, Inc. LM

IKON Office Solutions, Inc. LM

Ikona Gear International Inc. PP

Ikona Gear International, Inc. PP

Ikonisys, Inc. CV

IL Fiber TopCo LLC (Novos FiBER/Prime FiBER) BK

IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd. DD

ILAP Holdings Ltd. CV


ILC Industries Inc. BK

ILC Industries, LLC BK

Ile de France IG

Ile-de-France Mobilites GN

Ile-de-France Mobilites GN

Ile-de-France Mobilites HY

Ile-de-France Mobilites IG


ILI Technologies (2002) Corp. PP

Iliad CV

Iliad Holding SAS HY

Iliad Holding SAS LM

Iliad Holdings SAS HY

Iliad SA GN

Iliad SA HY

Iliad SA LM

Illini Corp. PP

Illinois MU

Illinois MU

Illinois Finance Authority MU

Illinois Finance Authority MU

Illinois Housing Development Authority MU

Illinois Municipal Electric Agency MU

Illinois Power Co. HY

Illinois Power Co. IG

Illinois Power Generating Co. DD

Illinois Power Generating Co. LM

Illinois River Energy LLC BK

Illinois Sports Facilities Authority MU

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority MU

Illinois Student Assistance Corp. LM

Illinois Tool Works Inc. BK

Illinois Tool Works Inc. IG

Illinois Tool Works, Inc. BK

Illinois Tool Works, Inc. IG

Illionis MU

Illumina Inc. CV

Illumina, Inc IG

Illumina, Inc. BK

Illumina, Inc. CV

Illumina, Inc. IG

Illuminate Buyer, LLC/Illuminate Holdings IV, Inc. (Lummus Technology Inc.) HY

ILOS Projects BK

ILOS Projects GN

Ilpea Industries Inc. BK

ILX Resorts Inc. PP

ILX Resorts Inc. DD

Ilypsa, Inc. CV

IM Group SAS (Isabel Marant) HY

IMA Exploration Inc. PP

IMA Financial Group BK

IMA Industria Macchine Automatiche SpA HY

Imaflex Inc. PP

Image Entertainment, Inc. PP

Image Globe Solutions, Inc. PP

Image Metrics, Inc. PP

ImageFirst Holdings LLC BK

ImageFirst Holdings LLC BK

ImageWare Systems, Inc. PP

Imagi Holdings Ltd. (Imagi International Holdings Ltd.) EM

Imagina BK

Imagine Learning (Weld North Education) BK

Imagine! Print Solutions LLC BK

Imaging Diagnostic Systems Inc. PP

Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. PP

Imaging Dynamics Co. PP

Imaging Dynamics Co. Ltd. PP

Imaging3, Inc. PP

Imagis Technologies Inc. PP

ImaRx Therapeutics Inc. PP

ImaRx Therapeutics, Inc. CV

Imation Corp. BK


Imax Corp. CA


Imax Corp. PP


IMC Global Inc. HY

IMC Global Inc. CV

ImClone Systems Inc. CV

Imclone Systems Inc. CV

IMCO Recycling Escrow Inc. (IMCO Recycling Inc.) HY

IMCO Recycling Inc. HY

Imcopa Importacao, Exportacao Industria e Oleos SA DD

Imcopa International Cayman Ltd. LM

Imcopa International Cayman Ltd. (Imcopa Importacao, Exportacao Industria e Oleos SA) LM

Imcor Pharmaceutical Co. PP

Imerys GN

Imerys IG

Imerys Roofing BK

Imerys SA LM

Imerys SA (Imerys Talc America, Inc.) BK

Imerys Talc America, Inc. DD

IMG Worldwide Holdings Inc. BK

IMG Worldwide Inc. BK

IMH Capital DAC (PJSC Koks) LM

IMH Financial Corp. BK

IMH Financial Corp. DD

IMH Financial Corp. LM

IMH Financial Corp. PP

IMI International Medical Innovations Inc. PP

IMI plc PV

Immediatek, Inc. PP

Immersion Corp. PP

Immersive Media Corp. PP

Immobel PV

Immobiliar Grande Distribuzione SIIQ SpA LM

Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ SpA LM

Immobiliare Grande Distribuzione SIIQ SpA PV

Immobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, SA LM

Immobilien Invest SE CV

Immofinanz AG BK

Immofinanz AG CV

Immofinanz AG GN

Immofinanz AG LM

Immtech International, Inc. CV

Immtech International, Inc. PP

Immtech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

ImmuCell Corp. CV

Immucor Inc. BK

Immucor, Inc. HY

Immucor, Inc. LM

Immune Design Corp. CV

Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc. PP

Immune Response Corp. PP

ImmuneRegen Biosciences, Inc. PP

Immunicon Corp. PP

ImmunityBio, Inc. BK

ImmunityBio, Inc. PV

Immuno Research Inc. PP

ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd. CV

ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd. PP

Immunocelular CV

Immunocore Holdings plc CV

ImmunoGen Inc. CV

ImmunoGen, Inc. BK

ImmunoGen, Inc. PP

Immunomedics Inc. CV

Immunomedics Inc. PP

Immunomedics, Inc. CV

Immunomedics, Inc. PP

Immunovaccine Inc. PP

Immunovative, Inc. PP

Imola Merger Corp. (Ingram Micro Inc.) HY

Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. CV

Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. LM

Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. PP

Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. LM

Impact Healthcare REIT plc BK

Impact Healthcare REIT plc PV

Impact Silver Corp. PP

Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. CV

Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. LM

Impart Media Group, Inc. PP

Impax Environmental Markets plc PV

Impax Laboratories Inc. CV

Impax Laboratories Inc. PP

Impax Laboratories, Inc. BK

Impax Laboratories, Inc. LM

Impax Laboratories, Inc. (Amneal Pharmaceuticals Inc.) LM

Impel Pharmaceuticals Inc. BK

Impel Pharmaceuticals Inc. DD

Impera Holdings SA (Play Topco SA) EM

Imperia Intercontinental Inc. BK

Imperial Brands Finance plc IG

Imperial Brands Finance plc (Imperial Brands plc) IG

Imperial Brands Finance plc (Imperial Brands plc) LM

Imperial Brands plc BK

Imperial Capital Bancorp, Inc. DD

Imperial Dade BK

Imperial Dade (BCPE Empire Holdings Inc.) BK

Imperial Dade (BCPE Empire Holdings Inc.) BK

Imperial Dade Financing BK

Imperial Energy Corp. plc CV

Imperial Frozen Foods Op Co, LLC DD

Imperial Holdings Inc. CV

Imperial Holdings, Inc. CV

Imperial Holdings, Inc. PV

Imperial Irrigation District MU

Imperial Metals Corp. BK

Imperial Metals Corp. CA

Imperial Metals Corp. PP

Imperial Metals Corp. PV

Imperial Pacific International Holdings Ltd. EM

Imperial Petroleum, Inc. PP

Imperial Plantation Corp. PP

Imperial Resources, Inc. PP

Imperial Sugar Co. BK

Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd. DD

Imperial Tobacco Finance plc (Imperial Brands plc) LM

Imperial Tobacco Finance plc (Imperial Tobacco Group plc) IG

Imperial Tobacco Group plc IG

Imperium Renewables, Inc. BK

Imperus Technologies Corp. PP

Imperva, Inc. BK

Imperva, Inc. CV

Impinj Inc. CV

Impinj, Inc. CV

Implant Sciences Corp. PP

Implenia AG CV

Implus Footcare BK

Import Export Bank (Impexbank) EM

Impress Group BV HY

Impress Metals BV HY

Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Imprivata BK

Imprivata CV

Imprivata, Inc. CV

Impulse Monitoring, Inc. CV

Imris Inc. CV

Imris Inc. PP

IMS Health BK

IMS Health Inc. BK

IMS Health Inc. HY

IMS Health Inc. LM

IMS Health Inc. BK

IMS Health, Inc. (Healthcare Technology Intermediate, Inc.) HY

IMS Petroleum Inc. PP

Imstalcon JSC DD

Imtech Capital BV PV


Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc. PP

In Veritas Medical Diagnostics, Inc. PP

In-Shape Holdings, LLC BK

In-Shape Holdings, LLC DD

Inaer Aviation HY

Inamed Corp. BK

INAP (Internap Corp.) BK

Inbank AS EM

INC Research Holdings, Inc. BK

INC Research Inc. BK

INC Research LLC BK

INC Research, LLC HY

Inca One Gold Corp. PP

Inca One Resources Corp. PP

Inca Pacific Resources Inc. PP

IncellDx, Inc. PP

Incentra Solutions, Inc. DD

Incentra Solutions, Inc. PP

Inception Finco (Ivirma) BK

Incheon International Airport Corp. EM

Incheon International Airport Corp. GN

Incitec Pivot Finance IG

Incitec Pivot Ltd. LM

Inco Ltd. CV

Incode Technologies Corp. PP

INCREF Borrower, LLC (Invesco Commercial Real Estate Finance Trust, Inc.) BK

Incyte Corp. CV

Incyte Genomics, Inc. CV

IND DairyTech Ltd. PP

Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd. CV

Indah Capital Ltd. (Khazanah Nasional Bhd.) CV

Indalex Holding Corp. (Indalex Aluminum Solutions) CA

Indalex Holdings Finance, Inc. BK

Indalex Holdings Finance, Inc. DD

Indalex Holdings Finance, Inc. (Indalex Holding Corp.) DD

Indalex Ltd. DD

Independence Bancshares, Inc. CV

Independence Bancshares, Inc. PP

Independence Contract Drilling BK

Independence Contract Drilling Inc. BK

Independence Contract Drilling, Inc. BK

Independence Contract Drilling, Inc. CV

Independence Contract Drilling, Inc. DD

Independence Energy Corp. PP

Independence Energy Finance LLC HY

Independence Gold Corp. PP

Independence Realty Operating Partnership, LP (Independence Realty Trust, Inc.) BK

Independence Realty Trust, Inc. BK

Independence Realty Trust, Inc. CV

Independence Realty Trust, Inc. PV

Independencia International Ltd. EM

Independencia International Ltd. (Cayman incorporated) (Independencia Alimentos Ltda.) EM

Independencia SA DD

Independent Bank Corp. BK

Independent Bank Corp. CV

Independent Bank Corp. LM

Independent Bank Corp. PV

Independent Bank Group Inc. HY

Independent Bank Group, Inc. BK

Independent Bank Group, Inc. CV

Independent Bank Group, Inc. HY

Independent News & Media HY

Independent Nickel Corp. PP

Independent Oil & Gas plc HY

Independent Order of Foresters PV

Independent Pet Partners Holdings, LLC BK

Independent Pet Partners Holdings, LLC DD

Independent School District No. 834 MU

Independent School District No. 89 MU

Indesit Co. SpA LM

Indevus Pharmaceuticals Inc. PV

Indevus Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Indevus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Index Development Partners Inc. PP

Index International AB LM

Index Invest International AB LM

Index Oil and Gas Inc. PP

Index Oil and Gas, Inc. PP

India Airport Infra LM

India Cements Ltd. CV

India Clean Energy Holdings (ReNew Energy Global plc) EM

India Clean Energy Holdings (ReNew Energy Global plc) GN

India Cleantech Energy EM

India Globalization Capital Inc. CV

India Globalization Capital Inc. PP

India Globalization Capital, Inc. PP

India Green Energy Holdings EM

India Green Energy Holdings GN

India Green Power Holdings EM

India Green Power Holdings GN

India Infoline Finance Ltd. EM

India Toll Roads EM

India Vehicle Finance (Shriram Finance Ltd.) EM

India Vehicle Finance (Shriram Finance Ltd.) GN

Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. CV

Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. EM

Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. GN

Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. PV

Indian Industries, Inc./Escalade, Inc. BK

Indian Oil Corp. EM

Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. EM

Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. LM

Indian Overseas Bank EM

Indian Railway Finance EM

Indian Railway Finance Corp. Ltd. EM

Indian Railway Finance Corp. Ltd. GN

Indiana Bell Telephone Co., Inc. (AT&T Inc.) LM

Indiana Bond Bank MU

Indiana Finance Authority GN

Indiana Finance Authority MU

Indiana Finance Authority MU

Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority MU

Indiana Michigan Power Co. IG

Indiana Municipal Power Agency MU

Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans Inc. MU

Indiana Secondary Market for Education Loans, Inc. LM

Indiana Toll Road BK

Indiana University GN

Indiana University MU

Indianapolis MU

Indianapolis Airport Authority LM

Indianapolis Downs, LLC BK

Indianapolis Downs, LLC DD

Indianapolis Downs, LLC/Indiana Downs Capital Corp. HY

Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank MU

Indianapolis Power & Light IG

Indianapolis Power & Light Co. IG

Indianapolis Power & Light Co. (Ipalco Enterprises, Inc.) BK

Indianapolis Power & Light Co. dba AES Indiana HY

Indiantown Cogeneration, LP LM

Indicator Minerals Inc. PP

Indico Resources Ltd. PP

Indicor (Roper Industrial Products Investment Co. LLC) BK

Indicor LLC BK

Indigenous Global Development Corp. CV

Indigo Exploration Inc. PP

Indigo Group SA BK

Indigo Group SA GN

Indigo Group SA LM

Indigo Merger Sub, Inc. (ICON plc) HY

Indigo Natural Resources LLC HY

Indigo Natural Resources LLC LM

Indigo-Energy, Inc. PP

Indika Energy Capital III Pte. Ltd. (PT Indika Energy Tbk.) LM

Indika Energy Capital IV Pte. Ltd. (Indika Energy Tbk.) EM

Indika Energy Capital IV Pte. Ltd. (PT Indika Energy Tbk.) LM

Indika Energy Tbk. LM

Indio Water Authority MU

Individual FoodService Holdings, LLC (Kelso & Co.) BK

Indivior Finance Sarl BK

Indivior plc BK

Indo Energy Finance BV (PT Indika Energi) EM

Indo Energy Finance BV (PT Indika Energy Tbk.) LM

Indo Integrated Energy BV (PT Indika Energy Tbk.) LM

Indo Integrated Energy BV (PT Indika Inti Energi) EM

Indo Integrated Energy II BC (PT Indika Energy Tbk.) EM

IndoCoal Exports (Cayman) Ltd. (PT Bumi Resources Tbk.) EM

Indonesia EM

Indonesia LM

Indonesia Eximbank EM

Indoor Harvest Corp. PP

Indorama Ventures Global Services Ltd. EM

Indosat Finance Co. BV (PT Indonesian Satellite Corp. Tbk) EM

Indosat Finance Co. BV (PT Indosat Tbk.) LM

Indosat International Finance Co. BV (PT Indosat Tbk.) EM

Indosat International Finance Co. BV (PT Indosat Tbk.) LM

Indosat Palapa Company, BV (PT Indosat Tbk) EM

Indra Sistemas SA CV

Indra Sistemas SA LM

Indus (Eclipse 2007-1) plc DD

Indus Gas Ltd. BK

Indus Gas Ltd. HY

Indus Gas Ltd. LM

Indus International Inc. BK

Indus Realty Trust, Inc. BK

Indus RT, LP (Indus Realty Trust, Inc.) BK

IndusInd Bank Ltd. EM

Industrea Acquisition Corp. BK

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. CA

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. IG

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. PF

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. PP

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Ltd. EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Ltd. EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. CV

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. London branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.'s Singapore branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Dubai (DIFC) branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Dubai (DIFC) branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Dubai (DIFC) Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Dubai (DIFC) Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Dubai Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Hong Kong branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Hong Kong Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Hong Kong branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Hong Kong Branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Hong Kong Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Hong Kong Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., London branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., London Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., London branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., London Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., London Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Luxembourg Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Luxembourg branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Luxembourg Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Luxembourg branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Luxembourg Branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Macau Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Macau Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., New York Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore Branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore Branch GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) GN

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Singapore Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Sydney branch EM

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Sydney Branch (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Industrial Bank EM

Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch EM

Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch GN

Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Branch EM

Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Branch GN

Industrial Bank of Korea EM

Industrial Bank of Korea GN

Industrial Container Services LLC BK

Industrial Development Authority of Apache County MU

Industrial Development Authority of Fairfax County MU

Industrial Development Authority of Frederick County MU

Industrial Development Authority of Phoenix MU

Industrial Development Authority of Pima County MU

Industrial Development Authority of Smyth County MU

Industrial Development Authority of Sumter County GN

Industrial Development Authority of Sumter County MU

Industrial Development Authority of Tempe MU

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Glendale MU

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix MU

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Phoenix (AZPB LP, dba Arizona Diamondbacks) LM

Industrial Development Authority of the City of St. Louis DD

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Apache LM

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima LM

Industrial Development Authority of the County of Yavapai MU

Industrial Development Authority of Washington County, Va. MU

Industrial Development Authority of Yavapai County MU

Industrial Development Bank of India EM

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) EM

Industrial Development Board of the City of Hoover GN

Industrial Development Board of the City of Hoover MU

Industrial Development Corp. MU

Industrial Distribution Group Inc. BK

Industrial Enterprises of America, Inc. PP

Industrial Growth Income Corp. PP

Industrial Holding Bulgaria plc CV

Industrial Income Operating Partnership LP BK

Industrial Income Trust Inc. BK

Industrial Investment Overseas Ltd. (Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Industrial Investment Group) EM

Industrial Logistics Properties Trust BK

Industrial Packaging Group BK

Industrial Property Operating Partnership LP BK

Industrial Property Operating Partnership LP (Industrial Property Trust Inc.) BK

Industrial Property Trust Inc. BK

Industrial Services of America, Inc. GN

Industrial Services of America, Inc. PP

Industrial/Commercial Bank of China Ltd. EM

Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona SAIC (Impsa) EM

Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona SAIC y F LM

Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona SAIC y F (Impsa) DD

Industrias Metalurgicas Pescarmona SAIC y F (Impsa) LM

Industrias Metalúrgicas Pescarmona SA EM

Industrias Metalúrgicas Pescarmona SAIC&F (Impsa) EM

Industrias Penoles SAB de CV EM

Industrias Penoles, SAB de CV EM

Industrias Unidas, SA de CV EM

Industrias Unidas, SA de CV LM

Industry & Construction Bank EM

Industry & Construction Bank of St. Petersburg EM

Industry Public Facilities Authority MU

IndyMac Bancorp Inc. CV

IndyMac Bancorp, Inc. DD

Ineos BK

Ineos Composites (Fortis 333 Inc.) BK

Ineos Enterprises BK

Ineos Enterprises Holdings Ltd. BK

Ineos Finance plc BK

Ineos Finance plc HY

Ineos Finance plc LM

Ineos Finance plc (Ineos Group Holdings plc) BK

Ineos Finance plc (Ineos Group Holdings) BK

Ineos Finance plc (Ineos Group) HY

Ineos Finance plc (Ineos Holdings Ltd.) HY

Ineos Finance plc (Ineos Ltd.) HY

Ineos Finance plc (Ineos) HY

Ineos Group Holdings plc HY

Ineos Group Holdings SA BK

Ineos Group Holdings SA HY

Ineos Group Ltd. BK

Ineos Quattro BK

Ineos Quattro Finance 1 plc (Ineos Quattro Holdings Ltd.) LM

Ineos Quattro Finance 1 plc (Ineos Quattro) HY

Ineos Quattro Finance 1 plc/Ineos Quattro Finance 2 plc (Ineos Quattro Holdings Ltd.) LM

Ineos Quattro Finance 2 plc HY

Ineos Quattro Finance 2 plc (Ineos Quattro Holdings Ltd.) LM

Ineos Quattro Finance 2 plc (Ineos Quattro Holdings Ltd.) PV

Ineos Quattro Finance 2 plc (Ineos Quattro Holdings UK Ltd.) HY

Ineos Quattro Finance 2 plc (Ineos Quattro) HY

Ineos Styrolution Group GmbH BK

Ineos Styrolution Group GmbH HY

Ineos Styrolution Group GmbH LM

Ineos Styrolution Group GmbH (Ineos Quattro Holdings Ltd.) LM

Ineos Styrolution US Holding LLC/Ineos Styrolution Group GmbH BK

Ineos US Finance LLC (Ineos Group Holdings plc) BK

Ineos US Finance LLC (Ineos Group Holdings) BK

Ineos US Finance LLC (Ineos Group) HY

Ineos Vinyls Finance plc (EVC Interntational NV) HY

Inergetics Inc. PP

Inergy Finance Corp. HY

Inergy LP BK

Inergy LP LM

Inergy LP BK

Inergy LP/ Inergy Finance Corp. HY

Inergy Midstream LP BK

Inergy Midstream LP PP

Inergy Midstream, LP LM

Inergy Midstream, LP/Inergy Midstream Finance Corp. HY

Inergy Propane LLC BK

Inergy, LP PP

Inergy, LP/Inergy Finance Corp. HY

Inergy, LP/Inergy Finance Corp. LM

Inetum BK

Inetum (Granite France Bidco) BK

InfaCare Pharmaceutical Corp. CV

INfe Human Resources, Inc. PP

InferX Corp. PP

Infiltrator Systems Integrated LLC BK

Infiltrator Water Technologies LLC BK

Infineon Technologies AG PV

Infineon Technologies Holding BV (Infineon Technologies AG ) LM

Infineon Technologies Holding BV (Infineon Technologies AG) CV

Infineon Technologies Investment BV (Infineon Technologies AG ) LM

Infineon Technologies Investments BV (Infineon Technologies AG) CV

Infinera Corp. BK

Infinera Corp. CV

Infinera Corp. PP

Infinis plc HY

Infinitas Learning Finco BV BK

Infinitas Learning Finco BV GN

Infinite Electronics Inc. BK

Infinite Electronics Inc. (Infinite Bidco LLC) BK

Infinite RF Holdings Inc. BK

Infinito Gold Ltd. PP

Infinity Acquisition, LLC/Infinity Acquisition Finance Corp. (Ipreo Holdings LLC) HY

Infinity Alliance Ventures Inc. PP

Infinity Augmented Reality, Inc. PP

Infinity Cross Border Acquisition Corp. CV

Infinity Energy Resources, Inc. PP

Infinity Inc. PP

Infinity Minerals Corp. PP

Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. DD

Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Infinity Property & Casualty Corp. IG

Infinity Property & Casualty Corp. BK

Infinity, Inc. PV

Infinium Labs Inc. PP

Infinium Labs, Inc. PP

Infirmary Health System Special Care Facilities Financing Authority of Mobile MU

Inflabloc Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Inflazyme Pharmaceuticals Ltd. PP

Info Investors, Inc. PP

Info Touch Technologies Corp. PP

Infoblox (Delta Topco LLC) BK

Infoblox Inc. BK

Infoblox Inc. (Delta Topco Inc.) BK

Infocrossing Inc. CV

Infogroup Inc. BK

InfoLogix, Inc. PP

Infonxx BK

Infonxx Inc. BK

Infor BK

Infor BK

Infor (US) Inc. BK

Infor (US), Inc. HY

Infor Global Solutions BK

Infor Global Solutions AG BK

Infor holdco BK

Infor Inc. BK

Infor Inc. IG

Infor Software Parent, LLC/Infor Software Parent, Inc. HY

Infor, Inc. BK

Inform Resources Corp. PP

Inform Worldwide Holdings, Inc. PP

Informa plc LM

Informa plc PV

Informatica Corp. BK

Informatica Corp. CV

Informatica LLC BK

Information Resources Inc. BK

Information Resources Inc. (IRI Holdings Inc.) BK

Information Services Corp. BK

Information Services Group, Inc. BK

Information Solutions Co. BK

Information Technology Solutions BK

InforMedix Holdings, Inc. PP

InfoSearch Media, Inc. PP

Infosmart Group, Inc. PP

InfoSonics Corp. PP

Infospace Inc. BK

InfoSpace, Inc. PP

Infotec Business Systems, Inc. PP

Infotech Global, Inc. PP

Infra Group (Finco Utilitas BV) BK

InfraBuild Australia Pty Ltd. HY

InfraBuild Australia Pty Ltd. (Liberty InfraBuild Ltd.) HY

InfraBuild Australia Pty. Ltd. HY

Infracorp Senior Sukuk Ltd. (Infracorp BSC) CV

Infracorp Sukuk Ltd. (Infracorp BSC) LM

Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV BK

Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV (Ienova) EM

Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV (Sempra Infrastructure Partners LP) LM

Infrared Capital Partners Ltd./Hecate Energy/Hecate Grid BK

Infrared Capital Partners Ltd./Hecate Energy/Hecate Grid GN

InfraSource Inc. BK

InfraSource Services Inc. BK

Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Ltd. PV

Infrastructure India plc BK

Infrastructure India plc DD

Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd. DD

Infrastructure Materials Corp. PP

InfrastruX Energy Services BK

InfrastruX Group Inc. BK

Infroneer Holdings Inc. CV

Infroneer Holdings Inc. GN

Infront AS HY

Infront ASA HY

Infusion Brands International, Inc. PP

InfuSystem Holdings, Inc. BK




ING Bank Hipoteczny SA (ING) EM








ING U.S. Inc. IG

ING U.S., Inc. HY

ING U.S., Inc. IG

ING USA Global Funding IG

ING USA Global Funding Trust 6 IG



Ingen Technologies, Inc. PP

Ingenico CV

Ingenico (Poseidon BidCo SAS) BK

Ingenico Group LM

Ingenico SA CV

Ingenovis Health BK

Ingenovis Health Inc. BK

Ingenu Inc. DD

Ingersoll Rand Inc. BK

Ingersoll Rand Inc. IG

Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd. BK

Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd. CV

Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd. IG

Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co. Ltd. (Ingersoll-Rand plc) BK

Ingersoll-Rand Inc./Gardner Denver, Inc./Ingersoll-Rand Services Co./GD German Holdings II GmbH/Gardner Denver Holdings Ltd. BK

Ingersoll-Rand Luxembourg Finance SA (Ingersoll-Rand plc) IG

Ingevity Corp. BK

Ingevity Corp. HY

Ingevity Corp./Ingevity UK Ltd. BK

Ingles Markets Inc. BK

Ingles Markets, Inc. HY

Ingles Markets, Inc. LM

Ingram Micro BK

Ingram Micro HY

Ingram Micro Inc. BK

Ingram Micro Inc. IG

Ingram Micro Inc. (Imola Merger Corp.) BK

Ingredion Inc. BK

Ingredion Inc. GN

Ingredion Inc. IG

Inhale Therapeutic Syst Inc. CV

Inhale Therapeutic Systems Inc. CV

Inhibitex Inc. PP

Inhibitex, Inc. PP

Inhibrx Biosciences, Inc. BK

Inhibrx, Inc. BK

Inin Group AS HY

Inizio BK

Inkia Energy Ltd. EM

Inkia Energy Ltd. LM

Inksure Technologies Inc. PP

Inland American Real Estate Trust, Inc. BK

Inland Fiber Group, LLC DD

Inland Real Estate Corp. BK

Inland Real Estate Corp. CV

Inland Real Estate Corp. LM

Inland Real Estate Corp. PF

Inland Real Estate Income Trust Inc. BK

Inland Real Estate Income Trust, Inc. BK

Inland Valley Development Agency MU

Inland Valley Development Successor Agency MU

Inland Western Retail Real Estate Trust Inc. BK

Inlet Resources Ltd. PP

Inmar Inc. BK

Inmarsat (Connect Finco Sarl/Connect U.S. Finco LLC) BK

Inmarsat Finance II plc HY

Inmarsat Finance plc HY

Inmarsat Finance plc LM

Inmarsat Investments Ltd. BK

Inmarsat plc BK

Inmarsat plc CV

Inmarsat Ventures plc BK

InMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Inmet Mining Corp. CA

Inmet Mining Corp. LM

Inmet Mining Corp. PP

Inmet Mining Corp. (FQM Akubra Inc.) LM

Inmet Mining, LLC BK

Inmet Mining, LLC DD

Inmobiliaria Colonial LM

Inmobiliaria Colonial, Socimi, SA GN

Inmobiliaria Colonial, Socimi, SA IG

Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino HY

Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino LM

Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino DD

Inner City Broadcast Holdings, Inc. BK

Inner City Media Corp. BK

Inner City Media Corp. DD

Inner Spirit Holdings Ltd. CV

Inner Workings Inc. BK

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. BK

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. CV

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. GN

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. GN

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. GN

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. PF

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. PP

InnerWorkings, Inc. BK

InNexus Biotechnology Inc. PP

InNexus Biotechnology, Inc. PP

Innio Group BK

Innkeepers USA Trust BK

Innkeepers USA Trust DD

Innocoll AG CV

Innocoll Biotherapeutics plc BK

Innocoll Holdings plc CV

Innocor Inc. BK

Innodia, Inc. CV

Innofone.com, Inc. PP

Innolog Holdings Corp. PP

Innolux Corp. CV

Innophos Holdings BK

Innophos Holdings Inc. BK

Innophos Holdings Inc. LM

Innophos Holdings, Inc. BK

Innophos Holdings, Inc. HY

Innophos Holdings, Inc. BK

Innophos Inc. HY

Innophos Investments Holdings Inc. HY

Innospec Inc. BK

Innospec Inc. BK

Innova Exploration Ltd. PP

Innova Holdings Inc. PP

Innova S de RL de CV EM

InnovaCare (MMM Holdings, LLC) BK

InnovaCare, Inc. (MMM Holdings LLC) BK

Innovatec SpA GN

Innovatec SpA HY

Innovation Economy Corp. CV

Innovation Ventures, LLC/Innovation Ventures Finance Corp. (5-Hour Energy) HY

Innovative Card Technologies, Inc. PP

Innovative Communication Co., LLC DD

Innovative Composites Inc. PP

Innovative Composites International Inc. PP

Innovative Drug Delivery Systems Inc. PP

Innovative Food Holdings Inc. PP

Innovative Food Holdings, Inc. PP

Innovative Industrial Properties Inc. PF

Innovative Micro Technology, Inc. PP

Innovative Software Technologies, Inc. PP

Innovative Spinal Technologies, Inc. CV

Innovative Water & Sewer Systems Inc. PP

Innovative Water Care Global Corp. BK

Innovative XCessories & Services LLC BK

Innovative XCessories & Services LLC (IXS Holding Inc.) BK

Innovative XCessories & Services, LLC BK

Innovente Inc. PP

Innovia Group (Finance) plc HY

InnoVision Labs, Inc. PP

Innovium Media Properties Corp. PP

Innoviva Inc. CV

Innoviva, Inc. BK

Innovive Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Innovive Pharmaceuticals Inc. PP

Innovive Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Innovo Group Inc. PP

Innovotech Inc. PP

Innovus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

InnSuites Hospitality Trust PP

Innuity, Inc. PP

InnVest Real Estate Investment Trust CV

InnVest Real Estate Investment Trust LM

Inogen, Inc. CV

Inotek Pharmaceutical Corp. CV

Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corp. CV

Inotiv Inc. CV

Inotiv, Inc. PV

Inova Technology, Inc. CV

Inovachem, Inc. PP

Inovalon Holdings Inc. BK

Inovalon Holdings Inc. (Ocala Bidco, Inc.) BK

Inovar Packaging Group BK

Inovie Group BK

Inovio Biomedical Corp. PP

Inovio Biomedical Corp. for Inovio Asia Pte. Ltd. PP

Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Inovyn Finance plc BK

Inovyn Finance plc HY

Inphi Corp. CV

Inphi Corp. LM

Inphi Corp. (Marvell Technology Inc.) LM

InPhonic Inc. BK

Inpixon CV

InPlay Oil Corp. BK

InPlay Technologies Inc. PP

InPoint Commercial Real Estate Income, Inc. PF

InPost SA EM

InPower BC General Partnership CA

Input Capital Corp. PP

Input/Output Inc. BK

Input/Output Inc. CV

Input/Output Inc. PP

InRetail Consumer EM

InRetail Pharma SA EM

InRetail Pharma SA LM

InRetail Shopping Malls EM

InRetail Shopping Malls LM

InRetail Shopping Malls (InRetail Real Estate Corp.) EM

InRob Tech Ltd. PP

InsCorp, Inc. PV

Inseego Corp. CV

Inseego Corp. LM

Inside Secure CV

Insight Communications Co. Inc. BK

Insight Communications Co., Inc. HY

Insight Enterprises Inc. BK

Insight Enterprises Inc. CV

Insight Enterprises, Inc. BK

Insight Enterprises, Inc. HY

Insight Global BK

Insight Global (IG Investment Holdings LLC) BK

Insight Global (IG Investments Holdings LLC) BK

Insight Global Inc. BK

InSight Health Services Corp. HY

InSight Health Services Holdings Corp. BK

InSight Health Services Holdings Corp. DD

Insight Management Corp. PP

Insight Midwest (Insight Communications Co. Inc.) BK

Insight Midwest, LP/Insight Capital Corp. HY

Insight Midwest, LP/Insight Capital, Inc. HY

Insight Pharmaceuticals Corp. BK

Insight Pharmaceuticals, LLC BK

Insightec Ltd. BK

InSightec Ltd. CV

InSightec Ltd. PP

Insightsoftware BK

Insignia Energy Ltd. PP

Insignia Solutions plc PP

Insignia Systems Inc. PP

InSite Vision Inc. PP

Insituform Technologies Inc. BK

Insituform Technologies, Inc. BK

Insmed Inc. BK

Insmed Inc. CV

Insmed Inc. PP

Insmed, Inc. CV

Insperity, Inc. BK

Inspira Financial Inc. PP

Inspiration Mining Corp. PP

Inspire Brands BK

Inspire Brands (Inc.) IRB Holding Corp. BK

Inspire Brands (IRB Holding Corp.) BK

Inspire Brands Inc. (IRB Holding Corp.) BK

Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Inspired Education (Inspired Finco Holdings Ltd.) BK

Inspired Education (Inspired Finco Holdings) BK

InspirED Education (South Lanarkshire) plc LM

Inspired Education Holdings Ltd. BK

Inspired Entertainment (Financing) plc (Inspired Entertainment, Inc.) HY

Inspired Finco Holdings Ltd. (Inspired Education) BK

Inspired Gaming Group plc CV

InspireMD, Inc. CV

InspireMD, Inc. PP

InsPro Technologies Corp. PP

Instabank ASA HY

Installed Building Products Inc. BK

Installed Building Products, Inc. BK

Installed Building Products, Inc. CV

Installed Building Products, Inc. GN

Installed Building Products, Inc. HY

Instant Brands BK

Instant Brands Holdings Inc. BK

Instant Brands Holdings Inc. DD

Insteel Industries Inc. BK

Insteel Industries, Inc. BK

Insteel Industries, Inc./Insteel Wire Products Co. BK

Insteel Wire Products Co. BK

Insteel Wire Products Co./Insteel Industries, Inc. BK

Institutional Financial Markets, Inc. CV

Institutional Financial Markets, Inc. LM

Institutional Financial Markets, Inc. PP

Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. BK

Instituto Costarricence de Electricidad (ICE) EM

Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) EM

Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) GN

Instituto de Credito Oficial GN

Instituto de Credito Oficial IG

Instituto de Credito Oficial LM

Instituto de Credito Oficial (ICO) IG

InStorage Real Estate Investment Trust PP

Instructure Holdings Inc. BK

Instructure Holdings Inc. (Icon Parent Inc.) BK

Instructure, Inc. BK

Instructure, Inc. CV

Insulet Corp. BK

Insulet Corp. CV

Insulet Corp. PP

Insurance Australia Group Inc. CV

Insurance Auto Auctions Inc. BK

Insured Quality Municipal Fund Inc. PF

Insurity Inc. BK

Insurity Inc. (Huskies Parent Inc.) BK

Insynq Inc. PP

Insys Therapeutics Inc. CV

Insys Therapeutics Inc. DD

Intact Financial Corp. CA

Intact Financial Corp. IG

Intact Financial Corp. PF

Intact Financial Corp. PV

Intapp, Inc. BK

Intcomex Inc. HY

Intcomex, Inc. BK

Intcomex, Inc. HY

Intcomex, Inc. LM

Intec Pharma Ltd. CV

Integer Holdings Corp. BK

Integer Holdings Corp. CV

Integer Holdings Corp. (Greatbatch Ltd.) BK

Integer Holdings Corp./Greatbatch Ltd. BK

Integra Bank Corp. DD

Integra Gold Corp. PP

Integra Lifesciences Holding Corp. CV

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. BK

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. CV

Integra Telecom BK

Integra Telecom Holdings Inc. BK

Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc. HY

Integra Telecom Inc. BK

Integra Telecom Inc. DD

Integradora de Servicios Petroleos Oro Negro SAPI de CV DD

Integral Technologies, Inc. PP

Integral Vision Inc. PP

Integramed America Inc. BK

Integrated Alarm Services Group Inc. HY

Integrated Data Corp. PP

Integrated Defense Technologies Inc. BK

Integrated Dental Holdings/IDH Finance plc HY

Integrated Device Technology Inc. CV

Integrated Device Technology, Inc. BK

Integrated Electrical Services Inc. BK

Integrated Electrical Services, Inc. BK

Integrated Electrical Services, Inc. DD

Integrated Electrical Services, Inc. HY

Integrated Electrical Services, Inc. PP

Integrated Energy Solutions Inc. PP

Integrated Environmental Technologies, Ltd. PP

Integrated Healthcare Holdings Inc. BK

Integrated Healthcare Holdings, Inc. PP

Integrated Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Integrated Power Services BK

Integrated Security Systems, Inc. PP

Integrated Team Solutions PCH Partnership IG

Integrated Team Solutions SJHC Partnership IG

Integrated Wind Solutions ASA (IWS Fleet AS) BK

Integrated Wind Solutions ASA (IWS Fleet AS) GN

Integrity Applications, Inc. PP

Integrity Bancshares Inc. PP

Integrity Capital Income Fund, Inc. PP

Integrity Marketing BK

Integro Ltd. BK

Integrys Energy Group Inc. IG

Integrys Energy Group, Inc. BK

Integrys Energy Group, Inc. IG

Integrys Energy Group, Inc. PV

Integrys Holding, Inc. (WEC Energy Group, Inc.) LM

Integrys Holdings, Inc. LM

Intel Corp. CV

Intel Corp. GN

Intel Corp. IG

Intel Corp. LM

IntElect Medical Inc. CV

IntelGenx Technologies Corp. CV

IntelGenx Technologies Corp. PP

Intelimax Media Inc. PP

Intellect Neurosciences, Inc. PP

Intellectual Property & Science (Camelot Finance LP) BK

Intelli-Check, Inc. PP

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. PP

Intellicell Biosciences, Inc. PP

Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc. CV

Intelligent Highway Solutions Inc. PP

Intelligent Packaging Holdco Issuer LP (IPL Plastics) CA

Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Finco Inc./Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Co-Issuer LLC (IPL Plastics, Inc.) CA

Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Finco Inc./Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Co-Issuer, LLC (IPL Plastics Inc.) CA

Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Finco Inc./Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Co-Issuer, LLC (IPL Plastics, Inc.) CA

Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Finco Inc./Intelligent Packaging Ltd. Co-Issuer, LLC (– IPL Plastics Inc.) CA

Intelligent Security Networks, Inc. PP

Intelligentias, Inc. PP

Intelligrated BK

Intelligrated Inc. BK

Intelligroup, Inc. PP

Intellinetics, Inc. PP

Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. CV

Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. PP

Intellipharmaceutics Ltd. PP

Intellisync Corp. CV

Intelsat BK

Intelsat (Bermuda) Ltd. HY

Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. HY

Intelsat (Luxembourg) SA (Intelsat SA) HY

Intelsat Bermuda Ltd. HY

Intelsat Connect Finance SA (Intelsat SA) HY

Intelsat Corp. HY

Intelsat Corp. LM

Intelsat Corp. BK

Intelsat Corp. (Intelsat SA) LM

Intelsat Holdings SA DD

Intelsat Intermediate Holding Co Ltd. BK

Intelsat Intermediate Holding Co., Ltd. HY

Intelsat Jackson Holdings HY

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA BK

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA DD

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA HY

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA LM

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (Intelsat SA) HY

Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (Intelsat SA) PV

Intelsat Jackson Holdings, Ltd. HY

Intelsat Jackson Holdings, SA HY

Intelsat Jackson SA HY

Intelsat Ltd. BK

Intelsat Ltd. (Intelsat Jackson Holdings, Ltd.) LM

Intelsat Ltd. (Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Co., Ltd.) LM

Intelsat SA BK

Intelsat SA CV

Intelsat SA LM

Intelsat SA LM

Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Co. Ltd. BK

Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Co., Ltd. HY

Intelsat, Ltd. (Intelsat Intermediate Holding Co.) LM

Intema Solutions Inc. PP

Inter Far East Energy Corp. PCL DD

Inter Media and Communication SpA HY

Inter Media and Communications S.p.A. (F.C. Internazionale Milano S.p.A.) HY

Inter Parfums, Inc. BK

Inter Pipeline Fund IG

Inter Pipeline Ltd. BK

Inter Pipeline Ltd. CA

Inter Pipeline Ltd. IG

Inter Rao UES EM

Inter-American Development Bank GN

Inter-American Development Bank GN

Inter-American Development Bank GN

Inter-American Development Bank HY

Inter-American Development Bank IG

Inter-American Development Bank PV

Inter-American Development Bank SP

Inter-American Investment Corp. IG

Inter-American Investment Corp. (IDB Invest) GN

Inter-American Investment Corp. (IDB Invest) IG

Inter-American Investment Corp. (IDP Invest) GN

Inter-American Investment Corp. (IDP Invest) IG

Inter-Citic Minerals Inc. PP

Interactions BK

Interactive Capital Partners Corp. PP

Interactive Data Corp. BK

Interactive Data Corp. HY

Interactive Data Corp. (Igloo Merger Corp.) HY

Interactive Health Inc. BK

Interactive Health LLC/Interactive Health Finance Corp. HY

Interactive Health Solutions, Inc. DD

Interactive Intelligence Group Inc. CV

Interactive Systems Worldwide Inc. PP

Interactive Television Networks, Inc. PP

InterCement Financial Operations BV (InterCement Participacoes SA) LM

InterCement Participacoes SA DD

InterCement Participacoes SA LM

Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc. PP

Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Interchange Corp. PP

Interchile SA EM

Interchile SA GN

Interchile SA LM

InterCloud Systems, Inc. CV

InterCloud Systems, Inc. PP

Interconexion Electrica EM

Interconexion Electrica GN

Interconexion Electrica SA ESP EM

Intercontinental Exchange Inc. IG

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. BK

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. IG

InterContinental Hotels Ltd. LM

IntercontinentalExchange BK

IntercontinentalExchange Group Inc. IG

IntercontinentalExchange Inc. BK

IntercontinentalExchange Inc. IG

IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. BK

IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. PV

InterCore, Inc. PP

Intercorp Financial Services Inc. EM

Intercorp Peru Ltd. EM

Intercorp Peru Ltd. LM

Intercorp Retail Trustee EM

Intercorp Retail Trustee LM

Intercos SpA LM

Interdent, Inc. DD

InterDigital Inc. CV

InterDigital, Inc. CV

Interdom, Corp. PP

Interep BK

Interep DD

Interface Europe BV BK

Interface Inc. BK

Interface Inc. HY

Interface Inc. LM

Interface Master Holdings, Inc. HY

Interface Security Systems Holdings, Inc./Interface Security Systems, LLC HY

Interface Security Systems LLC BK

Interface Security Systems, LLC PV

Interface, Inc. BK

Interface, Inc. HY

Interface, Inc. LM

Interface, Inc. LM

Interfaith Medical Center, Inc. BK

Interfaith Medical Center, Inc. DD

Interfor Corp. BK

Interfor Corp. PV

Intergas Finance BV (Intergas Central Asia) EM

Intergas Finance BV (JSC Intergas Central Asia) EM

InterGen BK

InterGen NV BK

InterGen NV HY

InterGen NV LM

Intergraph Corp. BK

Interior Logic Group BK

Interior Logic Group (Signal Parent Inc.) BK

Interior Logic Group Holdings IV LLC BK

Interior Logic Group Holdings, LLC (Signal Parent Inc.) BK

Interleukin Genetics Inc. PP

Interleukin Genetics, Inc. PP

Interliant, Inc. CV

Interline Brands Inc. BK

Interline Brands Inc. HY

Interline Brands Inc. BK

Interline Brands, Inc. HY

Interline Brands, Inc. LM

Interline Brands, Inc. HY

Interline Resources Corp. PP

Interlink Electronics, Inc. PP

Interlink Global Corp. PP

Intermap Technologies Corp. PP

Intermec Inc. BK

Intermedia BK

Intermedia Cloud Communications BK

InterMedia Outdoor Inc. BK

Intermedia.net Inc. BK

Intermediate Capital Group plc HY

Intermet Corp. BK

Intermet Corp. DD

Intermet Corp. HY

Intermet Corp. BK

InterMetro Communications, Inc. PP

Intermolecular, Inc. CV

Intermost Corp. PP

Intermountain Community Bancorp PP

Intermountain Gas Co. (MDU Resources Group, Inc.) LM

Intermountain Power Agency MU

InterMune Inc. CV

InterMune, Inc. CV

InterMune, Inc. LM

InterMune, Inc. CV

Internal Fixation Systems, Inc. PP

Internap Corp. BK

Internap Corp. DD

Internap Holding LLC BK

Internap Holding LLC DD

Internap Network Services Corp. BK

International Airlines Group (Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia) BK

International Airport Finance SA (Quito Airport) EM

International Airport Finance, SA (Quiport) LM

International Alliance Resources Inc. PP

International Aluminum Corp. DD

International Aluminum Corp. BK

International Amateur Sports Championships Inc. (for Galtech Semiconductor Materials Corp.) PP

International American Technologies, Inc. PP

International Arimex Resources Inc. PP

International Assets Holding Corp. BK

International Assets Holding Corp. PP

International Automotive Components Group North America Inc. BK

International Automotive Components Group North America, Inc. BK

International Automotive Components Group SA HY

International Automotive Components Group SA PV

International Bancshares Corp. CV

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development IG

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (World Bank) GN

International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (World Bank) IG

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development GN

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development GN

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development HY

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IG

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) GN

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) GN

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) GN

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) GN

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) HY

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) IG

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) LM

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) PV

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) SP

International Bank for Reconstruction/Development IG

International Bank for Reconstruction/Development (World Bank) HY

International Bank of Azerbaijan DD

International Bank of Azerbaijan EM

International Bank of Reconstruction & Development (World Bank) IG

International Bank of Taipei CV

International Barrier Technology Inc. PP

International Barytex Resources Ltd. PP

International Bio Recovery Corp. PP

International Business Machines Corp. BK

International Business Machines Corp. IG

International Business Machines Corp. LM

International Business Machines Corp./IBM Credit LLC BK

International Car Wash Group BK

International Card Establishment Inc. PP

International Card Establishment, Inc. PP

International CCE Inc. IG

International Coal Group BK

International Coal Group Inc. BK

International Coal Group Inc. CV

International Coal Group, Inc. CV

International Coal Group, Inc. HY

International Coal Group, Inc. LM

International Commercial Television, Inc. PP

International Consolidated Airlines Group SA CV

International Consolidated Airlines Group SA HY

International Consolidated Airlines Group, SA LM

International Container Terminal Services EM

International Container Terminal Services Inc. EM

International Container Terminal Services, Inc. LM

International Design Group SpA BK

International Design Group SpA HY

International Development Association GN

International Development Association IG

International Dispensing Corp. PP

International Distributions Services plc LM

International Enexco Ltd. PP

International Equipment Solutions LLC BK

International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd. EM

International Fight League, Inc. PP

International Finance Corp GN

International Finance Corp IG

International Finance Corp. GN

International Finance Corp. GN

International Finance Corp. GN

International Finance Corp. GN

International Finance Corp. HY

International Finance Corp. IG

International Finance Corp. LM

International Finance Corp. PV

International Finance Corp. SP

International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) GN

International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) GN

International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) HY

International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) IG

International Finance Facility for Immunisation Co. GN

International Finance Facility for Immunisation Co. IG

International Financial Services Centre Banking (YES Bank Ltd.) LM

International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. BK

International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. CV

International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. IG

International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. p IG

International Forest Products Ltd. (Interfor) PV

International Frontier Resources Corp. PP

International Frontier Resources Ltd. PP

International Fuel Technology Inc. PP

International Fuel Technology, Inc. PP

International Game Technology BK

International Game Technology CV

International Game Technology IG

International Game Technology LM

International Game Technology Inc. CV

International Game Technology Inc. IG

International Game Technology plc BK

International Game Technology plc GN

International Game Technology plc HY

International Game Technology plc LM

International Gold Mining Ltd. PP

International Gold Resources, Inc. PP

International Hi-Tech Industries Inc. PP

International Hydrocarbons Corp. PP

International Imaging Systems, Inc. PP

International Industrial Bank, JSC DD

International Investment Bank EM

International Investment Group KSCC (IIG Funding Ltd.) DD

International Isotopes Inc PP

International Isotopes Inc. PP

International Kirkland Minerals Inc. PP

International KRL Resources Corp. PP

International Land Alliance, Inc. CV

International Lease Finance Corp. BK

International Lease Finance Corp. HY

International Lease Finance Corp. IG

International Lease Finance Corp. LM

International Lease Finance Corp. BK

International Lease Finance Corp. IG

International Lithium Corp. PP

International Market Centers (IMC OP LC) BK

International Market Centers LP BK

International Media Group, Inc. DD

International Mill Service Inc. BK

International Millennium Mining Corp. PP

International Minerals Corp. CV

International Mining & Infrastructure Corp. LM

International Mining & Infrastructure Corp. plc HY

International Mining & Infrastructure Corp. plc LM

International Mining & Infrastructure Corp. plc PV

International Monetary Systems, Ltd. PP

International Money Express, Inc. BK

International Montoro Resources Inc. PP

International Nickel Ventures Corp. PP

International Northair Mines Ltd. PP

International Paper Co. BK

International Paper Co. IG

International Paper Co. LM

International Paper Co. LM

International PBX Ventures Ltd. PP

International Personal Finance plc HY

International Personal Finance plc LM

International Petroleum Corp. CA

International Petroleum Investment Co. EM

International Petroleum Investment Co. PJSC LM

International PetroReal Oil Corp. BK

International PetroReal Oil Corp. PP

International Power (Cayman) Ltd CV

International Power (Jersey) Ltd. (International Power plc) CV

International Power Finance (2010) plc HY

International Power Finance (Jersey) II Ltd. (International Power plc) CV

International Power Finance plc LM

International Power plc BK

International Power plc CV

International Public Partnerships Ltd. BK

International Rectifier Corp CV

International Rectifier Corp. BK

International Samuel Exploration Corp. PP

International Seaways Inc. BK

International Seaways Operating Corp. BK

International Seaways, Inc. BK

International Seaways, Inc. GN

International Seaways, Inc. HY

International Seaways, Inc. PV

International Seaways, Inc./International Seaways Operating Corp. BK

International Seaways, Inc./International Seaways Operating Corp. GN

International Seaways, Inc./International Seaways Operating Corp. BK

International Seaways, Inc./International Seaways Operating Corp. GN

International Semiconductor Technology Ltd. CV

International Shipholding Corp. BK

International Shipholding Corp. CV

International Shipholding Corp. DD

International Shipholding Corp. PF

International Shipping Enterprises Inc. BK

International Silver, Inc. PP

International SOS BK

International Sovereign Energy Corp. PP

International Specialty Holdings, Inc. HY

International Speedway Corp. BK

International Speedway Corp. LM

International Speedway Corp. PV

International Sports and Media Group Inc. PP

International Steel Group BK

International Steel Group Inc. HY

International Stem Cell Corp. CV

International Stem Cell Corp. PP

International Technologies Corp. PP

International Textile Group Inc. BK

International Textile Group Inc. PV

International Textile Group, Inc. BK

International Textile Group, Inc. PP

International Textile Group, Inc. PV

International Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc. PP

International Thunderbird Gaming Corp. PP

International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. PP

International Transmission Co. IG

International Transmission Co. PV

International Transmission Co. (Holding co.) BK

International Transmission Co. (ITC Holdings Corp) BK

International Transmission Co. (ITC Holdings Corp.) BK

International Transmission Co. (ITC Holdings Corp.) GN

International Transmission Co. (ITC Holdings Corp.) PV

International Transmission Co. (Operating co.) BK

International Uranium Corp. PP

International Utility Structures, Inc. DD

International Water-Guard Industries Inc. PP

International Wayside Gold Mines Ltd. PP

International Wire Group Holdings, Inc. HY

International Wire Group Holdings, Inc. PV

International Wire Group Inc. BK

International Wire Group Inc. DD

International Wire Group, Inc. DD

International Wire Group, Inc. HY

International Wire Group, Inc. LM

International-Matex Tank Terminals PV

International-Matex Tank Terminals (IMTT Holdings) BK

International-Matex Tank Terminals (IMTT Holdings) GN

International-Matex Tank Terminals (ITT Holdings LLC) BK

International-Matex Tank Terminals (ITT Holdings LLC) GN

International-Matex Tank Terminals (RS Ivy Holdco) BK

Internet America, Inc. PP

Internet Brands BK

Internet Brands (MH Sub I LLC) BK

Internet Brands (MH SUB I LLC) BK

Internet Brands Inc. BK

Internet Brands, Inc. BK

Internet Commerce Corp. PP

InterOil Corp. BK

InterOil Corp. CV

InterOil Corp. PP

InterOil Exploration & Production ASA DD

Interoil Exploration & Production ASA HY

InterOil Exploration and Production ASA LM

Interoil Exploration and Production ASA LM

InterOil Exploration and Production ASA LM

Interoil Exploration and Production ASA LM

InterOil Exploration and Production ASA LM

Interoute Finco plc (Interoute Communication Holdings SA) HY

Interoute Finco plc (Interoute Communications Holdings Ltd.) BK

Interpharm Holdings Inc. PP

Interpharm Holdings, Inc. PP

Interphase Corp. PP

Interpipe Holdings plc EM

Interpipe Holdings plc LM

Interpipe Ltd. EM

Interplex Holdings Ltd. (Amtek Engineering Ltd.) LM

Interpool Inc. PV

Interpool, Inc. BK

Interpublic Group BK

Interpublic Group of Cos. Inc. BK

Interpublic Group of Cos. Inc. CV

Interpublic Group of Cos. Inc. IG

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc. BK

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc. HY

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc. IG

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc. LM

Interpublic Group of Cos., Inc. LM

InterRent International Properties Inc. PP

InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust CV

InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust PP

InterSearch Group, Inc. PP

Intersect ENT, Inc. CV

Intersect Power, LLC BK

Intersect Power, LLC GN

Intersections Inc. PP

Interserve plc DD

Interserve plc PV

Intershop Holding AG GN

Intershop Holding AG HY

Intersil Corp. BK

Intersil Corp. BK

Interstate Bakeries Corp. BK

Interstate Bakeries Corp. DD

Interstate Bakeries Corp. PP

Interstate Bakeries Corp. BK

Interstate Data USA, Inc. PP

Interstate Hotels & Resorts BK

Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc. BK

Interstate Power & Light Co. GN

Interstate Power & Light Co. IG

Interstate Power & Light Co. PF

Interstate Power and Light Co. BK

Interstate Power and Light Co. GN

Interstate Power and Light Co. IG

Interstate Power and Light Co. (Alliant Energy Corp.) IG

Interstate Waste Services BK

Interstate Waste Services (Action Environmental Group Inc.) BK

Interstate Waste Services Inc. BK

Interstate Waste Services Inc. (Action Environmental Group Inc.) BK

Intertain Group Ltd. BK

Intertainment Media Inc. PP

Intertape Polymer Group Inc. BK

Intertape Polymer Group Inc. CA

Intertape Polymer Group Inc. BK

Intertape Polymer Group Inc. (Iris Holdings Inc.) BK

Intertape Polymer Group, Inc. BK

Intertape Polymer US Inc. (Intertape Polymer Group Inc.) HY

Intertrust Group BV BK

Intertrust Group BV HY

Intertrust SPV (Cayman) Ltd. (Energuate) EM

Interval Acquisition Corp. BK

Interval Acquisition Corp. (Interval Leisure Group) HY

Intervention Energy Holdings, LLC DD

Intervention Energy, LLC PV

Intervest Bancshares PF

Intervest Offices & Warehouses SA GN

Intervest Offices & Warehouses SA PV

InterXion Holding HY

InterXion Holding NV BK

InterXion Holding NV HY

InterXion Holding NV LM

Intesa LM

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA GN

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA HY

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA IG

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA LM

Inteva Products LLC BK

Intime Department Store (Group) Co. Ltd. CV

Intime Department Store Group Co. Ltd. EM

INTL Commodities Inc. BK

INTL FCStone Inc. BK

INTL FCStone Inc. HY

Intl Paper Co. CV

Intrado (Guardian US HoldCo) BK

Intrado Corp BK

Intrado Corp LM

IntraFi (Nexus Buyer LLC) BK

IntraFi Network LLC (Nexus Buyer LLC) BK

Intraline Medical Aesthetics Inc. PP

IntraLinks Holdings, Inc. BK

IntraLinks Inc. BK

Intralot Capital Luxembourg SA (Intralot SA) HY

Intralot Capital Luxembourg SA (Intralot, Inc.) LM

Intralot Finance Luxembourg SA LM

Intralot Finance Luxembourg SA (Intralot) HY

Intralot Luxembourg SA CV

Intralot, Inc. LM

Intranasal Therapeutics, Inc. CV

Intraop Medical Corp. PP

Intraop Medical Inc. PP

IntraPac Group BK

IntraPace, Inc. CV

Intraware, Inc. PP

Intrawest BK

Intrawest Corp. BK

Intrawest Corp. CA

Intrawest Corp. HY

Intrawest Operations Group LLC BK

Intrawest Resorts Holdings Inc. BK

Intrawest Resorts Holdings Inc. (Hawk Holding Co. LLC) BK

Intrepid Aviation Group Holdings, LLC HY

Intrepid Aviation Group Holdings, LLC/Intrepid Finance Co. HY

Intrepid Holdings, Inc. PP

Intrepid Minerals Corp. PP

Intrepid Potash Inc. BK

Intrepid Potash, Inc. BK

Intrepid Potash, Inc. PV

Intrepid Technology PP

Intrepid Technology & Resources, Inc. PP

Intrexon Corp. CV

IntriCon Corp. CV

Intrinsic4D Inc. PP

Intrinsyc Software International, Inc PP

Intrinsync Software International, Inc. PP

Introgen Therapeutics, Inc. PP

Intrum AB BK

Intrum AB DD

Intrum AB HY

Intrum AB LM

Intrum Justitia AB HY

Intrusion Inc. PP

Intrusion Inc. PV

Intu (Jersey) 2 Ltd. (Intu Properties plc) CV

Intu (SGS) FinCo Ltd. (Intu Properties plc) LM

Intu Properties plc BK

Intuit Inc. BK

Intuit Inc. IG

Inuvo, Inc. PP

INV Metals Inc. PP

Invacare Corp. BK

Invacare Corp. CV

Invacare Corp. DD

Invacare Corp. HY

Invacare Corp. LM

Invaio Sciences, Inc. BK

Invalda INVL EM

Invenergy LLC BK

Invenergy Renewables Operating I LLC BK

Invenergy Renewables Operating I LLC GN

Invenergy Thermal Operating I LLC BK

Invenio Resources Corp. PP

InvenSense Inc. CV

Invensys plc BK

Invensys plc HY

Inventec Solar Energy Corp. DD

Inventergy Global, Inc. PP

Inventive Global Investments Ltd. (ABC International Holdings Ltd.) EM

Inventive Global Investments Ltd. (Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.) EM

Inventive Global Investments Ltd. (Agricultural Bank of China, Hong Kong Branch) EM

InvenTrust Properties Corp. BK

InvenTrust Properties Corp. GN

InvenTrust Properties Corp. PV

Inventure Foods Inc. CV

Inventure Foods, Inc. BK

Inventus Mining Corp. PP

Inveresk Research Group Inc. BK

Inverness Medical Innovations Inc. BK

Inverness Medical Innovations Inc. CV

Inverness Medical Innovations Inc. HY

Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc. HY

Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc. PP

Invernia Inc. PP

Inversiones Alsacia SA DD

Inversiones Alsacia SA EM

Inversiones Alsacia SA LM

Inversiones Atlantida EM

Inversiones CMPC SA EM

Inversiones CMPC SA GN

Inversiones CMPC SA (Empresas CMPC SA) EM

Inversiones CMPC SA (Empresas CMPC SA) GN

Inversiones GASA Limitada LM

Inversiones Gasa Ltda. LM

Inversiones Latin America Power Ltda. DD

Inversiones Latin America Power Ltda. EM

Inversiones Latin America Power Ltda. GN

Inversiones Latin America Power SpA EM

Inversiones SAMS SpA LM

Inversiones SMU Matriz Limitada LM

Inversiones y Representaciones SA (IRSA SA) EM

Inversiones y Representaciones SA (IRSA) LM

Invesco California Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco California Quality Municipal Securities PF

Invesco California Value Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco Commercial Real Estate Finance Trust, Inc. BK

Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund PF

Invesco Finance plc IG

Invesco Finance plc (Invesco Ltd.) BK

Invesco Finance plc (Invesco Ltd.) IG

Invesco Holding Co. Ltd. (formerly known as Amvescap plc) (Invesco Ltd.) LM

Invesco Ltd. BK

Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc. PF

Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust PF

Invesco Office J-REIT, Inc. GN

Invesco Office J-REIT, Inc. HY

Invesco Pennsylvania Value Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco Quality Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco Quality Municipal Investment Trust PF

Invesco Quality Municipal Securities PF

Invesco REIT Operating Partnership LP BK

Invesco REIT Operating Partnership LP (Invesco Real Estate Income Trust Inc.) BK

Invesco Senior Income Trust PF

Invesco Value Municipal Bond Trust PF

Invesco Value Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco Value Municipal Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Advantage Municipal Income Trust II PF

Invesco Van Kampen California Value Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Massachusetts Value Municipal Income Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Municipal Opportunity Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Municipal Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Ohio Quality Municipal Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Select Sector Municipal Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Senior Income Trust PF

Invesco Van Kampen Trust for Investment Grade New Jersey Municipals PF

Invesque Inc. CV

Invesque Inc. LM

Investa Office Fund GN

Investa Office Fund IG

Investa Office Fund PV

Investar Holding Corp. CV

Investar Holding Corp. HY

Investar Holding Corp. PV

Investar Holding Corp. (Investar Bank) PV

Investcorp Credit Management BDC Inc. HY

Investcorp Credit Management BDC, Inc. HY

Investcorp SA EM

Investec Bank LM

Investec Bank plc EM

Investec Bank plc LM

Investec Ltd. EM

Investec plc LM

Investissements St-Pierre Inc. PP

Investment Corp. of Dubai EM

Investment Energy Resources Ltd. BK

Investment Energy Resources Ltd. EM

Investment Energy Resources Ltd. GN

Investment Evolution Corp. BK

Investment Technology Group Inc. BK

Investment Technology Group, Inc. BK

INVESTools Inc. BK

Investor AB LM

Investors Real Estate Trust BK

Investors Real Estate Trust PF

Investors Real Estate Trust (IRET Properties) PV

Investview Inc. PP

Invicta Energy Corp. PP

Invicta Oil & Gas Ltd. PP

Invictus (Perimeter Solutions) BK

Invincible Investment Corp. GN

Invincible Investment Corp. HY

Inviro Medical CV

Inviro Medical Inc. PP

Invisa, Inc. PP

InVision Technologies Inc. CV

Invista BV DD

Invista Corp. BK

Invista European Real Estate Trust SICAF BK

Invista Finance LLC IG

Invista/Arteva Specialties Sarl (Luxembourg) HY

Invitae Corp. BK

Invitae Corp. CV

Invitae Corp. DD

Invitae Corp. PP

Invitae Corp. PV

Invitation Homes Inc. BK

Invitation Homes Operating Partnership LP BK

Invitation Homes Operating Partnership LP GN

Invitation Homes Operating Partnership LP IG

Invitation Homes Operating Partnership LP (Invitation Homes Inc.) IG

Invitation Homes Operating Partnership LP (Invitation Homes, Inc.) IG

Invitation Homes, Inc. BK

Invitation Homes, Inc. GN

Invitation Homes, Inc. PV

Invitel Holdings A/S LM

Invitel Holdings A/S BK

Invitel Holdings AS EM

Invitel Holdings NV EM

Invitrogen Corp. BK

Invitrogen Corp. CV

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. CV

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. PP

INVO BioScience Inc. PP

Invuity, Inc. CV

INW | Innovations in Nutrition + Wellness BK

INX, Inc. PP

Inyx USA, Ltd. BK

Inyx USA, Ltd. DD



Iochpe-Maxion Austria GmbH/Maxion Wheels de Mexico, S de RL de CV (Iochpe-Maxion SA) EM

Iochpe-Maxion Austria GmbH/Maxion Wheels de Mexico, S de RL de CV (Iochpe-Maxion SA) GN

IOI Capital (L) Bhd (IOI Corp. Bhd) CV

IOI Corp. EM

IOI Corp. Bhd. LM

IOI Corp. Bhd. (IOI Investment (L) Bhd.) LM

IOI Investment (L) Bhd (IOI Corp. Bhd) CV

IOI Investment (L) Bhd. (IOI Corp. Bhd.) EM

IOI Resources (L) Bhd. CV

IOI Ventures Bhd (IOI Corp. Bhd) EM

Iomai Corp. CV

Iomai Corp. PP

ION Analytics BK

ION Corporates BK

ION Corporates (Helios Software Holdings, Inc.) BK

ION Geophysical Corp DD

ION Geophysical Corp LM

ION Geophysical Corp. BK

ION Geophysical Corp. HY

ION Geophysical Corp. LM

ION Geophysical Corp. PP

ION Geophysical Corp. PV

ION Media Networks Inc. BK

ION Media Networks Inc. (Media Holdco LP) BK

Ion Media Networks, Inc. BK

ION Media Networks, Inc. BK

ION Media Networks, Inc. DD

ION Trading BK

ION Trading Finance Ltd. BK

ION Trading Finance Ltd. (ION Trading Technologies Sarl) BK

ION Trading Finance Ltd./ION Trading Technologies Sarl (ION Markets) BK

ION Trading Technologies Ltd. Inc. BK

ION Trading Technologies Sarl BK

ION Trading Technologies Sarl HY

Iona Energy CA

Iona Energy Co. (UK) plc and Iona UK Huntington Ltd. (Iona Energy Inc.) DD

Iona Energy Inc. LM

Ionatron, Inc. PP

Ionic Brands Corp. PP

Ionics Inc. BK

Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Ionos Group SE BK

IOS Capital LLC CV

IOU Financial Inc. LM

IOU Financial Inc. PP

IOU Financial Inc. (formerly MCO Capital Inc.) PP

Iowa MU

Iowa Finance Authority GN

Iowa Finance Authority LM

Iowa Finance Authority MU

Iowa Higher Education Loan Authority MU

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp. LM

Iowa Student Loan Liquidity Corp. MU

Iowa Telecommunications Services Inc. BK

Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. BK

IP Applications Corp. PP

IP Holdings Unltd. LLC PV

Ipalco Enterprises Inc. HY

Ipalco Enterprises Inc. IG

Ipalco Enterprises Inc. LM

Ipalco Enterprises, Inc. HY

Ipalco Enterprises, Inc. LM

Ipalco Enterprises, Inc. LM

Ipalco Enterprises, Inc. (Indianapolis Power & Light) IG

IPC Acquisition Corp. HY

IPC Acquisition Corp. BK

IPC Corp. BK

IPC Holdings, Ltd. CV

IPC Holdings, Ltd. PP

IPC Information Systems LLC BK

IPC Systems Inc. BK


IPD 3 BV (InfoPro Digital) HY

IPD3 BV (Infopro Digital) HY

IPG Photonics Corp. BK

IPIC GMTN Ltd. (International Petroleum Investment Co. PJSC) EM

IPIC GMTN Ltd. (International Petroleum Investment Co.) EM

Ipico Inc. PP

Ipiranga (Companhia Brasileira de Petroleo Ipiranga) EM

Ipix Corp. PP


Ipreo Holdings LLC BK

Ipreo Holdings LLC BK

IPS Corp. BK

IPS Corp. (CP Iris Holdco) BK

IPS Intermediate Holding Corp. BK

IPS Worldwide, LLC DD

Ipsco Inc. BK

Ipsco, Inc. CA

IPtimize, Inc. PP

IQ Biometrix Inc. PP

IQ-EQ (Saphilux Sarl) BK

Iqvia Holdings Inc. BK

Iqvia Holdings Inc. HY

Iqvia Holdings Inc. IG

Iqvia Holdings Inc./Iqvia AG/Iqvia Solutions Japan KK BK

Iqvia Inc. BK

Iqvia Inc. HY

Iqvia Inc. (Iqvia Holdings Inc.) HY

Iqvia Inc. (Iqvia Holdings Inc.) IG

IR Biosciences Holdings Inc. PP

IR BioSciences Holdings, Inc. PP

IR Biosciences Holdings, Inc. PP

Iracore International Holdings, Inc. HY

IRB Holding Corp. (Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc.) HY

IRB Holdings Corp. (Inspire Brands Inc.) BK

IRB Holdings Corp. (Inspire Brands) HY

IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. EM

Irca SpA HY

Ireland GN

Ireland IG

Ireland Inc. PP

Ireland, Inc. PP


Iren SpA LM

Iren SpA PV

IRI Separation Technologies Inc. PP

Iridal plc LM

Iridex Corp. PP

Iridium Communications Inc. BK

Iridium Communications Inc. CV

Iridium Communications Inc. HY

Iridium Communications Inc. PP

Iridium LLC DD

Iridium Satellite LLC BK

Iris Holdings Inc. HY

Iris Holdings, Inc. (Innophos Holdings Inc.) LM

Iris Holdings, Inc. (Innophos) HY

Iris Merger Sub 2019 (Innophos Holdings Inc.) HY

Irish Bank Resolution Corp. Ltd. DD

Irish Continental Group plc PV

Irish Life & Permanent plc IG

Irish Life & Permanent plc LM

Irish Mag, Inc. PP

Irish Nationwide Building Society LM

Irish Residential Properties REIT plc BK

IROC Systems Corp. PP

Iron Age Corp. BK

Iron Age Corp. DD

Iron Creek Capital Corp. PP

Iron Data LLC BK

Iron Mining Group, Inc PP

Iron Mountain (UK) plc (Iron Mountain Inc.) HY

Iron Mountain Australia Group Pty Ltd. (Iron Mountain Inc.) BK

Iron Mountain Canada Operations ULC CA

Iron Mountain Canada Operations ULC (Iron Mountain Inc.) CA

Iron Mountain Europe plc HY

Iron Mountain Inc. BK

Iron Mountain Inc. HY

Iron Mountain Inc. LM

Iron Mountain Inc. (Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC) BK

Iron Mountain Information Management LLC BK

Iron Mountain Information Management LLC (Iron Mountain Inc.) BK

Iron Mountain Information Management Services, Inc. (Iron Mountain Inc.) HY

Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC (Iron Mountain Inc.) BK

Iron Mountain Nova Scotia Funding Co. (Iron Mountain Inc.) CA

Iron Mountain US Holdings, Inc. (Iron Mountain Inc.) HY

Iron South Mining Corp. PP

Ironclad Performance Wear Corp. PP

IronGate Energy Services, LLC PV

Ironhorse Oil & Gas Inc. PP

IronNet, Inc. BK

IronNet, Inc. DD

Ironshore Holdings (U.S.) Inc. IG

Ironshore Pharmaceuticals & Development, Inc. PV

Ironstone Group Inc. PP

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BK

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PV

Iroquois Gas Transmission Co. LP PV


IRSA Inversiones y Reprentaciones SA EM

IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones SA EM

IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones SA LM

IRSA Propiedades Comerciales SA EM

IRSA Propiedades Comerciales SA (IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones SA) LM

Irvine MU

Irvine Ranch Water District Joint Power Agency MU

Irvine Sensors Corp. PP

Irvine Unified School Community Facilities District No. 01-1 MU

Irvine Unified School District MU

Irving MU

Irving Independent School District MU

Irwin Financial Corp. DD

IRX Therapeutics CV

IS (Hong Kong) Investment Ltd. EM

ISA Capital do Brasil SA EM

ISA Capital do Brasil SA LM

Isabella Bank Corp. PV

Isagenix International LLC BK

Isagenix International LLC DD

ISC8 Inc. PP

Isco International, Inc. PP

ISCO International, Inc. PP

Isco International, Inc. PP

IsDB Trust Services No. 2 Sarl (Islamic Development Bank) EM

IsDB Trust Services No.2 Sarl (Islamic Development Bank) EM

ISee3D Inc. PP

ISG Capital Corp. PP

Isign Media Solutions Inc. PP

Isis Lab Corp. PP

Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Islamic Corp. for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) EM

Islamic Development Bank EM

Island Breeze International Inc. PP

Island Drilling Co. ASA DD

Island Mountain Gold Mines Ltd. PP

Island Offshore Shipholding LP DD

Island Offshore Shipholding LP LM

Island One, Inc. DD

Island Pacific, Inc. PP

Islandsbanki hf GN

Islandsbanki hf GN

Islandsbanki hf GN

Islandsbanki hf HY

Islandsbanki hf IG

Islandsbanki hf PV

Islandsbanki hf. LM

Isle of Capri Black Hawk LLC BK

Isle of Capri Casinos Inc. BK

Isle of Capri Casinos Inc. HY

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. HY

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. LM

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. LM

Islet Sciences, Inc. PP


Isola Group BK

Isola Group, SARL BK

Isolagen Inc. CV

Isolagen, Inc. PP

Isolagen, Inc. BK

Isolagen, Inc. DD

Isonics Corp. PP

IsoRay, Inc. CV

IsoRay, Inc. PP

Isotechnika Inc. PP

Isotechnika, Inc. PP

ISP Chemco Inc. BK

ISP Chemco Inc. HY

Ispat Inland ULC HY

Israel EM

Israel EM

Israel Chemicals EM

Israel Chemicals Ltd. LM

Israel Chemicals Ltd. PV

Israel Discount Bank Ltd. EM

Israel Electric Corp. EM

Israel Electric Corp. EM

Israel Electric Corp. Ltd. EM

Israel Electric Corp. Ltd. LM

Isramco, Inc BK



ISS Financing plc (ISS Global A/S) HY

ISS Global A/S LM

ISS Global A/S LM

ISS Holding A/S HY

Issaquah School District MU

Issaquah School District No. 411 MU

Issuer Direct Corp. PP

ISTA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Istanbul Bond Co. SA (Finansbank SA) EM

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality EM

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Istanbul Buyuk?ehir Belediyesi) EM

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Istanbul Buyuk?ehir Belediyesi) GN

IT Holding Finance SA HY

IT Holding SpA (Ittierre SpA) DD

IT Holdings Finance SA HY

IT&E International Group PP

Itabo Finance SA (Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Itabo SA) EM

Itabo Finance, SA LM

Itafos BK

Itafos Conda LLC (Itafos) BK

Itafos Inc. BK

Italcementi Finance SA HY

Italgas SpA LM

Italian-Thai Development PCL CV

Italics Merger Sub Inc. (Informatica Corp.) HY

Italmatch Chemicals SpA HY

Italy GN

Italy HY

Italy IG

Itas Mutua HY

Itau CorpBanca EM

Itau Unibanco EM

Itau Unibanco Holding SA EM

Itau Unibanco Holding SA GN

Itau Unibanco Holding SA GN

Itau Unibanco Holding SA PV

Itau Unibanco Holding SA (Cayman Islands branch) EM

Itau Unibanco Holding SA (Cayman Islands Branch) EM

Itau Unibanco Holding SA, Grand Cayman Branch EM

Itau Unibanco Holding SA, Grand Cayman branch EM

ITC Great Plains, LLC BK

ITC Great Plains, LLC PV

ITC Great Plains, LLC (ITC Holdings Corp) BK

ITC Great Plains, LLC (ITC Holdings Corp.) BK

ITC Holdings Corp. BK

ITC Holdings Corp. IG

ITC Holdings Corp. LM

ITC Holdings Corp. (Fortis Inc) IG

ITC Midwest (ITC Holdings Corp.) PV

ITC Midwest LLC PV

ITC Midwest LLC (ITC Holdings Corp) BK

ITC Midwest LLC (ITC Holdings Corp.) BK

ITC Midwest LLC (ITC Holdings Corp.) GN

ITC Midwest LLC (ITC Holdings Corp.) PV

ITC Properties Group Ltd. LM

ITC^DeltaCom Inc. BK

ITC^DeltaCom Inc. PP

ITC^DeltaCom, Inc. HY

ITC^DeltaCom, Inc. LM

ITC^DeltaCom, Inc. PP

ITC^DeltaCom, Inc. (EarthLink, Inc.) LM

Iteration Energy Ltd. PP

ITG Holding Investment (HK) Ltd. (Xiamen ITG Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM


Ithaca Energy (North Sea) plc HY

Ithaca Energy (North Sea) plc (Delek Group Ltd.) HY

Ithaca Energy (UK) Ltd. (Ithaca Energy Ltd.) BK

Ithaca Energy Inc. BK

Ithaca Energy Inc. HY

Ithaca Energy Inc. LM

Ithaca Energy Inc. PP

Itibiti Systems Inc. (Intertainment Media Inc.) PP

ITM Enterprises HY

ITNL Offshore Pte. Ltd. (IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd.) EM

ITNL Offshore Two Pte. Ltd. (IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd.) EM

Itochu Corp. IG

Itorn Inc. BK


ITP Aero (Propulsion (BC) Finco Sarl and Propulsion (BC) Newco LLC) BK

ITP Aero (Propulsion (BC) Finco Sarl/Propulsion (BC) Newco LLC) BK

ITP Aero (Propulsion (BC) Newco LLC) BK

ITR Concession Co. LLC DD

ITR Concession Co. LLC IG

ITR Concession Co. LLC (Indiana Toll Road) LM

Itron Inc. CV

Itron Inc. HY

Itron Inc. BK

Itron, Inc. BK

Itron, Inc. CV

Itron, Inc. HY

Itron, Inc. PP

Itronics, Inc. PP

ITT Corp. BK

ITT Corp. IG

ITT Corp. LM

ITT Educational Services Inc. BK

ITT Educational Services, Inc. BK

ITT Educational Services, Inc. DD

ITT Holdings LLC HY


ITT Italia Srl (ITT Inc.) BK

Ittihad International Investment LLC EM


ITV plc BK

ITV plc CV

ITV plc GN

ITV plc LM

ITV plc HY

ITV plc LM

IU Group (IU Finance Management GmbH) BK

Ivana Ventures Inc. PP

Ivanhoe Cambridge II Inc. CA

Ivanhoe Cambridge II Inc. GN

Ivanhoe Cambridge Inc. CA

Ivanhoe Cambridge Inc. GN

Ivanhoe Energy Inc. CV

Ivanhoe Energy Inc. DD

Ivanhoe Energy Inc. PP

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. CA

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. CV

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. PP

Ivanti Software Inc. BK

Ivany Mining, Inc. PP



IVAX Diagnostics, Inc. PP

IVC Evidensia BK

IVC Evidensia (IVC Acquisition Ltd.) BK

IVC Evidensia (IVC Acquisition Ltd.) BK

IVD Acquisition Corp. (Immucor, Inc.) HY

Iveco Group NV BK

Iveco Group NV PV

Iveda Corp. PP

Iveda Solutions, Inc. PP

Iveric Bio, Inc. BK

Ivernia Inc. PP

IVG Immobilien AG CV

IVG Immobilien AG DD

IVI America LLC (Ivirma) BK

Iview Digital Video Solutions Inc. (Creative Vistas Inc.) PP

Ivirma BK

Ivivi Technologies, Inc. CV

Ivivi Technologies, Inc. PP

Ivory Coast DD

Ivory Coast EM

Ivory Coast LM

Ivory Energy Inc. CV

Ivory Energy Inc. PP

Ivory Merger Sub, Inc. (Zest Dental Solutions) BK

Ivory Oils & Minerals Inc. PP

IVRCL Infrastructure & Projects Ltd. CV

Ivrea Pharmaceuticals CV

Ivrnet Inc. PP

IVS F SpA (International Vending Services) HY



Ivy Tech Community College MU

Ivy Technology Industry Co., Ltd. (Jining Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Iwatani Corp. CV

IWCO Direct BK

IWG Group Holdings Sarl (IWG plc) CV


IWO Escrow Co./IWO Holdings (Independent Wireless One Corp.) HY

IWO Holdings DD

IWO Holdings Inc. DD

IWO Holdings, Inc. HY

IWT Tesoro Corp. PP

Ixat Intressenter AB (Cabonline Group) HY


IXI Mobile, Inc. PP

Ixia BK

Ixia BK

Ixia Inc. CV


Izcalli Investments, SAU GN

Izcalli Investments, SAU PV

IZEA Holdings, Inc. PP

Izea Inc. CV

Izea Inc. PP

J Sainsbury plc CV

J&J Gaming (J&J Ventures Gaming LLC) BK

J&J Ventures Gaming Inc. BK

J&J Ventures Gaming LLC BK

J&M Sales Inc. BK

J&M Sales Inc. DD

J&T Banka, AS EM

J-Pacific Gold Inc. PP

J. Crew BK

J. Crew Group Inc. BK

J. Crew Group Inc. BK

J. Crew Operating Corp. (J. Crew Group Inc.) BK

J. Jill BK

J. Lauritzen A/S LM

J. Ray McDermott (McDermott International Inc.) BK

J. Ray McDermott SA (McDermott International Inc.) BK

J. Ray McDermott, SA HY

J.A.G. Mines Ltd. PP

J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. (J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.) IG

J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. BK

J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. IG

J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. (J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.) BK

J.B. Poindexter & Co. HY

J.B. Poindexter & Co. Inc. HY

J.B. Poindexter & Co., Inc. HY

J.B. Poindexter & Co., Inc. LM

J.C. Penney BK

J.C. Penney Co. Inc. (J. C. Penney Corp., Inc.) LM

J.C. Penney Co., Inc. BK

J.C. Penney Co., Inc. DD

J.C. Penney Co., Inc. LM

J.C. Penney Co., Inc. PP

J.C. Penney Co., Inc./J.C. Penney Corp., Inc. HY

J.C. Penney Corp. Inc. BK

J.C. Penney Corp., Inc. HY

J.C. Penney Corp., Inc. (J.C. Penney Co., Inc.) HY

J.Crew Brand, LLC/J.Crew Brand Corp. HY

J.Crew Brand, LLC/J.Crew Brand Corp. PV

J.Crew Group, Inc. BK

J.Crew Group, Inc. LM

J.Crew Group, Inc. (Chinos Holdings, Inc.) BK

J.Crew Group, Inc. (Chinos Holdings, Inc.) DD

J.D. Hutt Corp. PP

J.D. Power BK

J.D. Power (Project Boost Purchaser LLC) BK

J.D. Power (Project Boost Purchaser, LLC) BK

J.D. Power/Autodata Group BK

J.G. Wentworth (Orchard Acquisition Co. LLC) BK

J.G. Wentworth Co. BK

J.G. Wentworth Co. DD

J.G. Wentworth LLC BK

J.Jill, Inc. BK

J.Jill, Inc. (J.Jill Gift Card Solutions, Inc.) BK

J.L. French Automotive Castings Inc. BK

J.L. French Automotive Castings Inc. DD

J.L. French Automotive Castings, Inc. BK

J.L. French Automotive Castings, Inc. DD

J.L. French Automotive Castings, Inc. BK

J.L. French Automotive Castings, Inc. DD

J.M. Smucker Co. BK

J.M. Smucker Co. IG

J.M. Smucker Co. LM

J.M. Smucker Co. PV

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. IG

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. PF

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA CV

J.P. Morgan Chase Capital XXV IG

J.P. Morgan REIT Operating Partnership, LP (J.P. Morgan Real Estate Income Trust, Inc.) BK

J.T. Baker Holdings SA BK

J.U.M. Capital Inc. PP

JA Solar Holdings Co. Ltd. CV

JAB Holdings BV IG

JAB Holdings BV LM

Jab Holdings BV (JAB Holding Co. Sarl) LM

JAB Holdings BV (JAB Holding Co.) GN

JAB Holdings BV (JAB Holding Co.) IG

JAB Wireless BK

Jababeka International BV (PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk.) LM

Jabil Circuit CV

Jabil Circuit Inc. BK

Jabil Circuit Inc. HY

Jabil Circuit, Inc. BK

Jabil Circuit, Inc. HY

Jabil Circuit, Inc. IG

Jabil Circuit, Inc. PV

Jabil Circuit, Inc. LM

Jabil Inc. BK

Jabil Inc. GN

Jabil Inc. IG

JAC Products HY

Jaccar Holdings, SA LM

Jack Cooper Enterprises Inc. LM

Jack Cooper Enterprises, Inc. LM

Jack Cooper Enterprises, Inc./Jack Cooper Holdings Corp. PV

Jack Cooper Finance Co. (Jack Cooper Holdings Corp.) HY

Jack Cooper Holdings Corp. HY

Jack Cooper Holdings Corp. LM

Jack Cooper Holdings/Jack Cooper Transport HY

Jack Cooper Ventures, Inc. BK

Jack Cooper Ventures, Inc. DD

Jack Entertainment (Jack Ohio Finance LLC) BK

Jack Entertainment LLC (Jack Ohio Finance LLC) BK

Jack Henry & Associates Inc. BK

Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. BK

Jack in the Box Inc. BK

Jack Ohio Finance LLC/Jack Ohio Finance 1 Corp. LM

Jack Ohio Finance LLC/Jack Ohio Finance 1 Corp. (Jack Entertainment LLC) HY

Jack's Family Restaurants BK

Jackpotjoy plc BK

Jackson MU

Jackson County Health Finance Authority MU

Jackson County School District MU

Jackson Energy Authority MU

Jackson Financial Inc. BK

Jackson Financial Inc. IG

Jackson Financial Inc. PF

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service BK

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. BK

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. DD

Jackson Hospital & Clinic Inc. BK

Jackson Hospital and Clinic DD

Jackson National Life IG

Jackson National Life Global Funding IG

Jackson National Life Global Funding (Jackson National Life Insurance Co.) IG

Jackson National Life Insurance Co. IG

Jackson Products Inc. DD

Jackson Products, Inc. DD

Jackson Rivers Co. PP

Jackson State University Educational Building Corp MU

Jacksonville MU

Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc. CV

Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc. PP

Jacksonville Electric Authority MU

Jacksonville Port Authority MU

Jacksonville Transportation Authority MU

Jacktel AS BK

Jacktel AS LM

Jacktel AS PV

Jack’s Family Restaurants/Big Jack Holdings LP BK

Jacobs Douwe Egberts BK

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. BK

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. GN

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. PV

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Jacobs Solutions Inc.) GN

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Jacobs Solutions Inc.) IG

Jacobs Entertainment HY

Jacobs Entertainment Inc. BK

Jacobs Entertainment Inc. HY

Jacobs Entertainment Inc. LM

Jacobs Entertainment, Inc. HY

Jacobs U.K. BK

Jacobs U.K. GN

Jacobson Cos. BK

Jacobson Cos. (JHCI Acquisition Inc.) BK

Jacuzzi Brands Corp. DD

Jacuzzi Brands Inc. BK

Jacuzzi Brands LLC BK

Jacuzzi Brands LLC DD

Jacuzzi Brands, Inc. HY

Jade Road Investments Ltd. DD

Jadela Oil Corp. PP

Jadex Inc. BK

Jafra Cosmetics International Inc. BK

Jafra Cosmetics International, Inc. and Distribuidora Comercial Jafra, SA de CV HY

JAFZ Sukuk (2019) Ltd. (Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza)) EM

JAG Media Holdings, Inc. PP

Jaggaer BK

Jaggaer LLC BK

Jagged Peak Energy Inc. HY

Jagged Peak, Inc. PP

Jaguar Animal Health, Inc. CV

Jaguar Animal Health, Inc. PP

Jaguar Holding Co. I (Pharmaceutical Product Development, LLC) HY

Jaguar Holding Co. I (PPDI) HY

Jaguar Holding Co. II (Pharmaceutical Product Development LLC) BK

Jaguar Holding Co. II/PPD Development, LP (Pharmaceutical Product Development) HY

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive HY

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive LM

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive plc HY

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive plc LM

Jaguar Land Rover Automotive plc (Tata Motors) HY

Jaguar Land Rover plc HY

Jaguar Mining Inc. CV

Jaguar Mining Inc. DD

Jaguar Mining Inc. PP

Jain International Trading BV (Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.) CV

Jain International Trading BV (Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.) DD

Jain International Trading BV (Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.) EM

Jain International Trading BV (Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.) GN

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. CV

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. DD

Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. CV

Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. DD

Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. CV

Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd. DD

Jakks Pacific Inc. BK

Jakks Pacific Inc. CV

Jakks Pacific Inc. CV

Jakks Pacific, Inc. BK

Jalna Minerals Ltd. PP

Jamaica EM

Jamaica LM

Jamba Juice Funding LLC/Focus Brands Inc. LM

Jamba, Inc. PP

James Bay Resources Ltd. PP

James Cable Partners, LP DD

James Fisher and Sons plc BK

James Hardie Industries plc HY

James Hardie International Finance DAC (James Hardie Industries plc) HY

James Hardie International Finance Ltd. HY

James Hardie International Finance Ltd. (James Hardie Industries plc) HY

James River Coal Co. BK

James River Coal Co. CV

James River Coal Co. DD

James River Coal Co. HY

James River Coal Co. LM

James River Escrow Inc./James River Coal Co. HY

James River Group Holdings, Ltd. BK

James River Group Holdings, Ltd./JRG Reinsurance Co., Ltd. BK

Jameson Inns, Inc. PP

Jamf Holding Corp. CV

JAMF Holdings, Inc. (Juno Intermediate, Inc.) BK

Jamieson Laboratories Ltd./Jamieson Health Products USA Ltd. (Jamieson Wellness Inc.) BK

Jammin Java Corp. PP

Jamul Indian Village Development Corp. BK

Jane Street BK

Jane Street Group LLC BK

Jane Street Group, LLC BK

Jane Street Group, LLC /JSG Finance, Inc. HY

Jane Street Group, LLC/JSG Finance, Inc. HY

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC (June Purchaser LLC) BK

Janus Capital Group Inc. BK

Janus Capital Group Inc. CV

Janus Capital Group Inc. IG

Janus Capital Group Inc. LM

Janus Capital Group Inc. LM

Janus Henderson Group plc BK

Janus Henderson Group plc (Janus Henderson US (Holdings) Inc.) BK

Janus Henderson US (Holdings) Inc. (Janus Henderson Group plc) IG

Janus International Group BK

Janus International Group Inc. BK

Janus International Group, LLC BK

Janus Resources, Inc. PP

Japan Airline Systems Corp. CV

Japan Airlines Corp. DD

Japan Bank for International Cooperation GN

Japan Bank for International Cooperation IG

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (Japan) IG

Japan Excellent, Inc. GN

Japan Excellent, Inc. HY

Japan Finance Corp. IG

Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities GN

Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities IG

Japan International Cooperation Agency GN

Japan International Cooperation Agency IG

Japan International Cooperation Agency (Japan) GN

Japan International Cooperation Agency (Japan) IG

Japan Logistics Fund, Inc. GN

Japan Logistics Fund, Inc. HY

Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corp. GN

Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corp. GN

Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corp. HY

Japan Metropolitan Fund Investment Corp. IG

Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp. GN

Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp. HY

Japan Real Estate Investment Corp. GN

Japan Real Estate Investment Corp. PV

Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp. GN

Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp. IG

Japan Tobacco Inc. LM

Japan Tobacco, Inc. IG

Jarden Corp. BK

Jarden Corp. CV

Jarden Corp. HY

Jarden Corp. LM

Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. CV

Jason Holdings Inc. (Jason Industries Inc.) BK

Jason Inc. BK

Jason Inc. DD

Jason Industries, Inc. DD

Jasper MU

Jasper Explorer Ltd. EM

Jasper Explorer plc LM

Jasper Hospital Authority MU

Jasper Mining Corp. PP

Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa SA (JSW) EM

Java Capital Inc. PP

Java Detour, Inc. PP

Javelin Capital Corp. PP

Javelin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Javo Beverage Co., Inc. PP

Javo Beverage, Inc. PP


Jayden Resources Inc. PP

Jayhawk Energy, Inc. PP

Jazz Air Income Fund CV

Jazz Financing Lux Sarl (Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc) BK

Jazz Golf Equipment Inc. PP

Jazz Investments I Ltd. CV

Jazz Investments I Ltd. (Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc) CV

Jazz Pharmaceuticals BK

Jazz Pharmaceuticals (Jazz Financing Lux Sarl) BK

Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. BK

Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. PP

Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc BK

Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc CV

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (JPI Commercial, LLC) DD

Jazz Securities DAC (Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc) HY

Jazz Technologies, Inc. CV

Jazztel plc CV

JB Cocoa Sdn. Bhd. (JB Foods Ltd.) EM

JB Foods Ltd. EM

JB y Compania SA de CV (Cuervo) EM

JBF Industries Ltd. CV

JBG Smith Properties LP BK

JBG Smith Properties LP GN

JBG Smith Properties LP (JBG Smith Properties) BK

JBI, Inc. PP

JBS Finance II Ltd. EM

JBS Finance Luxembourg Sarl (JBS SA) EM

JBS Finance Luxembourg Sarl (JBS SA) GN

JBS Investments GmbH (JBS SA) EM

JBS Investments GmbH (JBS SA) LM

JBS Investments II GmbH HY

JBS Investments II GmbH (JBS SA) EM

JBS Investments II GmbH (JBS SA) HY





JBS SA (Grupo Friboi) EM

JBS SA/JBS Finance Ltd. LM


JBS USA Finance, Inc. (JBS SA) LM

JBS USA Finance, Inc./JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Lux SA IG





JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Lux/JBS USA Finance, Inc. (JBS USA Lux SA) LM

JBS USA Holding Lux Sarl, JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Foods Group Holdings, Inc. (JBS USA Food Co.) IG





JBS USA Lux SA, JBS USA Food and JBS USA Finance, Inc. (JBS USA Food Co.) LM

JBS USA Lux SA, JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Finance, Inc. HY

JBS USA Lux SA, JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Finance, Inc. (JBS USA) HY

JBS USA Lux SA/ JBS USA Finance Inc./JBS USA Food Co. (JBS SA) IG

JBS USA Lux SA/JBS USA Finance Inc./JBS USA Food Co. IG

JBS USA Lux SA/JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Finance, Inc. HY

JBS USA Lux SA/JBS USA Food Co./JBS USA Finance, Inc. LM

JBS USA Lux, SA/JBS USA Finance, Inc. HY



JC Penney Co., Inc. CV

JC Penney Corp. Inc. BK

JC Penney Corp. Inc. HY

JCH Parent, Inc. (Jack Cooper Holdings Corp.) HY

JCP BDC SPV I LLC (Jefferies Credit Partners BDC Inc.) BK


JD Group Ltd. CV

JD.com EM

JD.com Inc. CV

JDA Bond Finance, Inc./JDA Escrow (RP Crown Parent, LLC) (JDA Software Group Inc.) HY

JDA Software Group Inc. BK

JDA Software Group, Inc. BK

JDA Software Group, Inc. HY

JDE Peet's NV IG

JDS Uniphase Corp. BK

JDS Uniphase Corp. CV

JDS Uniphase Corp. (JDSU) CV

JDS Uniphase Inc. CV


Jean Coutu Group Inc. BK

Jean Coutu Group Inc. CA

Jeantex Group, Inc. PP

Jebel Ali Free Zone FZE LM

JED Oil Inc. DD

JED Oil Inc. PP

Jeeves BK

Jefast Holding AB HY

Jeff Davis Bancshares, Inc. PV

Jefferies BK

Jefferies Credit Partners BDC Inc. BK

Jefferies Finance LLC BK

Jefferies Finance LLC/Jefferies Co-Issuer Corp. HY

Jefferies Finance LLC/JFIN Co-Issuer Corp. HY

Jefferies Financial Group Inc. HY

Jefferies Financial Group Inc. IG

Jefferies Financial Group Inc. LM

Jefferies Financial Group Inc. SP

Jefferies Financial Group, Inc. SP

Jefferies Group Capital Finance Inc. SP

Jefferies Group Inc. CV

Jefferies Group Inc. IG

Jefferies Group LLC IG

Jefferies Group LLC SP

Jefferies Group LLC/Jefferies Group Capital Finance Inc. HY

Jefferies Group LLC/Jefferies Group Capital Finance Inc. IG

Jefferies Group LLC/Jefferies Group Capital Finance Inc. SP

Jefferies Group, Inc. IG

Jefferies Group, Inc. PP

Jefferies LoanCore LLC/JLC Finance Corp. HY

Jefferson Capital Holdings LLC HY

Jefferson Capital Holdings, LLC HY

Jefferson County DD

Jefferson County MU

Jefferson County Industrial Development Agency LM

Jefferson Gulf Coast Energy Partners LLC BK

Jefferson Parish Hospital District No. 1 MU

Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District No. 2 MU

Jefferson Parish Sales Tax District, La. MU

Jefferson Smurfit Corp. (U.S.) HY

Jefferson Smurfit plc (MDP Acquisitions plc) HY

Jefferson Square Funding LLC (FS Investment Corp. III) BK

Jeld-Wen Escrow Corp., Inc. (Jeld-Wen, Inc.) HY

Jeld-Wen Holding, Inc. HY

Jeld-Wen Inc. BK

Jeld-Wen, Inc. BK

Jeld-Wen, Inc. HY

Jemi Fibre Corp. PP

Jenex Corp. PP

Jenoptik AG CV

Jenoptik AG HY

Jensyn Acquisition Corp. CV

Jensyn Acquisition Corp. PP

JER Envirotech International Corp. PP

JER Investors Trust Inc. DD

JER/Jameson Mezz Borrower I LLC DD

Jera Co., Inc. IG

Jericho Oil Corp. PP

Jernhusen AB GN

Jernhusen AB IG

Jernigan Capital, Inc. BK

Jernigan Capital, Inc. PF

Jernigan Capital, Inc. PV

Jerrick Media Holdings, Inc. PP

Jerrold Finco (Jerrold Holding Ltd.) HY

Jerrold Finco plc (Jerrold Holdings Ltd.) HY

Jerrold Finco plc (Together Financial Services Ltd.) HY

Jerrold FinCo plc (Together Financial Services Ltd.) HY

Jerrold Finco plc (Together Financial Services Ltd.) HY

Jerrold Holdings Ltd. LM

Jersey Central Power & Light Co. HY

Jersey Central Power & Light Co. IG

Jersey Central Power & Light Co. (FirstEnergy Corp.) BK

Jersey City Funding LLC (Strategic Credit Opportunities Partners, LLC) BK

Jervois Global Ltd. BK

Jervois Global Ltd. DD

Jervois Mining USA (Jervois Global Ltd.) DD

Jesup & Lamont, Inc. PP

Jesup & Lamont, Inc. PP

Jet Airways Ltd. DD

Jet Center BK

Jet Gold Corp. PP

Jet Metal Corp. PP

Jet Support Services Inc. BK

Jet2 plc BK

Jet2 plc CV

Jetblue Airways Corp 2004-01 HY

JetBlue Airways Corp. BK

JetBlue Airways Corp. CV

JetBlue Airways Corp. GN

JetBlue Airways Corp. HY

JetBlue Airways Corp. IG

JetBlue Airways Corp. PP

JetBlue Airways Corp. CV

JetBlue Airways Corp./JetBlue Loyalty, LP BK

JetBlue Airways Corp./JetBlue Loyalty, LP HY

Jetpak Top Holding AB HY

JetPay Corp. PP

Jevic Transportation Inc. BK

Jevic Transportation Inc. DD

Jewel UK Bondco plc (Aurum Holdings Ltd.) HY

JFC International EM

JFE Holdings Inc. CV

JGC Ventures Pte. Ltd. (PT Modernland Realty Tbk.) EM

JGSH Philippines Ltd. (JG Summit Holdings Inc.) EM

JGSH Philippines Ltd. (JG Summit Holdings, Inc.) EM


JGW Holdco, LLC/ J.G. Wentworth LLC/ J.G. Wentworth, Inc. DD

JHT Holdings Inc. BK

JHT Holdings, Inc. BK

JHT Holdings, Inc. DD

Ji'an Chengtou Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangbei New Area Industrial Investment Group (Industrial Investment Overseas Ltd.) EM

Jiangmen Hi-tech Industrial Park Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangmen Xinhui Yinhai Development Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangmen Xinhui Yinhai Development Co., Ltd. GN

Jiangning Jingkai Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangning Jingkai Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. (Nanjing Jiangning Economic & Technological Development Corp.) EM

Jiangsu Dieshiqiao Home Textile Industry Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Dieshiqiao Home Textile Industry Group Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Haihong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiangsu Donghe Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Fuxuan Industrial Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Gaokai Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Haihong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Haisheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Haisheng Holding Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jiangsu Hanrui Investment Holding Co. Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Huajing Assets Management Co, Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Jurong Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Nantong Sanjian Construction Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Nantong Sanjian International Co., Ltd./Nantong Sanjian Overseas Co., Ltd. LM

Jiangsu Offshore DD

Jiangsu Ruihai Investment Holding Group Co. Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Runxin City Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Runxin City Investment Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jiangsu Sheyang Rice Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Shuanghu Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Tenghai Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Yangkou Port Development and Investment Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Yueda Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Zhongguancun Holding Group (International) Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Liyang Hightech Zone Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiangsu Zhongguancun Holding Group (International) Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Zhongguancun Science Park Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiangsu Zhongguancun Science Park Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Zhongguancun Holding Group (International) Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiangsu Zhongwu Urban Rural Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Zhongyang Clean Energy Development Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangsu Zhongyang Clean Energy Development Co., Ltd. GN

Jiangxi Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangxi Provincial Ganxiang Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangxi Provincial Ganxiang Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jiangxi Provincial Water Conservancy Investment Group (China) Ltd. (Jiangxi Provincial Water Conservancy Investment Group Corp.) EM

Jiangxi Provincial Water Conservancy Investment Group (China) Ltd. (Jiangxi Provincial Water Conservancy Investment Group Corp.) GN

Jiangyin State-owned Assets Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangyou Chuangyuan Development and Construction Investment Co., Ltd. EM

Jiangyou Hongfei Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. EM

Jiantou International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. EM

Jiantou International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (Jiande State-owned Assets Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiantou International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (Jiande State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiaxing City Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiayuan International Group Ltd. CV

Jiayuan International Group Ltd. DD

Jiayuan International Group Ltd. EM

Jiayuan International Group Ltd. GN

Jiayuan International Group Ltd. LM

JIB Group Ltd. (Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc) PV

JIB Management Inc. BK

JIB Management, Inc. BK

Jigsaw Funding plc (Jigsaw Homes Group Ltd.) GN

Jigsaw Funding plc (Jigsaw Homes Group Ltd.) IG

JII Holdings LLC/JII Holdings Finance Corp. (Jordan Industries, Inc.) HY

Jilbey Gold Exploration Ltd. PP

Jiminex Inc. PP

Jimmy Sanders (Pinnacle Operating Corp.) BK

Jinan City Construction Group Ltd. Co. EM

Jinan Economic Development Investment Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Hi-tech Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jinan Hi-Tech International (Cayman) Investment Development Co., Ltd. (Jinan Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jinan Hi-Tech International (Cayman) Investment Development Co., Ltd. (Jinan Hi-Tech Holding Group Co., Ltd.) GN

Jinan Lixia Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Lixia Holding Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jinan Shizhong Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Shuntong International Co., Ltd. (Jinan Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jinan Shuntong International Co., Ltd. (Jinan Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd.) GN

Jinan Tianqiao Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Urban Construction International Investment Co., Ltd. (Jinan City Construction Group Ltd. Co.) EM

Jinan Urban Construction International Investment Co., Ltd. (Jinan City Construction Group Ltd. Co.) GN

Jinan Urban Construction International Investments Co., Ltd. EM

Jinan Urban Construction International Investments Co., Ltd. (Jinan City Construction Group Ltd. Co.) EM

Jinan Zhangqiu Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jincheng State-owned Capital Investment Operation Co., Ltd. EM

Jinchuan Golden Ocean Capital Ltd. (Jinchuan Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jindal Saw Ltd. CV

Jindal Stainless Ltd. CV

Jingdezhen Hesheng Industrial Investment Development Co., Ltd. EM

Jingdezhen Hesheng Industrial Investment Development Co., Ltd. GN

Jingfa Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Jintan Guofa International Investment Development Co., Ltd.) EM

Jinghe New City Development and Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. of Xixian New Area, Shaanxi Province EM

Jingjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. EM

Jingming Yuantong Development Investment (BVI) Co., Ltd. (Qingdao Jimo District Urban Tourism Development and Investment Co., Ltd.) EM

Jingneng Clean Energy Investment Holdings Ltd. (Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.) EM

Jingneng Clean Energy Investment Holdings Ltd. (Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.) GN

Jingrui Holdings Ltd. DD

Jingrui Holdings Ltd. EM

Jingrui Holdings Ltd. GN

Jingrui Holdings Ltd. LM

Jingwei International Ltd. PP

Jingzhou Municipal Urban Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jingzhou Municipal Urban Development Holding Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jinhao Motor Co. PP

Jining City Development Capital Holding Co., Ltd. EM

Jining High Tech Urban Construction Investment Co. Ltd. EM

Jinjiang Road and Bridge Construction & Development Co., Ltd. (Fujian Jinjiang Urban Construction Investment & Development Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jinke Property Group Co. Ltd. EM

Jinko Power Technology Co., Ltd. EM

Jinko Power Technology Co., Ltd. GN

Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. (JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd.) CV

JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd. CV

JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. CV

JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. GN

JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. GN

JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. PP

Jinpan International Ltd. PP

Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. PP

Jinshine International Co., Ltd. (Xuzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone State-Owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.) EM

Jinxinyue Development (BVI) Co. Ltd. EM

Jinyun State Owned Assets Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jinyun State Owned Assets Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd. GN

Jinzanghuang Tibet Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Jishanye, Inc. PP

Jite Technologies Inc. PP

Jiu An Finance Co., Ltd (Tongchuangjiuding Investment Management Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jiu An Finance Co., Ltd. LM

Jiujiang Municipal Development Group Co., Ltd. EM

Jiyuan Huling Economic Development Group Co., Ltd. EM

Ji’an Chengtou Holding Group Co., Ltd. EM

Ji’an Chengtou Holding Group Co., Ltd. GN

JK Paper Ltd. CV

JKX Oil & Gas (Jersey) Ltd. CV

JKX Oil & Gas plc LM

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd. BK

JLEN Environmental Assets Group Ltd. GN

JLG Industries Inc. BK

JLG Industries, Inc. HY

JLL Income Property Trust BK

JLL/Delta Dutch Newco BV (Patheon Inc.) HY

JLL/Delta Dutch Pledgeco BV (Dpx Holdings BV) HY

JLL/Delta Patheon Holdings LP BK

JM Global Holding Co. CV

JM Global Holding Co. PP

JM Huber Corp. HY

JMAR Technologies, Inc. PP

JMC Steel Group BK

JMC Steel Group Inc. BK

JMC Steel Group, Inc. HY

JMH Co. Ltd. (Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.) EM

JML Resources Ltd. (on behalf of 2079537 Ontario Ltd.) PP

JMP Group Inc. HY


JNR Resources Inc. PP

Jo-Ann Stores Holdings Inc. HY

Jo-Ann Stores Inc. BK

Jo-Ann Stores Inc. HY

Jo-Ann Stores Inc. BK

Jo-Ann Stores LLC BK

Jo-Ann Stores, LLC (Joann Inc.) BK

Joan Fabrics Corp. BK

Joan Fabrics Corp. DD

Joann Inc. BK

Joann Inc. DD

JobsOhio Beverage System MU

Jobson Medical Information Holdings LLC DD

Jobson Medical Information LLC BK

Joe's Jeans Inc. BK

Joerns Healthcare DD

Joerns Healthcare/RecoverCare BK

Joerns WoundCo. Holdings, Inc. BK

Joe’s Sports & Outdoor BK

Joe’s Sports & Outdoor (G.I. Joe’s Holding Corp.) DD

Joh. Friedrich Behrens AG HY

Johannesburg EM

Johannesburg GN

John B. Sanfilippo & Son Inc. BK

John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. BK

John Bean Technologies Corp. BK

John Bean Technologies Corp. CV

John Bean Technologies Corp. PV

John Bean Technologies Corp./JBT Marel Corp. BK

John D. Oil and Gas Co. PP

John Deere Canada Funding Inc. IG

John Deere Canada Funding Inc. (John Deere Capital Corp.) IG

John Deere Capital Corp. IG

John Deere Capital Corp. (Deere & Co.) IG

John Deere Credit Inc. CA

John Deere Credit Inc. IG

John Deere Landscapes LLC BK

John Henry Co. BK

John Laing Infrastructure Fund Ltd. BK

John Lewis plc BK

John Lewis plc GN

John Lewis plc LM

John Maneely Co. BK

John Marshall Bancorp, Inc. PV

John Q. Hammons Hotels and Resorts DD

John Q. Hammons Hotels LP/Finance Corp. III HY

John Sevier Combined Cycle Generation LLC PV

John Varvatos Enterprises, Inc. DD

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. BK

John Wood Group plc BK

John Wood Group plc GN

Johns Hopkins Health System MU

Johns Hopkins University IG

Johns Hopkins University MU

Johnson & Johnson IG

Johnson City Health and Educational Facilities Board MU

Johnson Controls Inc. CV

Johnson Controls Inc. IG

Johnson Controls International plc BK

Johnson Controls International plc IG

Johnson Controls International plc LM

Johnson Controls International plc/Tyco Fire & Security Finance SCA GN

Johnson Controls International plc/Tyco Fire & Security Finance SCA IG

Johnson Controls International plc/Tyco Fire & Security Finance SCA (Johnson Controls) GN

Johnson Controls International plc/Tyco Fire & Security Finance SCA (Johnson Controls) IG

Johnson Controls, Inc. BK

Johnson Controls, Inc. IG

Johnson Controls, Inc. LM

Johnson County Unified School District MU

Johnson County Unified School District No. 229 MU

Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd. CV

Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd. EM

Johnson Outdoors Inc. BK

Johnson Service Group plc BK

JohnsonDiversey Holdings Inc. BK

JohnsonDiversey Holdings, Inc. HY

JohnsonDiversey Holdings, Inc. LM

JohnsonDiversey Holdings, Inc. PV

JohnsonDiversey Inc. BK

JohnsonDiversey Inc. BK

JohnsonDiversey, Inc. HY

JohnsonDiversey, Inc. LM

Johnsonville Aeroderivative Combustion Turbine Generation LLC (Tennessee Valley Authority) IG

Johnston Press Bond plc (Johnston Press plc) HY

Johnstone Supply LLC BK

Joint Corp. CV

Jollibee Worldwide Pte. Ltd. EM

Jollibee Worldwide Pte. Ltd. (Jollibee Foods Corp.) EM

Jollibee Worldwide Pte. Ltd. (Jollibee Foods Corp.) LM

Jomar Capital Corp. PP

Jonah Energy LLC BK

Jonah Energy LLC HY

Jonah Energy LLC LM

Jones Apparel Group CV

Jones Apparel Group Inc. BK

Jones Apparel Group, Inc. LM

Jones DesLauriers Insurance Management Inc. CA

Jones DesLauriers Insurance Management Inc. (Navacord) BK

Jones Energy Holdings LLC/Jones Energy Finance Corp. HY

Jones Energy Holdings, LLC/Jones Energy Finance Corp. HY

Jones Energy Holdings, LLC/Jones Energy Finance Corp. PV

Jones Energy Inc. CV

Jones Energy, Inc. BK

Jones Energy, Inc. CV

Jones Energy, Inc. DD

Jones Energy, Inc. PP

Jones Group Inc. BK

Jones Group Inc. LM

Jones Group, Inc. HY

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. BK

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. GN

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. IG

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. PV

Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. BK

Jones Lang LaSalle Income Property Trust, Inc. BK

Jones Lang LaSalle Income Property Trust, Inc. PP

Jones Soda Co. PP

Jones Stephens Corp. (Plumbing Holdings Corp.) DD

Jordan EM

Jordan Health Products I, Inc. BK

Jordan Health Services (BW NHHC HoldCo Inc.) BK

Jordan School District MU

Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District MU

Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. HY

Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. LM

Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. (Ryerson Holding Corp.) HY

Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. (Ryerson Holding Corp.) LM

Josephine Mining Corp. PP

Jostens Holding Corp. HY

Jostens IH Corp. BK

Jostens IH Corp. HY

Jostens Inc. BK

Jostens Inc. (Champ Acquisition Corp.) BK

Jostens, Inc. BK

Jostens, Inc. (Champ Acquisition Corp.) HY

Jotul AS HY

Jotul AS (Jotul Holdings SA) HY

Jotul Holdings Sarl HY

Jourdan Resources Inc. PP

Journal Communications Inc. BK

Journal Register Co. BK

Journal Register Co. BK

Journal Register Co. DD

Journey Energy Inc. PV

Journey Personal Care Corp. BK

Journey Resources Corp. PP

Jovian Capital Corp. PP

Joy City Property Ltd. EM

Joy Delight International Ltd. (Yuexiu Property Co., Ltd.) EM

Joy Delight International Ltd. (Yuexiu Property Co., Ltd.) GN

Joy Global Inc. BK

Joy Global Inc. HY

Joy Global Inc. IG

Joy Global Inc. LM

Joy Treasure Asset Holdings Inc. (China Orient Asset Management (International) Holding Ltd.) EM

Joy Treasure Assets Holdings Inc. (China Orient Asset Management (International) Holding Ltd.) EM

Joyo Bank, Ltd. CV

Joyou AG BK

Joyou AG DD

Joyous Glory Group Ltd. (Shun Tak Holdings Ltd.) EM

Joyous King Group Ltd. CV

Joystar Inc. PP

JP Morgan Chase & Co. IG

JP Morgan European Investment Trust plc PV

JPA No. 111 Co., Ltd./JPA No. 49 Co., Ltd. (JP Lease Products & Services Co. Ltd.) DD

JPak Group, Inc. PP

JPI Commercial, LLC (Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc.) PP

JPMorgan CV

JPMorgan & Chase Co. PF

JPMorgan American Investment Trust plc PV

JPMorgan Chase & Co. GN

JPMorgan Chase & Co. GN

JPMorgan Chase & Co. HY

JPMorgan Chase & Co. IG

JPMorgan Chase & Co. LM

JPMorgan Chase & Co. PF

JPMorgan Chase & Co. SP

JPMorgan Chase Bank NA CV

JPMorgan Chase Bank NA IG

JPMorgan Chase Bank NA SP

JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA CV

JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA GN

JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA IG

JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA LM

JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA SP

JPMorgan Chase Capital XIII (JPMorgan Chase & Co.) LM

JPMorgan Chase Capital XV LM

JPMorgan Chase Capital XXI (JPMorgan Chase & Co.) LM

JPMorgan Chase Capital XXIII (JPMorgan Chase & Co.) LM

JPMorgan Chase Capital XXIX PF

JPMorgan Chase Capital XXVI IG

JPMorgan Chase Capital XXVI PF

JPMorgan Chase Capital XXVIII PF

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co LLC SP

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. SP

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC CV

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC GN

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC LM

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC SP

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC (JPMorgan Chase & Co.) IG

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC, a direct, wholly SP

JPMorgan Chase Financial Co. LLC SP

JPMorgan Chase Financial Company LLC SP

JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust plc PV

JPMorgan Securities CV

JPMorgan Securities LLC (JPMorgan Chase & Co.) LM

JPR Royalty Sub LLC (BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ) PV

JPW Industries Inc. LM

JPW Industries, Inc. HY

JRD Holdings Inc. BK

JRP Group plc (Just Retirement Ltd.) HY

JRSIS Health Care Corp. CV

JSC Astana Finance EM

JSC Astana-Finance DD

JSC Bank CenterCredit LM

JSC Bank of Georgia EM

JSC Bank of Georgia LM

JSC Bank of Georgia (Bank of Georgia Group plc) EM

JSC Bank of Georgia (Rubrika Finance Co. Netherlands BV) EM

JSC BGEO Group (JSC Bank of Georgia) EM




JSC Commercial Bank Tatfondbank LM

JSC Development Bank of Kazakhstan EM

JSC Development Bank of Kazakhstan GN

JSC Development Bank of Kazakhstan LM

JSC Doszhan Temir Zholy DD

JSC Eurasian Bank EM

JSC First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) EM

JSC Gazprom Neft EM

JSC Georgia Capital EM

JSC Georgia Capital GN

JSC Georgia Capital LM

JSC Georgia Capital (Georgia Capital plc) EM

JSC Georgia Global Utilities EM

JSC Georgia Global Utilities GN

JSC Georgia Real Estate (Georgia Capital plc) EM

JSC Georgian Oil and Gas Corp. LM

JSC Georgian Railway LM

JSC Halyk Bank EM

JSC Intergas Central Asia LM

JSC Intergas Central Asia (Intergas Finance BV) LM

JSC Kaspi Bank EM

JSC Kaspi Bank LM

JSC KazAgro National Management Holding LM

JSC Kazkommertsbank EM

JSC Kazkommertsbank LM

JSC Kazkommertsbank (Kazkommerts DPR Co.) LM

JSC Liepajas Metalurgs DD

JSC National Atomic Co. (Kazatomprom) EM

JSC National Atomic Co. (Kazatomprom) PV

JSC National Atomic Co. Kazatomprom LM

JSC National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan HY

JSC National Co. Kazakhstan Engineering EM

JSC National Co. KazMunayGas LM

JSC National Managing Holding KazAgro EM

JSC National Managing Holding KazAgro (KazAgro) EM

JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy EM

JSC NC KazMunayGas EM

JSC NC KazMunayGas LM

JSC Oschadbank LM

JSC Oschadbank (State Savings Bank of Ukraine) LM

JSC Rietumu Banka EM

JSC Russian Standard Bank EM

JSC Russian Standard Bank LM

JSC Silknet EM

JSC Silknet LM

JSC State Savings Bank of Ukraine (Oschadbank) EM


JSC TBC Bank (TBC Bank Group plc) LM

JSC TBC Bank (TBC Bank) LM

JSC Temirbank LM

JSC Tort-Kudyk DD

JSC TransCreditBank EM

JSC Uzbekneftegaz EM



JSCMB Ipoteka-Bank EM

JSG Finance, Inc. (Jane Street Group, LLC) HY

JSG Funding plc (Jefferson Smurfit Group plc) HY

JSG Holdings plc (Jefferson Smurfit Group plc) HY


JSM Global Sarl (Lojas Americanas SA) EM

JSW Hydro Energy Ltd. EM

JSW Hydro Energy Ltd. GN

JSW Infrastructure Ltd. EM

JSW Infrastructure Ltd. GN

JSW Steel Ltd. CV

JSW Steel Ltd. EM

JSW Steel Ltd. GN

JSX Energy Inc. PP

JT International Financial Services BV (Japan Tobacco Inc.) IG

JT International Financial Services BV (Japan Tobacco Inc.) LM

JTH Tax Inc. BK

Jubilant Flame International Ltd. PP

Jubilant Organosys Ltd. CV

Jubilant Pharma Ltd. EM

Jubilant Pharma Ltd. LM

Jubilant Year Investments Ltd. (Del Monte Philippines, Inc.) EM

Judson Independent School District MU

Juhl Energy, Inc. CV

Juhl Wind, Inc. PP

Juice Plus+ (JP Intermediate II LLC) BK

Jujuy Province EM

Jujuy Province GN

Jujuy Province LM

Julius Baer Group Ltd. PV

Juma Technology Corp. PP

Jumbo Development Corp. PP

Jump Financial LLC BK

Jump Financial, LLC BK

JumpTV Inc. PP

Jun Yang Solar Power Investments Ltd. CV

Jun Yang Solar Power Investments Ltd. GN

Jun Yang Solar Power Investments Ltd. PV

Junex Inc. PP

Junex, Inc. PP

Junfeng International Co., Ltd. (Yantai Guofeng Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Juniata River LLC (FS KKR Capital Corp. II) BK

Juniper Content Corp. PP

Juniper Group, Inc. PP

Juniper Networks Inc. IG

Juniper Networks Inc. CV

Juniper Networks, Inc. BK

Juniper Networks, Inc. CV

Juniper Networks, Inc. IG

Juniper Networks, Inc. LM

Juno (Eclipse 2007-2) DAC DD

Juno (Eclipse 2007-2) DAC LM

Juno Lighting Inc. BK

Juno Therapeutics, Inc. PP



Junta de Andalucia GN

Junta de Andalucia IG

Jupai Holdings Ltd. CV

Jupiter Power LLC BK

Jupiter Resources Inc DD

Jupiter Resources Ltd. BK

Jupiter Resources Ltd. PV

Jupiter Resources, Inc. CA

Jupitermedia Corp. BK

Jura Energy Corp. PP

Jurak Corp. World Wide (PhytoLabs, Inc.) PP

Jurassic Holdings III, Inc., (Nesco, LLC,Nesco Finance Corp.) HY

Jurong Rongfeng Construction Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Jurong Investment Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Jurong Shipyard Pte. Ltd. LM

Jurupa Public Financing Authority MU

Jushi Holdings Inc. BK

Jushi Holdings Inc. PV

Just Eat Takeaway.com NV CV

Just Energy Group Inc. BK

Just Energy Group Inc. CV

Just Energy Group Inc. DD

Just Energy Group Inc. LM

Just Energy Group Inc. PF

Just Energy Group Inc. PV

Just Energy Income Fund CV

Just Group plc GN

Just Group plc HY

Just Group plc LM

Justice Cannabis Co. BK

Justice Operating Co., LLC (Portsmouth Square, Inc.) DD

Justrite Safety Group BK

Juvo Plus BK

JW Aluminum BK

JW Aluminum Co. HY

JW Aluminum Continuous Cast Co. HY

JW Resources, Inc. BK

JW Resources, Inc. DD

JWC Acquisition Corp. PP

JY Grandmark Holdings EM

JY Grandmark Holdings Ltd. EM

JY Grandmark Holdings Ltd. LM

Jyoti Structures Ltd. DD

Jyske Bank LM

Jyske Bank A/S GN

Jyske Bank A/S HY

Jyske Bank A/S IG

Jyske Bank A/S LM

JYW Capital Corp. PP

K&F Acquisition Inc. HY

K&F Industries Inc. BK

K&F Industries, Inc. HY

K&F Parent Inc. HY

K&N Engineering, Inc. BK

K's Media PP



K-Bro Linen Inc. BK

K-Bro Linen Income Fund PP

K-FIT Finance AB-1 LLC (FS KKR Income Trust) BK

K-FITS Finance Eiffel-1 LLC (FS KKR Income Trust Select) BK

K-MAC Enterprises Inc. (MIC Glen LLC) BK

K-Mac Holdings Corp. BK

K-MAC Holdings Corp. BK

K-Sea Operating Partnership LP BK

K-Sea Transportation Partners LP BK

K-Sea Transportation Partners LP PP

K-Sea Transportation Partnership LP BK

K-V Pharmaceutical Co. BK

K-V Pharmaceutical Co. DD

K-V Pharmaceutical Co. PP

K-V Pharmaceutical Co. PV

K-V Pharmaceutical Co. CV

K. Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. CV

K. Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. (Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc.) LM

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. BK

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. DD

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. HY

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. PV

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. LM

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. (Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc.) HY

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. (Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc.) LM

K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. (Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc.) PV

K. Wah International Finance Ltd. (K. Wah International Holdings Ltd.) CV

K. Wah International Financial Services Ltd. EM

K.P. Germany Erste GmbH (Klockner Pentaplast) HY

K12 Inc. CV

K12 Inc. PP

K2 Energy Corp. PP

K2 Inc. HY

K2 Inc. CV

K2 Insurance Services LLC BK

K2 Pure Solutions BK

K2, Inc. BK

K2014176899 (South Africa) Ltd. (African Bank Ltd.) EM

K2M Group Holdings Inc. CV

K92 Mining Inc. PP

K92 Mining Inc./K92 Mining Ltd. BK

Ka?rntner Ausgleichszahlungs-Fonds LM

Kabbage, Inc. BK

Kabe Exploration Inc. PP

Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH/Kabel Baden-Wuerttemberg GmbH & Co. KG HY

Kabel BW Holdings GmbH HY

Kabel Deutschland GmbH HY

Kabel Deutschland Holding AG BK

Kabel Deutschland Holding AG HY

Kabel Deutschland Holding GmbH HY

Kabel Deutschland Vertrieb und Service GmbH HY

Kadant Inc. BK

Kadmon Holdings Inc. CV

Kadmon Holdings, Inc. CV

Kadywood Capital PP

Kaefer Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. HY

Kahala Nui Corp. MU

Kahiki Foods, Inc. PP

KAI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Kaifeng Cultural Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. CV

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. DD

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. EM

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. LM

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. PV

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. LM

Kaiser Aluminum Corp. BK

Kaiser Aluminum Corp. CV

Kaiser Aluminum Corp. DD

Kaiser Aluminum Corp. HY

Kaiser Gypsum Co., Inc. BK

Kaiser Gypsum Co., Inc. DD

Kaiser Permanente IG

Kaiser Permanente MU

Kaixo Bondco Telecom (MasMovil Group) HY

Kaiyue International, Inc. PP

Kaizen Capital Corp. PP

Kaizen Discovery Inc. PP

Kakanda Resources Corp. PP

Kakao Corp. CV

KAL Energy, Inc. PP

Kal Freight Inc. DD

Kala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BK

Kalamazoo Hospital Finance Authority MU

Kaldalon hf. GN

Kaldalon hf. HY

Kaleo Media Entertainment, Inc. CV

Kalimantan Gold Corp. PP

Kalimantan Gold Corp. Ltd. PP

Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority BK

Kallisto Energy Corp. PP

Kallo Inc. PP

Kallpa Generacion SA EM

Kallpa Generacion SA LM

Kalmar Corp. BK

KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Kamada PP

Kamada Ltd. CV

Kaman Corp. BK

Kaman Corp. CV

Kaman Corp. LM

Kaman Corp. BK

Kaman Corp. (Ovation Parent Inc.) BK

Kaman Corp. Inc./Quantic Electronics/Quantic Corporate Holdings Inc. LLC/Sanders Industries Holdings Inc./Qnnect LLC (Arxis) BK

Kaman Distribution Group (Ruby Holdings II LLC) BK

Kamat Hotels India Ltd. CV

Kaminak Gold Corp. PP

KANA Software, Inc. PP

Kana Software, Inc. PP

Kanbay International Inc. BK

Kandi Technologies Group, Inc. PP

Kandi Technologies, Corp. PP

Kane Bidco Ltd. (True Potential Group Ltd.) HY

Kane Biotech Inc. PP

Kangaroo Media Inc. PP

Kangaroo Resources Ltd. PP

Kangde Xin Composite Material Group Co., Ltd. DD

Kanoria Chemicals and Industries Ltd. CV

Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. IG

Kansai Mining Corp. PP

Kansai Paint Co., Ltd. CV

Kansas City MU

Kansas City Board of Public Utilities MU

Kansas City Industrial Development Authority MU

Kansas City Power & Light Co. IG

Kansas City Southern BK

Kansas City Southern CV

Kansas City Southern HY

Kansas City Southern IG

Kansas City Southern LM

Kansas City Southern PP

Kansas City Southern CV

Kansas City Southern (Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV) LM

Kansas City Southern (Kansas City Southern Railway Co.) LM

Kansas City Southern de Mexico (Kansas City Southern) BK

Kansas City Southern de Mexico SA de CV EM

Kansas City Southern de Mexico SA de CV IG

Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV BK

Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV EM

Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV HY

Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV LM

Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV LM

Kansas City Southern de Mexico, SA de CV (Kansas City Southern) LM

Kansas City Southern International Investments, SA (Kansas City Southern) BK

Kansas City Southern Railway Co. BK

Kansas City Southern Railway Co. HY

Kansas City Southern Railway Co. IG

Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (Kansas City Southern) IG

Kansas City Southern Railway de Mexico SA de CV BK

Kansas Department of Transportation MU

Kansas Development Finance Authority MU

Kansas Gas & Electric Co. IG

Kansas Gas & Electric Co. PV

Kansas Southern Railway Co. (Kansas City Southern) LM

Kantar BK

Kao Data BK

Kapalua Bay Holdings, LLC BK

Kape Technologies plc BK

Kapla Holding SAS LM

Kapla Holding SAS (Kiloutou Group) HY

Kapla Holding SAS (Kiloutou) HY

Kappa Beheer BV HY

KapStone Kraft Paper Corp. BK

KapStone Paper and Packaging Corp. BK

KapStone Paper and Packaging Corp. BK

Kapuskasing Gold Corp. PP

KAR Auction Services Inc. BK

KAR Auction Services Inc. HY

KAR Auction Services Inc. LM

KAR Auction Services Inc. PP

KAR Auction Services, Inc. BK

KAR Auction Services, Inc. LM

KAR Auction Services, Inc. LM

KAR Auction Services, Inc./Openlane, Inc.) LM

KAR Holdings Inc. HY

Karegnondi Water Authority MU

Karlou BV (Geopromining Investment (CYP) Ltd.) EM

Karlsberg Brauerei GmbH HY

Karlsberg Brauerei GmbH LM

Karmaloop, Inc. BK

Karmaloop, Inc. DD

Karmin Exploration Inc. PP

Karnalyte Resources Inc. PP

Karo Mining Holdings plc (Tharisa) PV

Karoon USA Finance Inc. (Karoon Energy Ltd.) HY

Karora Resources LLC BK

Karstadt Finance BV (Karstadt Quelle AG) CV

Karur KCP Packkagings Ltd. CV

Karuturi Networks Ltd. CV

Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. BK

Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. CV

Kaseya Inc. (Insight Partners) BK

Kasikornbank PCL EM

Kasikornbank PCL, Hong Kong Branch EM

Kasikornbank PCL, Hong Kong Branch (Kasikornbank PCL) EM

Kasten Chase Applied Research Ltd. PP

Katahdin Bankshares Corp. PV

Katanga Mining Ltd. CA

Katanga Mining Ltd. PP

Kate Spade & Co. BK

Katerra, Inc. BK

Katerra, Inc. DD

Katjes International GmbH & Co. KG HY

Katy Independent School District MU

Katy Independent School District MU

Katy Industries, Inc. BK

Katy Industries, Inc. DD

Kaufman & Broad SA BK

Kaufman & Broad SA PV

Kaufman Hall & Associates LLC BK

Kaupthing Bank hf. IG

Kaupthing EHF LM

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. CV

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. CV

Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk. LM

Kaweah Delta Health Care District MU

Kayak Software Corp. CV

Kaydon Corp. BK

Kaydon Corp. CV

Kayne Anderson BDC, Inc. BK

Kayne Anderson BDC, Inc. PV

Kayne Anderson BDC, Inc./Kayne Anderson BDC Financing, LLC BK

Kayne Anderson BDC, Inc./Kayne Anderson BDC Financing, LLC BK

Kayne Anderson Energy Development Co. BK

Kayne Anderson Energy Development Co. PV

Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund BK

Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. BK

Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. PV

Kayne Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (Kayne Anderson) PV

Kayne Anderson Energy Total Return Fund, Inc. BK

Kayne Anderson Energy Total Return Fund, Inc. PV

Kayne Anderson Midstream Energy Fund, Inc. HY

Kayne Anderson Midstream Energy Fund, Inc. PF

Kayne Anderson Midstream Energy Fund, Inc. PV

Kayne Anderson Midstream/Energy Fund, Inc. BK

Kayne Anderson MLP Investment Co. BK

Kayne Anderson MLP Investment Co. HY

Kayne Anderson MLP Investment Co. PF

Kayne Anderson MLP Investment Co. PP

Kayne Anderson MLP Investment Co. PV

Kayne Anderson MLP/Midstream Investment Co. BK

Kayne Anderson MLP/Midstream Investment Co. PV

Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure, Inc. BK

Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure, Inc. PV

Kayne Anderson NextGen Energy & Infrastructure, Inc. (Kayne Anderson) PV

KAZ Minerals plc BK

KazAgro National Management Holding LM

KazakhGold Group Ltd. EM

KazakhGold Group Ltd. LM

KazakhGold Group Ltd. LM

Kazakhstan EM

Kazakhstan Kagazy JSC DD

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy EM

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy LM

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Finance BV EM

Kazanorgsintez OJSC DD

Kazanorgsintez SA LM

Kazanorgsintez SA (Kazan OJSC) EM

Kazax Minerals Inc. PP

KazExportAstyk DD

Kazkommerts Finance 2 BV LM

Kazkommerts Finance BV (Kazkommertsbank) EM

Kazkommerts International BV (Kazkommertsbank) EM

Kazkommertsbank EM

Kazkommertsbank Finance 2 BV (JSC Kazkommertsbank) EM

Kazkommertsbank International 2 BV (JSC Kazkommertsbank) EM

Kazkommertsbank International BV (JSC Kazkommertsbank) EM

KazMunaiGaz Finance Sub BV EM

KazMunaiGaz Finance Sub BV/JSC NC KazMunayGas LM

KazMunaiGaz National Co. EM

KazMunayGas LM

KazMunayGaz Finance Sub BV/JSC NC KazMunayGas LM

KazTransGas LM

KazTransGas JSC EM

KazTransGas JSC LM

KB Capital Co., Ltd. EM

KB Home BK

KB Home CV

KB Home HY

KB Home LM

KB Home BK

KB Home LM

KB Kookmin Bank EM

KB Kookmin Bank GN

KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd. EM

KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd. GN

KB Securities Co. Ltd. EM

KB Toys Inc. BK

KB Toys, Inc. DD

KB US Holdings, Inc. BK

KB US Holdings, Inc. DD






KBN Kommunalbanken AS IG



KBR, Inc. BK

KBR, Inc. HY

KBR, Inc./Kellogg Brown & Root Ltd. BK

KBS Real Estate Investment Trust III, Inc. BK

KBS Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. BK

KBUS Holdings LLC BK

KCA Deutag BK

KCA Deutag Alpha Ltd. LM

KCA Deutag UK Finance plc DD

KCA Deutag UK Finance plc HY

KCAP Financial Inc. HY

KCAP Financial, Inc. CV

KCAP Financial, Inc. HY

KCC Corp. CV

KCG Holdings Inc. BK

KCG Holdings, Inc. HY

KCG Holdings, Inc. LM

KCO Capital Inc. PP

KCS Energy Inc. BK

KCS Energy Inc. HY

KDC Agribusiness LLC BK


KDC US Holdings Inc./kdc/one Development Corp. Inc. BK


KDOC - LATV (Ellis Communications) BK

KDX Realty Investment Corp. (Kenedix) GN

KDX Realty Investment Corp. (Kenedix) HY

Keane Group Holdings LLC BK

Keane Group, Inc. BK

Keane Inc. BK

Keane Inc. CV

KEB Hana Bank EM

KEB Hana Bank GN

Kedrion SpA HY

Kedrion SpA LM

Keegan Resources Inc. PP

Keek Inc. PP

Keel Holdings LLC BK

Keeley Holdings Inc. BK

Keen Idea Global Ltd. (Beijing Properties (Holdings) Ltd.) EM

Keep Memory Alive MU

Keeper Resources Inc. PP

Keewatin Windpower Corp. PP

KeHE Distributors, LLC/KeHE Finance Corp. HY

KeHE Distributors, LLC/KeHE Finance Corp./NextWave Distribution, Inc. HY

KeHE Finance Corp./KeHE Distributors LLC HY

KEI Industries Ltd. CV

Keilaniemen Kiinteistökehitys Oy HY

Kele Inc. BK

Kellanova BK

Kellanova IG

Keller Independent School District MU

Kellermeyer Bergensons Services LLC BK

Kellogg Canada Inc. IG

Kellogg Canada Inc. (Kellogg Co.) IG

Kellogg Co. BK

Kellogg Co. IG

Kellogg Co. LM

Kellogg Co. LM

Kellwood Co. BK

Kellwood Co. CV

Kellwood Co. HY

Kelly Receivables Funding, LLC (Kelly Services, Inc.) BK

Kelly Services Inc. BK

Kelly Services, Inc. BK

Kelly Services, Inc. PP

Kelly Services, Inc. BK

Kelman Technologies Inc. PP

Kelso & Co. BK

Kelso Energy Inc. PP

Kelso Industries BK

Kelso Technologies Inc. PP

Kelson Holdings LLC BK

Kelt Exploration Ltd. CV

Kelt Exploration Ltd. PP

Kemet Corp. CV

Kemet Corp. HY

Kemet Corp. LM

Kemet Corp. PP

Kemet Corp. BK

Kemia, Inc. CV

Kemira Oyj LM

Kemper Corp. BK

Kemper Corp. HY

Kemper Corp. IG

KemPharm Inc. CV

KemPharm, Inc. CV

Kemrock Industries & Exports Ltd. CV

Ken Garff Automotive LLC HY

Kenai Resources Ltd. PP

Kenan Advantage Group BK

Kenan Advantage Group BK

Kenan Advantage Group Inc. BK

Kenan Advantage Group Inc./Kenan Canada GP BK

Kenan Advantage Group, Inc. HY

Kenbourne Invest SA (WOM Mobile SA/WOM SA) EM

Kenbourne Invest SA (WOM SA) EM

Kenbourne Invest SA (WOM SA) LM

Kendle International Inc. BK

Kendle International Inc. CV

Kendle International Inc. LM

Kendra Scott Designs BK

Kenedix Retail REIT Corp. GN

Kenedix Retail REIT Corp. HY

Kenergy Scientific Inc. PP

Kenmare Resources plc BK

Kennady Diamonds Inc. PP

Kennametal Inc. BK

Kennametal Inc. IG

Kennametal Inc./Kennametal Europe GmbH BK

Kennametal, Inc. IG

Kennedy Wilson Europe Real Estate Ltd. LM

Kennedy Wilson Inc. (Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc.) BK

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc. BK

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc. CV

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc. HY

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc. PP

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. BK

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. LM

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. PF

Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. PP

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc. BK

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc. HY

Kennedy-Wilson, Inc. PP

Kenneth Cole Productions Inc. BK

Kenney-Wilson, Inc. BK

Kenrich-Eskay Mining Corp. PP

Kensington Group plc HY

Kensington Resources Ltd. PP

Kent County MU

Kent Exploration Inc. PP

Kent Global plc LM

Kent Hospital Finance Authority MU

Kent Outdoors BK

Kent State University MU

Kentucky Asset MU

Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission MU

Kentucky Data Link BK

Kentucky Economic Development Authority MU

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority LM

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority MU

Kentucky Electric Steel, Inc. DD

Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corp. MU

Kentucky Housing Corp. MU

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority MU

Kentucky Municipal Power Agency MU

Kentucky Power Co. IG

Kentucky Power Co. (American Electric Power Co., Inc.) IG

Kentucky Property and Buildings Commission MU

Kentucky Public Transportation Infrastructure Authority MU

Kentucky State Property and Buildings Commission MU

Kentucky Turnpike Authority MU

Kentucky USA Energy, Inc. PP

Kentucky Utilities Co. BK

Kentucky Utilities Co. IG

Kentucky Utilities Co. (PPL Corp.) BK

Kentucky Utilities Corp. BK

Kentwood Economic Development Corp. MU

Kentwood Public Schools MU

Kenvue Inc. (Johnson & Johnson) IG

Kenya EM

Kenya LM

Keong Hong Holdings Ltd. EM

Keong Hong Holdings Ltd. LM

Kepler Holdings BK

Kepler SpA (Biofarma Srl) HY

Keppel Corp. EM

Keppel Corp. Ltd CV

Keppel Corp. Ltd. EM

Keppel Corp. Ltd. HY

Keppel DC REIT MTN Pte. Ltd. (Keppel DC REIT) EM

Keppel DC REIT MTN Pte. Ltd. (Perpetual (Asia) Ltd.) EM

Keppel GMTN Pte. Ltd. EM

Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd. EM

Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd. (Keppel Infrastructure Trust) EM

Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management Pte. Ltd. (of Keppel Infrastructure Trust) EM

Keppel Land Financial Services Pte. Ltd. EM

Keppel Land Ltd. CV

Keppel Land Ltd. (Keppel Corp. Ltd.) EM

Keppel REIT Management Ltd. CV

Keppel REIT Management Ltd. EM

Keppel REIT MTN Pte. Ltd. (Keppel REIT Management Ltd.) EM

Keppel REIT MTN Pte. Ltd. (Keppel REIT Management Ltd.) GN

Kepro BK

Kepro (Keystone Acquisition Corp.) BK

Kepro (Keystone Peer Review Organization Inc.) BK

Keqiao (HK) International Investment Co., Ltd. (Shaoxing Keqiao District State-owned Assets Investment and Management Group Co. Ltd.) EM

Kerasotes Showplace Theatres Holdings LLC BK

Kerasotes Showplace Theatres LLC BK

Kereco Energy Ltd. CV

Kereco Energy Ltd. PP

Kering LM

Kering SA CV

Kerling plc HY

Kermode Capital Ltd. PP

Kermode Resources Ltd. PP

Kern Community College District MU

Kern County MU

Kernel Holding SA EM

Kernel Holding SA LM

Kerneos Tech Group SAS HY

Kerr Group Inc. BK

Kerr Mines Inc. PP

Kerr-McGee Corp. BK

Kerr-Mcgee Corp. CV

Kerr-McGee Corp. LM

Kerry Group IG

Kersia International SAS BK

Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

Kerzner International Ltd. BK

Kerzner International Ltd. CV

Kerzner International Ltd. EM

Kesselrun Resources Ltd. PP

Kestra Advisor Services Holdings A Inc. BK

Kestra Advisor Services Holdings A, Inc. BK

Kestra Financial Inc. BK

Kestra Financial Inc. (Kestra Advisor Services Holdings A, Inc.) BK

Kestrel Gold Inc. PP

Kestrel Solutions CV

Ketch Resources Trust CV

Keter Group BK

Kettle Cuisine BK

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. BK

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. IG

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. LM

Keurig Green Mountain Inc. BK

Keurig Green Mountain Inc. PP

Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. BK

Kevlar SpA (Kedrion Biopharma) HY

Kew Media Group Inc. BK

Kexport Leasing 2015 EM

Key Automotive BK

Key Bank NA IG

Key Energy Services Inc. BK

Key Energy Services Inc. DD

Key Energy Services Inc. HY

Key Energy Services, Inc. BK

Key Energy Services, Inc. DD

Key Energy Services, Inc. HY

Key Energy Services, Inc. LM

Key Link Assets Corp. PP

Key Plastics Finance Corp. HY

Key Plastics LLC BK

Key Plastics LLC DD

Key Safety Systems Inc. BK

Key Safety Systems, Inc. BK

Key Tronic Corp. BK

Key3Media Group Inc. DD

Key3Media Group, Inc. HY

KeyBank IG

KeyBank NA IG

KeyBank NA, Cleveland IG

KeyCorp CV

KeyCorp IG

KeyCorp LM

KeyCorp PF

KeyCorp LM

KeyCorp Capital I (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital II (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital III (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital IX (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital V (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital VI (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital VII (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital VIII (KeyCorp) LM

KeyCorp Capital X (KeyCorp) LM

Keyera Corp. CA

Keyera Corp. IG

Keyera Corp. PV

Keyera Energy Partnership PV

Keyera Facilities Income Fund CV

Keyera Facilities Income Fund PV

Keyloop (Concorde Lux Sarl) BK

Keynote Systems Inc. BK

KeyOn Communications Holdings, Inc. PP

KeyPoint Government Solutions Inc. BK

KEYreit CV

KEYreit LM

Keysight Technologies Inc. BK

Keysight Technologies Inc. IG

Keysight Technologies, Inc. BK

Keysight Technologies, Inc. (Agilent Technologies, Inc.) BK

KeySpan Corp. CV

KeySpan Facilities Income Fund CV

KeySpan Gas East Corp. HY

Keyspan Gas East Corp. IG

Keystone Agency Investors BK

Keystone Agency Partners BK

Keystone Automotive Industries Inc. BK

Keystone Automotive Operations Inc. BK

Keystone Automotive Operations Inc. LM

Keystone Automotive Operations Inc. BK

Keystone Automotive Operations, Inc. DD

Keystone Automotive Operations, Inc. HY

Keystone Consolidated Industries Inc. BK

Keystone Consolidated Industries, Inc. BK

Keystone Consolidated Industries, Inc. DD

Keystone Education Group PV

Keystone Financing plc (Keepmoat Group) HY

Keystone Food LLC BK

Keystone Property Trust BK

Keyuan Petrochemicals, Inc. PP

KeyW Corp. BK

KeyW Corp. LM

KEYW Holding Corp. BK

KEYW Holding Corp. CV

Keywords Studios plc BK

Kezar Life Sciences, Inc. BK

KFC Holding Co., Pizza Hut Holdings, LLC, Taco Bell of America, LLC (Yum! Brands, Inc.) HY

KFC Holding Co./Pizza Hut Holdings, LLC/Taco Bell of America, LLC (Yum! Brands, Inc.) HY

KFG Resources Ltd. PP

KFH Sukuk Co. (Kuwait Finance House KSCP) EM

KFH Sukuk Co. (Kuwait Finance House) EM

Kforce Inc. BK






KfW (Federal Republic of Germany) GN

KfW (Federal Republic of Germany) IG

KfW Bankengruppe CV

KfW Bankengruppe (Deutsche Post AG) CV

KFx Inc. PP

KFx Medical Corp. CV

KGA Escrow, LLC/Ken Garff Automotive, LLC (Ken Garff Automotive Group) HY


KGen Partners LLC BK

KGHM International Ltd. LM


Khadrawy Ltd. (Emirates) EM

Khan Resources Inc. PP

Khazanah Capital Ltd. (Khazanah Nasional Bhd.) EM

Khazanah Global Sukuk Bhd. (Khazanah Nasional Bhd.) EM

Khazanah Nasional Bhd. CV

Khazanah Nasional Bhd. EM

Khot Infrastructure Holdings, Ltd. PP

KI Holdings Inc. (Koppers Inc.) HY

Kia Corp. EM

Kia Corp. GN

Kia Motors America BK

Kia Motors Corp. EM

KIB Tier 1 Sukuk Ltd. (Kuwait International Bank) EM

Kicking Horse Energy Inc. PP

Kid Brands Inc. BK

Kid Brands, Inc. BK

Kid Brands, Inc. DD

Kidde Global Solutions (LSF12 Crown US) BK

Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. DD

KidKraft, Inc. BK

KidKraft, Inc. DD

Kids Line, LLC, Sassy, Inc. (Russ Berrie and Co. Inc.) BK

KidsFutures Inc. PP

Kidville, Inc. PP

Kier Group plc HY

Kier Group plc PV

Kiev DD

Kiev EM

Kiev LM

KIK Consumer Products (Kronos Acquisition Holdings Inc.) BK

KIK Custom Products BK

KIK Custom Products Inc. BK

KIK Custom Products Inc. (Kronos Acquisition Holdings Inc.) BK

KIK Polymers Inc. PP

Kiko Milano/Kiko SpA PV

Kiko SpA DD

Kilgore Minerals Ltd. PP

Killam Properties Inc. CV

Killam Properties Inc. PP

Killdeer Minerals Inc. PP

Kilo Goldmines Ltd. PP

Kilowatt Financial, LLC BK

Kilowatt Financial, LLC GN

Kilroy Realty Corp. BK

Kilroy Realty Corp. LM

Kilroy Realty Corp. PF

Kilroy Realty Corp. PP

Kilroy Realty LP IG

Kilroy Realty LP CV

Kilroy Realty LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) CV

Kilroy Realty LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) GN

Kilroy Realty LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) IG

Kilroy Realty, LP PV

Kilroy Realty, LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) BK

Kilroy Realty, LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) GN

Kilroy Realty, LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) IG

Kilroy Realty, LP (Kilroy Realty Corp.) PV

Kim Eng Holdings Ltd. EM

Kimball Electronics, Inc. BK

Kimball Hill Homes DD

Kimball Hill Homes, Inc. BK

Kimball Hill Inc. HY

Kimball International, Inc. BK

Kimbell Royalty Partners, LP BK

Kimber Resources Inc. PP

Kimberly-Clark Corp. IG

Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV EM

Kimco North Trust III IG

Kimco North Trust III PV

Kimco Realty Corp. BK

Kimco Realty Corp. GN

Kimco Realty Corp. IG

Kimco Realty Corp. LM

Kimco Realty Corp. PF

Kimco Realty OP, LLC (Kimco Realty Corp.) BK

Kimco Realty OP, LLC (Kimco Realty Corp.) GN

Kimco Realty OP, LLC (Kimco Realty Corp.) IG

Kimmeridge Texas Gas, LLC HY

Kin Insurance BK

Kinbauri Gold Corp. PP

Kincora Copper Ltd PP

Kincora Copper Ltd. PP

Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd. PF

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP BK

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP IG

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP PP

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, LP IG

Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, LP PP

Kinder Morgan Finance HY

Kinder Morgan Inc. BK

Kinder Morgan Inc. IG

Kinder Morgan, Inc. BK

Kinder Morgan, Inc. CV

Kinder Morgan, Inc. HY

Kinder Morgan, Inc. IG

KinderCare (Kuehg Corp.) BK

KinderCare Education, LLC BK

KinderCare Education, LLC (Kuehg Corp.) BK

KinderCare Learning Centers Inc. BK

KinderCare Learning Cos. Inc. BK

KinderCare Learning Cos. Inc. (Kuehg Corp.) BK

Kinderhook Bank Corp. PV

Kindred At Home BK

Kindred At Home (Gentiva Health Services Inc.) BK

Kindred At Home Hospice BK

Kindred Biosciences, Inc. CV

Kindred Escrow Corp. II/Kindred Healthcare, Inc. HY

Kindred Group plc BK

Kindred Healthcare Escrow Corp. (Kindred Healthcare, Inc.) HY

Kindred Healthcare Inc. BK

Kindred Healthcare Inc. CV

Kindred Healthcare LLC BK

Kindred Healthcare, Inc. BK

Kindred Healthcare, Inc. HY

Kindred Healthcare, Inc. LM

Kinepolis Group NV LM

Kinepolis Group NV PV

Kinergy Marketing LLC BK

Kinergy Marketing LLC and Pacific Ag. Products, LLC (Pacific Ethanol, Inc.) BK

Kinetek Inc. BK

Kinetek Industries, Inc. HY

Kinetex Resources Corp. PP

Kinetic Concepts Inc. BK

Kinetic Concepts Inc. BK

Kinetic Concepts Inc. HY

Kinetic Concepts Inc. CV

Kinetic Concepts, Inc. BK

Kinetic Concepts, Inc. BK

Kinetic Concepts, Inc./KCI USA, Inc. HY

Kinetic Concepts, Inc./KCI USA, Inc. (Acelity LP Inc.) HY

Kinetic Engineering Ltd. CV

Kinetik Holdings Inc. BK

Kinetik Holdings Inc. GN

Kinetik Holdings LP GN

Kinetik Holdings LP HY

King County MU

King County Public Hospital District No. 2 MU

King County Public Hospital District No. 2, Wash. MU

King County Rural Library District MU

King Mountain Tobacco Co., Inc. DD

King Pharmaceuticals Inc. BK

King Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

King Pharmaceuticals Inc. BK

King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. LM

King Talent Management Ltd. (Far East Horizon Ltd.) EM

King Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd. CV

King Yuan Electronics Corp. CV

King's Hawaiian BK

Kingdom of Bahrain EM

Kingdom of Belgium GN

Kingdom of Belgium IG

Kingdom of Denmark IG

Kingdom of Morocco EM

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia EM

Kingdom of Spain LM

Kingdom of Sweden GN

Kingdom of Sweden HY

Kingdom of Sweden IG

Kingdom of Sweden, through the Swedish National Debt Office IG

Kingfisher plc LM

Kingold Jewelry, Inc. CV

Kingold Jewelry, Inc. PP

Kingpin Intermediate Holdings LLC (Bowlero Corp.) BK

Kingpin Intermediate Holdings LLC/Bowlero Corp. BK

Kingpin Intermediate Holdings, LLC (Bowlero Corp.) BK

Kingsoft Corp. Ltd. CV

Kingspan Group plc BK

Kingspan Group plc GN

Kingspan Group plc GN

Kingspan Group plc PV

Kingstone Cos. Inc. CV

Kingstone Cos. Inc. HY

Kingstone Cos. Inc. PP

Kingsway Arms Retirement Residences Inc. PP

Kingsway Financial Services Inc. CV

Kingsway Financial Services Inc. PP

Kingsway International Holdings Ltd. PP

Kingswood Senior Living Community (Kansas City United Methodist Retirement Home, Inc.) DD

KingThomason Group Inc. PP

King’s Bay Gold Corp. PP

Kinnevik AB GN

Kinnevik AB HY

Kinney Drugs BK

Kinove German Bondco GmbH (Evonik Carbon Black Ltd.) HY

Kinross Gold Corp. BK

Kinross Gold Corp. CA

Kinross Gold Corp. CV

Kinross Gold Corp. IG

Kinsale Capital Group, Inc. BK

Kinsale Capital Group, Inc. PV

Kintera Inc. PP

Kintera, Inc. PP

KION Finance SA HY

Kion Finance SA (KION Group GmbH) HY


KiOR Columbus, LLC (KiOR, Inc.) DD

KiOR, Inc. BK

KiOR, Inc. DD

KiOR, Inc. PP

Kips Bay Medical, Inc. CV

Kips Bay Medical, Inc. PP

Kirby Corp. BK

Kirby Corp. IG

Kirby Corp. PV

Kirin International Holding, Inc. PP

Kirk Beauty One GmbH (Douglas AG) HY

Kirk Beauty SUN GmbH BK

Kirk Beauty Zero GmbH (Douglas AG) HY

Kirk Corp. DD

Kirk Pharmaceuticals, LLC (Synovics Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) PP

Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. CV

Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. PP

Kirkland’s, Inc. BK

Kirrin Resources Inc. PP

KIRS Midco 3 plc (KIRS Group Ltd.) HY

Kiska Metals Corp. PP

Kissner (SCIH Salt Holdings Inc.) BK

Kissner Group Holdings LP (SCIH Salt Holdings Inc.) BK

Kissner Holdings LP/Kissner Milling Co. Ltd./BSC Holding, Inc./Kissner USA Holdings Inc. CA

Kissner Milling Co. Ltd. CA

Kissner Milling Co. Ltd. LM

Kistefos AS HY

Kistefos Equity Operations AS LM

KIT digital, Inc. CV

KIT Digital, Inc. PP

Kit Resources Ltd. PP

Kitara Media Corp. BK

Kitara Media Corp. PP

Kite Realty Group LP CV

Kite Realty Group LP PV

Kite Realty Group Trust BK

Kite Realty Group Trust PF

Kite Realty Group Trust PP

Kite Realty Group Trust, Kite Realty Group, LP BK

Kite Realty Group Trust/Kite Realty Group, LP BK

Kite Realty Group Trust/Kite Realty Group, LP GN

Kite Realty Group, LP IG

Kite Realty Group, LP (Kite Realty Group Trust) BK

Kite Realty Group, LP/Kite Realty Group Trust BK

KITO Crosby (Crosby US Acquisition Corp.) BK

Kitov Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd. CV

Kitty Hawk, Inc. PP

Kiu Hung International Holdings Ltd. CV

Kivalliq Energy Corp. PP

Kiwa Bio-Tech Products Group Corp. PP

Kiwara plc PP

Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. BK

Kiwi Capital Funding Ltd. CV

Kiwi Income Property Trust CV

Kiwibox.Com, Inc. (Magnitude Information Systems, Inc.) PP

Kjell Midco AB (Kjell & Co.) HY

KKR & Co. Inc. CV



KKR Capital Markets Holdings LP BK

KKR Capital Markets Holdings LP (KKR & Co. Inc.) BK

KKR Capital Markets Holdings LP (KKR & Co. Inc.) BK

KKR Capital Markets Holdings, LP (KKR & Co. Inc.) BK

KKR Enhanced US EVDL Funding LLC (KKR Enhanced US Direct Lending Fund-L Inc.) BK

KKR Financial Holdings LLC BK

KKR Financial Holdings LLC CV

KKR Financial Holdings LLC IG

KKR Financial Holdings LLC PF

KKR Financial Holdings LLC PP

KKR Financial Holdings LLC BK

KKR Financial Holdings LLC CV

KKR FS Income Trust Select BK

KKR Group Finance Co. II LLC (KKR & Co. LP) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. III LLC (KKR & Co. LP) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. III LLC (KKR & Co. LP, KKR Management Holdings LP, KKR Fund Holdings LP) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. IX LLC IG

KKR Group Finance Co. LLC IG

KKR Group Finance Co. VI LLC ( KKR & Co. Inc.) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. VI LLC (KKR & Co. Inc.) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. VI LLC/KKR Management Holdings LP, KKR Fund Holdings LP/KKR International Holdings LP (KKR & Co. Inc. ) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. VIII LLC (KKR & Co. Inc.) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. X LLC (KKR & Co. Inc.) IG

KKR Group Finance Co. XII LLC (KKR & Co. Inc.) IG

KKR Infrastructure Conglomerate LLC BK

KKR Private Equity Conglomerate LLC BK

KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc. BK

KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc. CV

KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc. PF

KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc. (KREF Holdings X LLC) BK

KL Energy Corp. PP

KLA Corp. BK

KLA Corp. GN

KLA Corp. IG

KLA Corp. LM

KLA-Tencor Corp. BK

KLA-Tencor Corp. IG

Klabin Austria GmbH (Klabin SA) EM

Klabin Austria GmbH (Klabin SA) GN

Klabin Austria GmbH (Klabin SA) LM

Klabin Finance SA (Klabin SA) EM

Klabin Finance SA (Klabin SA) GN

Klabin Finance SA (Klabin SA) LM

Klabin SA EM

Klausner Lumber One LLC DD

Klausner Lumber Two LLC BK

Klausner Lumber Two LLC DD

Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA BK

Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA GN

Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA GN

Klaveness Combination Carriers ASA HY

Klaveness Ship Holding AS HY

KLCC SPV GS1 LLC (Kennedy Lewis Capital Co.) BK

KLDiscovery Inc. BK

Kleen Energy Systems LLC BK

Klein Independent School District MU

Kleinfelder Group Inc. BK

Kleopatra Finco Sarl/Kleopatra Holdings 2 SCA (Kloeckner Pentaplast) HY

Kleopatra Holdings 1 (Kloeckner Pentaplast) HY

Klepierre PV

Klepierre SA BK

Klepierre SA GN

Klepierre SA LM

Kleros Preferred Funding, Ltd. DD

KLG Systel Ltd. CV

Klickitat County Public Utility District No. 1 MU



Klockner & Co Financial Services SA CV

Klockner Pentaplast BK

Klockner Pentaplast GmbH LM

Kloeckner Holdings SCA BK

Kloeckner Investment SCA HY

Kloeckner Pentaplast GmbH BK

Kloeckner Pentaplast of America, Inc. (Kleopatra Holdings 2 SCA) HY

Klondex Mines Ltd. PP

Klondike Gold Corp. PP

Klondike Silver Corp. PP

Klondike Star Mineral Corp. PP

Klovern AB GN

Klovern AB HY

Klovern AB LM

Klovern AB (publ) GN

Klovern AB (publ) HY

KLR Energy Acquisition Corp. CV

KLX Energy Services Holdings, Inc. BK

KLX Energy Services Holdings, Inc. HY




Klöckner & Co AG CV

Klöckner & Co Financial Services SA CV

Klöckner Pentaplast BK

Klövern AB GN

Klövern AB HY

KM Germany Holdings GmbH/KM US Holdings II, Inc. (KraussMaffei AG) HY

KM Wedding Events Management, Inc. CV

KM2 Solutions, LLC PV

KMA Global Solutions International, Inc. PP

Kmart Corp. BK


KMG Chemicals Inc. PP

KMG Chemicals, Inc. BK

KMG Finance (KazMunaiGas) EM

Knausen Holding LLC (Global Ship Lease) PV

Knife River Corp. BK

Knife River Holding Co. (MDU Resources Group, Inc.) HY

Knight Capital Group Inc. CV

Knight Capital Group, Inc. BK

Knight Capital Group, Inc. PP

Knight Castle Investments Ltd. (Shandong Sanxing Group Co. Ltd.) EM

Knight Castle Investments Ltd. (Shandong Sanxing Group Co. Ltd.) LM

Knight Energy Holdings, LLC BK

Knight Energy Holdings, LLC DD

Knight Resources Ltd. PP

Knight Therapeutics Inc. PP

Knight Transportation, Inc. BK

Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings Inc. BK

Knightsbridge Tankers Ltd. CV

Knightscove Media Corp. PP

Knobias Inc. PP

Knobias, Inc. PP

Knockout Holdings Inc. PP

Knol Resources Corp. PP

Knoll Inc. BK

Knoll, Inc. BK

Knology Inc. BK

Knology Inc. PP

Knorr-Bremse AG GN

Knorr-Bremse AG IG

KNOT Offshore Partners LP PP

Knot, Inc. PP

Knotel, Inc. BK

Knotel, Inc. DD

Knowledge City (Guangzhou) Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Knowledge City (Guangzhou) Investment Group Co., Ltd. GN

Knowledge Learning Corp. BK

Knowledge Learning Corp. HY

Knowledge Universe Education LLC BK

Knowles Corp. BK

Knowles Corp. CV

Knowlton Capital Inc. PP

Knowlton Development Corp. BK

Knowlton Development Corp. (KDC/ONE) BK

Knowlton Development Corp. Inc. BK

Knox County MU

Knox County Health, Educational and Housing Facilities Board MU

Knoxville MU

KNS Acquisition Corp. (Nutrisystem) BK

Kobe Steel Ltd. CV

Kobe US Midco 2, Inc. (Aruba Investments, Inc.) HY

Kobex Resources Ltd. PP

Koc Holding AS EM

Koch Cellulose LLC BK

Koch Forest Products Inc. (Georgia-Pacific Corp.) BK

Kodiak Building Partners BK

Kodiak Energy, Inc. PP

Kodiak Exploration Ltd. PP

Kodiak Gas Services, LLC BK

Kodiak Gas Services, LLC GN

Kodiak Gas Services, LLC HY

Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp. BK

Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp. HY

Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp. PP

Kodit Global 2022-1 Co. Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) EM

Kodit Global 2022-1 Co. Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) GN

Kodit Global 2023-1 Co. Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) EM

Kodit Global 2023-1 Co. Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) GN

Kodit Global 2024-1 Co., Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) EM

Kodit Global 2024-1 Co., Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) GN

Kodit Global 2024-2 Co., Ltd. (Korea Credit Guarantee Fund) EM

Kofax (Project Leopard Holdings Inc.) BK

Kofax (Project Leopard Holdings) BK

Kofax Inc. BK

Kofax Inc. (Project Leopard Holdings) BK

Kofax Ltd. (Project Leopard Holdings Inc.) BK

Koh Brothers Group Ltd. EM

Koh Brothers Group Ltd. LM

Kohl's Corp CV

Kohl's Corp. BK

Kohl's Corp. HY

Kohl's Corp. IG

Kohl's Corp. LM

Kohlberg Capital Corp. CV

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP/KKR Group Partnership LP (KKR & Co. Inc.) BK

Kohler Energy (Discovery Energy Holding Corp.) BK

Kohl’s Corp. BK

Kojamo plc BK

Kojamo plc GN

Kojamo plc GN

Kojamo plc HY

Kojamo plc IG

Kojamo plc LM

Kokanee Minerals Inc. PP





KOKS Finance Ltd. LM

KOKS Finance Ltd. LM


Kokuyo Co., Ltd. CV

Kola Mining Corp. PP

Koleje Mazowieckie (Mazovian Railways) EM

Komag Inc. CV

Komatsu Finance America Inc. (Komatsu Ltd.) GN

Komatsu Finance America Inc. (Komatsu Ltd.) IG

Kombat Copper Inc. PP

Komercni Banka AS EM

Komet Resources Inc. PP

Kommunal Landspensjonskasse Gjensidig Forsikringsselskap LM

Kommunalbanken IG

Kommunalbanken AS GN

Kommunalbanken AS IG

Kommunalbanken Norway HY

Kommunalbanken Norway IG

Kommunalkredit Capital I Ltd. (KA Finanz AG) LM

KommuneKredit GN

KommuneKredit IG

KommuneKredit LM

Kommuninvest GN

Kommuninvest GN

Kommuninvest HY

Kommuninvest IG

Kommuninvest I Sverige GN

Kommuninvest I Sverige IG

Kommuninvest i Sverige IG

Kommuninvest I Sverige AB GN

Kommuninvest i Sverige AB IG

Kommuninvest I Sverige AB IG

Kommuninvest i Sverige AB IG

Kommuninvest I Sverige AB IG

Kommuninvest i Sverige AB IG

Kommuninvest I Sverige AB IG

Kommuninvest I Sverige Aktibolag IG

Komodo Inc. PP

Komplett Bank ASA HY

Kona Grill, Inc. CV

Kona Grill, Inc. PP

Konami Holdings Corp. CV

Konared Corp. PP

Kondor Finance plc (NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine) EM

Kondor Finance plc (NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine) LM

Konecranes plc BK

Konecranes Terex plc BK

Kongsberg Automotive ASA HY

KongZhong Corp. PP

Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. CV

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV GN

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV GN

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV HY

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV IG

Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV LM

Koninklijke KPN NV GN

Koninklijke KPN NV GN

Koninklijke KPN NV HY

Koninklijke KPN NV IG

Koninklijke KPN NV LM

Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV IG

Koninklijke Philips NV LM

Kontoor Brands Inc. BK

Kontoor Brands, Inc. HY

Kookmin Bank EM

Kookmin Bank GN

Kookmin Bank LM

Kootenay Energy Inc. PP

Kootenay Gold Inc. PP

Kootenay Silver Inc. PP

Koppers Holdings Inc. BK

Koppers Holdings Inc. LM

Koppers Inc. BK

Koppers Inc. HY

Koppers Inc. BK

Koppers Inc. (Koppers Holdings Inc.) BK

Koppers Industries Inc. BK

KORE Wireless Group, Inc. BK

Korea EM

Korea GN

Korea ACE Mortgage Co. LM

Korea Development Bank EM

Korea Development Bank GN

Korea Development Bank, EM

Korea Development Bank, London Branch EM

Korea Development Bank, London Branch (Korea Development Bank) EM

Korea Development Bank, Singapore branch EM

Korea District Heating Corp. EM

Korea East-West Power Co. EM

Korea East-West Power Co. GN

Korea East-West Power Co. (Kepco) EM

Korea East-West Power Co. Ltd. EM

Korea East-West Power Corp. EM

Korea Electric Power Corp. CV

Korea Electric Power Corp. EM

Korea Electric Power Corp. GN

Korea Electric Power Corp. (Kepco) EM

Korea Exchange Bank EM

Korea Export-Import Bank EM

Korea Export-Import Bank (Kexim) EM

Korea Expressway Corp. EM

Korea Expressway Corp. GN

Korea Finance Corp. EM

Korea First Bank EM

Korea Gas Corp. EM

Korea Gas Corp. IG

Korea Highway Corp. EM

Korea Housing Finance Corp EM

Korea Housing Finance Corp GN

Korea Housing Finance Corp. EM

Korea Housing Finance Corp. GN

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. EM

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. GN

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (Kepco) EM

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (Kepco) GN

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. EM

Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. EM

Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.) EM

Korea Land & Housing Corp. EM

Korea Land & Housing Corp. GN

Korea Land Corp. EM

Korea Midland Power Co. Ltd. EM

Korea Midland Power Co. Ltd. GN

Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corp. EM

Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corp. (Komir) EM

Korea National Housing Corp. EM

Korea National Oil Corp. EM

Korea Ocean Business Corp. EM

Korea Railroad Corp. EM

Korea Railroad Corp. GN

Korea Resources Corp. EM

Korea South-East Power Co. EM

Korea South-East Power Co. GN

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd. EM

Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd. GN

Korea Southern Power EM

Korea Southern Power Co. EM

Korea Southern Power Co. Ltd. EM

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd. EM

Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd. GN

Korea Telecom CV

Korea Tobacco & Ginseng Corp. CV

Korea Water Resources Corp. EM

Korea Water Resources Corp. GN

Korea Western Power Co. EM

Korea Western Power Co. Ltd. EM

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. EM

Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. GN

Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. EM

Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. EM

Korean Reinsurance Co. Ltd. EM

Korian CV

Korian GN

Korian HY

Korian PV

Korian Group PV

Korian SA GN

Korian SA HY

Korian SA PV

Korian-Medica PV

Korn Ferry BK

Korn Ferry HY

Korn Ferry BK

Korn/Ferry International BK

Korn/Ferry International BK

Kornit Digital Ltd. CV

Korreden SA LM

Kosan Biosciences Inc. CV

Kosan Biosciences Inc. PP

Kosmos Energy BK

Kosmos Energy Gulf of Mexico Operations, LLC (Kosmos Energy GOM Holdings, LLC) BK

Kosmos Energy Ltd. BK

Kosmos Energy Ltd. CV

Kosmos Energy Ltd. HY

Kosmos Energy Ltd. LM

Kotkamills Group Oy LM

Kourt Security Partners, LLC DD

Kowloon-Canton Railway Corp. EM


KPS Ventures Ltd. PP

Kraft Canada Inc. IG

Kraft Foods Group Inc. IG

Kraft Foods Group, Inc. BK

Kraft Foods Inc. IG

Kraft Foods Inc. LM

Kraft Foods Inc. (Mondelez International, Inc.) LM

Kraft Heinz Co./Kraft Heinz Foods Co. BK

Kraft Heinz Food Co. IG

Kraft Heinz Food Co. (H.J. Heinz Co. (H.J. Heinz Holding Corp.)) IG

Kraft Heinz Foods Co. BK

Kraft Heinz Foods Co. IG

Kraft Heinz Foods Co. LM

Kraft Heinz Foods Co. (Kraft Heinz Co.) IG

Kraft Heinz Foods Co. (Kraft Heinz Co.) LM

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. PP

Kraken Oil & Gas Partners LLC HY

Kraken Resources LLC BK

Kraken Sonar Inc. PP

Kramont Realty Trust BK

Kranson Industries Inc. BK

Kraton Corp. BK

Kraton Corp. IG

Kraton Corp. LM

Kraton Corp. (Kraton Polymers U.S. LLC, Kraton Chemical, LLC, Kraton Polymers Nederland BV) BK

Kraton LLC BK

Kraton Performance Polymers, Inc. BK

Kraton Polymers Group BK

Kraton Polymers LLC BK

Kraton Polymers LLC LM

Kraton Polymers LLC BK

Kraton Polymers LLC/Kraton Capital Corp. HY

Kraton Polymers LLC/Kraton Polymers Capital Corp. HY

Kraton Polymers LLC/Kraton Polymers Capital Corp. (Kraton Corp.) HY

Kraton Polymers LLC/Kraton Polymers Capital Corp. (Kraton Performance Polymers, Inc.) LM

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc. HY

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc. PP

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc. via Acquisition Co. Lanza Parent HY

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. BK

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. CV

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. HY

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. LM

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. BK

Kraus Carpet Inc. DD

Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) GN

Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) IG

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau CV

KREF Holdings X LLC (KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc.) BK

KREF Lending V LLC (KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc.) BK

Kreido Biofuels, Inc. PP

Kremikovtzi AD DD

Kria Resources Ltd. PP

Krillsea Group AS LM

KrisAssets Holdings Bhd. CV

KrisEnergy Ltd. LM

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corp. (Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.) BK

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. BK

Kristina Capital Corp. PP

Kroger Co. BK

Kroger Co. IG

Kroll BK

Kroll Inc. BK

Kroll Inc. CV

Kronos Acquisition Holdings Inc. (KIK Consumer Products) CA

Kronos Acquisition Holdings Inc. (KIK Custom Products Inc.) CA

Kronos Acquisition Holdings Inc./KIK Custom Products Inc. (KIK Consumer Products) CA

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. PP

Kronos Inc. BK

Kronos International Inc. HY

Kronos International, Inc. HY

Kronos International, Inc. (Kronos Worldwide, Inc.) LM

Kronos International, Inc./Kronos Worldwide, Inc. HY

Kronos Worldwide Inc. BK

Kronos Worldwide, Inc. BK

Kronos Worldwide, Inc. HY

KronosNet BK

Krotz Springs BK

Kruger Products Inc. (KP Tissue Inc.) CA

Kruger Products LP CA

Kruger Products LP (KP Tissue Inc.) CA

Krung Thai Bank PCL EM

Krungthai Bank PCL EM

Krystal Co. BK

Krystal Co. DD

KS Energy Ltd. LM

KSA Sukuk Ltd. (Saidua Arabia) EM

KSA Sukuk Ltd. (Saudi Arabia) EM

Kservicing (Kabbage, Inc.) DD

KSH Holdings Ltd. LM

KSL Realty and Infrastructure Ltd. CV

KT Corp. EM

KT High-Tech Marketing Inc. CV

KT Kira Sertifikalar? Varl?k Kiralama AS (Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS) EM

KT Kira Sertifikalari Varlik Kiralama AS (Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS) EM

KT Sukuk Co. Ltd. (Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS) EM

KT Sukuk Varlik Kiralama AS (Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS) EM

KT21 T2 Co. Ltd. (Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS) EM

KT21 T2 Co. Ltd. (Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS) GN

Ku6 Media Co., Ltd. PP

Kuber Mortgage Investment Corp. BK

Kubota Credit Corp., USA (Kubota Corp.) IG

Kudelski SA CV

Kuehg Corp. (KinderCare Learning Cos. Inc.) BK

Kuhlman Co., Inc. PP

Kuka AG CV


Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc. CV

Kumho Tire Co., Inc. CV

Kumho Tire U.S.A. Inc. BK

Kumtor Gold Co. CJSC BK

Kumtor Gold Co. CJSC (Centerra Gold Inc.) DD

Kun Run Biotechnology, Inc. PP

Kunekt Corp. PP

Kungsleden AB HY

Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd. CV

Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd. EM

Kunming Anju Group Co., Ltd. EM

Kunming Dianchi Investment Co., Ltd. EM

Kunming Municipal Urban Construction Investment & Development Co. Ltd. EM

Kunming Public Rental Housing Development Construction Management Co., Ltd. EM

Kunming Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. EM

Kunming Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. GN

Kunming Traffic Investment Co., Ltd. EM

Kunshan Guochuang Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Kuntarahoitus OYJ (Municipality Finance plc) IG

Kunzhi Ltd. DD

Kuo Toong International Co. Ltd. EM

Kura Oncology, Inc BK

Kura Oncology, Inc. CV

Kurrant Mobile Catering, Inc. PP

KushCo Holdings, Inc. PV

Kuveyt Turk Katilim Bankasi AS EM

Kuwait EM

Kuwait Energy plc DD

Kuwait Energy plc EM

Kuwait Projects Co. EM

Kuwait Projects Co. (Cayman) EM

Kuwait Projects Co. (Cayman) (Kipco) EM

Kuwait Projects Co. (Kipco) EM

Kuwait Projects Co. SPC Ltd. (Kipco) EM

Kuwait Projects Co. SPC Ltd. (Kipco) LM

Kuwait Projects Co. Sukuk Ltd. (Kipco) EM

Kuzbassrazrezugol (OAO Coal Company) EM

Kuznetski Capital (Bank of Moscow) EM

Kuznetski Capital SA (Bank of Moscow) EM

Kuznetski Capital SA (JSCB Bank of Moscow) EM

Kvalitena AB HY

Kvalitena AB LM

KVH Industries, Inc. BK

Kvika banki hf GN

Kvika banki hf HY

KWG Group Holdings Ltd. EM

KWG Group Holdings Ltd. GN

KWG Group Holdings Ltd. LM

KWG Property Holding EM

KWG Property Holding Ltd. EM

KWG Resources Inc. PP



Kyivstar GSM EM

Kymera International BK

Kyndryl Holdings, Inc. BK

Kyndryl Holdings, Inc. IG

Kyobo Life Insurance Co. Ltd. EM

Kyobo Life Insurance Co. Ltd. GN

Kyobo Life Insurance Co., Ltd. EM

Kyoritsu Maintenance Co. CV

Kyphon Inc. BK

Kyphon Inc. CV

Kyte BK

Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. CV

Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. IG

L Brands, Inc. BK

L Brands, Inc. HY

L Brands, Inc. LM

L International Computers Inc. PP

L&F Co., Ltd. CV

L&L International Holdings, Inc. PP

L&L Wings, Inc. DD

L&T Infrastructure Finance Co. Ltd. GN

L&T Infrastructure Finance Co. Ltd. PV

L&W Inc. (Autokiniton US Holdings Inc.) BK

L'Anse Creuse Public Schools MU

L'Occitane, Inc. DD

L-1 Identity Solutions Inc. BK

L-1 Identity Solutions Inc. CV

L-3 Commun Corp CV

L-3 Communications Corp. HY

L-3 Communications Corp. IG

L-3 Communications Corp. LM

L-3 Communications Corp. (L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.) BK

L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. CV

L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. BK

L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. HY

L-3 Communications Inc. CV

L-STaRS One Funding Ltd. LM

L-STaRS Two Funding Ltd. LM

L.A. Fitness International LLC BK

L.B. Foster Co. BK

L.G. Philips LCD Co. Ltd. CV

L.G.R. Resources Ltd. PP

L3 Technologies, Inc. IG

L3 Technologies, Inc. LM

L3 Technologies, Inc. (Harris Corp.) LM

L3Harris Technologies BK

L3Harris Technologies, Inc. BK

L3Harris Technologies, Inc. IG

La Banque Postale GN

La Banque Postale IG

La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH GN

La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH IG

La Caisse d’Amortissement de la Dette Sociale IG

La Château Inc. PP

La Cortez Energy, Inc. PP

La Doria SpA HY

La Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP) EM

La Financier Atalian SAS HY

La Financiere Atalian SA HY

La Financiere Atalian SAS HY

La Financiere Atalian SAS LM

LA Fitness (Fitness International LLC) BK

LA Fitness International LLC BK

La Francaise de l’Energie GN

La Francaise de l’Energie GN

La Francaise de l’Energie HY

La Francaise de l’Energie PV

La Frontera Generation LLC BK

La Grange Acquisition LP BK

La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co. CV

La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co. PP

La Joya Independent School District MU

La Mancha Resources Inc. PP

La Mondiale LM

La Paloma Generating Co. LLC BK

La Paloma Generating Co., LLC DD

La Paz County Industrial Development Authority MU

La Paz Industrial Development Authority MU

La Petite Academy, Inc. BK

La Porte Independent School District MU

La Poste GN

La Poste HY

La Poste IG

La Poste LM

La Quinta Corp. BK

La Quinta Properties Inc. HY

La Quinta Properties, Inc. HY

La Quinta Resources Corp. PP

La Rioja DD

La Ronge Gold Corp. PP

La Societe de la Tour Eiffel PV

La Solucion, Inc. PP

La-Z-Boy Inc. BK

La-Z-Boy Inc. BK

LAB International Inc. PP

LAB Research, Inc. PP

LABA Royalty Sub LLC (Theravance Inc.) PV

LaBarge Acquisition (LaBarge Inc.) BK

LaBarge Electronics (LaBarge Inc.) BK

LaBarge Inc. BK

Labco SAS HY

Labcyte Inc. CV

LabelCorp (York Label) BK

Labeyrie Fine Foods LM

Labeyrie Fine Foods SAS BK

Labeyrie Fine Foods SAS HY

LABL Escrow Issuer, LLC, to be merged with/into LABL, Inc. (Multi-Color Corp.) HY


LABL, Inc. (Multi-Color Corp.) HY

LabOne Inc. BK

LabOne Inc. CV

Labopharm Inc. PP

Labopharm, Inc. CV

Labor Ready Inc. CV

Laboratoire Eimer HY

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings BK

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings IG

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings LM

Laboratory Corp. Of America Holdings (LabCorp) CV

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (LabCorp) IG

Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Ltd. DD

Labrador Technologies Inc. PP

Labrador-Island Link Funding Trust IG

LaBranche & Co. Inc. HY

LaBranche DECS Trust IX CV

LabStyle Innovations Corp. CV

LabStyle Innovations Corp. PP

Laces Group Inc. BK

Lachlan Star Ltd. PP

Lackawanna Energy Center LLC BK

Laclede Gas Co. BK

Laclede Gas Co. IG

Laclede Gas Co. PV

Laclede Group Inc. CV

Laclede Group Inc. IG

Laclede Group, Inc. BK

Laclede Group, Inc. PV

Ladbrokes Group Finance plc HY

Ladbrokes Group Finance plc LM

Ladbrokes Group Finance plc (Ladbrokes Coral Group plc) HY

Ladbrokes plc LM

Ladder Capital Corp. BK

Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP/Ladder Capital Finance Corp. HY

Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP/Ladder Capital Finance Corp. (Ladder Capital Corp.) HY

Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP/Ladder Corporate Revolver I LLC/Ladder Capital Finance Corp. (Ladder Capital Corp.) BK

Ladder Capital Finance Holdings/Ladder Capital Finance Corp. HY

Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. BK

Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. HY

Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. LM

Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. PF

Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. PP

Ladish Co. Inc. PV

Lafarge SA HY

LaFarge SA IG

Lafarge SA LM

LaFarge SA LM

Lafarge SA PV

LafargeHolcim LM

Lafayette MU

Lafayette Public Power Authority MU

Lafayette Public Trust Financing Authority MU

Lafayette Square BK

Lafayette Square GN

Lafayette Square USA, Inc. BK

Lafayette Square USA, Inc. GN

LaForta Gestao e Investimentos Sociedade Unipessoal LDA (Offshore Drilling Holding SA) BK

LaForta Gestao e Investimentos Sociedade Unipessoal LDA (Offshore Drilling Holding SA) DD

Lagardere SA LM

Lagardere SCA CV

Lagardere SCA PV

Lagasco Corp. BK

Lagasco Corp. PP

Lago Dourado Minerals Ltd. PP

Lago Resort & Casino LLC BK

LAH Jersey Ltd. (Lonrho plc) CV

Lai Fung Holdings Ltd. EM

Lai Fung Holdings Ltd. LM

Lai Sun Garment International Finance (2014) Ltd. (Lai Sun Garment (International) Ltd.) EM

Lai Sun International Finance 2012 Ltd. EM

Lai Sun MTN Ltd. (Lai Sun Development Co. Ltd.) EM

Laidlaw International Inc. BK

Laidlaw International, Inc. HY

Laidlaw, Inc. BK

Laird plc BK

Laizhou Finance Investment Co., Ltd. EM

LaJolla Pharmaceuticals Co. PP

Lake at Las Vegas Joint Venture, LLC BK

Lake at Las Vegas Joint Venture, LLC DD

Lake Bridge International plc (Global University Systems BV) HY

Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District MU

Lake County MU

Lake County School Board MU

Lake Havasu City MU

Lake Las Vegas BK

Lake Las Vegas Resort BK

Lake Oswego MU

Lake Shore Gold Corp. CV

Lake Shore Gold Corp. PP

Lake Travis Independent School District MU

Lake Victoria Mining Co., Inc. PP

Lake Washington School District MU

Lakeland MU

Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. CV

Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. HY

Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. PP

Lakeland Industries, Inc. PP

Lakeland Resources Inc. PP

Lakeland Tours, LLC BK

LakePoint Land, LLC BK

LakePoint Land, LLC DD

Lakes Entertainment Inc. BK

Lakes Entertainment, Inc. PP

Lakeshore Learning (Lakeshore Intermediate LLC) BK

Lakeshore Learning Materials LLC BK

Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS Holdings LLC) BK

Lakeshore Villages Master Community Development District DD

Lakeside Minerals Inc. PP

Lakeside Steel Corp. PP

Lakeside Steel Inc. PP

Lakeview Hotel Investment Corp. LM

Lakeview Hotel Real Estate Investment Trust CV

Lakeview Hotel Real Estate Investment Trust LM

Lakeview Hotel Real Estate Investment Trust PP

Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC BK

Lakota Resources Inc. PP

Lam Research CV

Lam Research Corp. BK

LAM Research Corp. BK

Lam Research Corp. BK

Lam Research Corp. CV

LAM Research Corp. GN

Lam Research Corp. IG

Lamar Advertising Co. BK

Lamar Advertising Co. HY

Lamar Advertising Co. LM

Lamar Advertising Co. CV

Lamar Advertising Co. LM

Lamar Consolidated Independent School District MU

Lamar Funding Ltd. (Oman Electricity Transmission Co. SAOC) EM

Lamar Media Corp. BK

Lamar Media Corp. HY

Lamar Media Corp. (Lamar Advertising Co.) BK

Lamar Media Corp. (Lamar Advertising Co.) HY

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. BK

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. HY

Lamb-Weston/Meijer v.o.f. (Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.) BK

Lamtex Holdings Ltd. PV

Lanark Master Issuer plc LM

Lancashire Holdings Ltd. IG

Lancashire Holdings Ltd. PP

Lancaster Colony Corp. BK

Lancaster County Hospital Authority MU

Lancaster County School District MU

Lancaster Educational Assistance Program Inc. MU

Lancaster Port Authority MU

Land Bank of the Philippines EM

Land Newco Inc. (Regal Rexnord Corp.) BK

Land Newco, Inc. (Regal Rexnord Corp.) BK

Land Nordrhein-Westfalen GN

Land Nordrhein-Westfalen IG

Land O'Lakes, Inc. HY

Land O'Lakes, Inc. IG

Land of Nordrhein-Westfalen IG

Land O’Lakes Inc. BK

Land O’Lakes Inc. BK

Land O’Lakes, Inc. PV

Land Securities Capital Markets plc GN

Land Securities Capital Markets plc IG

Land Securities Capital Markets plc LM

Land Securities Capital Markets plc (Land Securities Group plc) LM

Land Securities Group plc LM

Land Securities plc LM

LandAmerica Financial Group Inc. CV

LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. CV

LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. DD

Landauer, Inc. BK

Landdrill International Inc. PP

Landec Corp. BK

Lander Energy Corp. PP

Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg GN

Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg IG

Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg LM

Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen Girozentrale (Helaba) IG

Landesbank Schleswig-Holstein Girozentrale (Hamburg Commercial Bank AG) LM

Landeshauptstadt Muenchen GN

Landeshauptstadt Muenchen HY

LANDesk Software BK

Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg (L-Bank Corp.) IG

Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg-Foderbank (L-Bank) IG

Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg-Forderbank HY

Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg-Forderbank IG

Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg-Forderbank (L-Bank) IG

Landis Energy Corp. PP

Landis Mining Corp. PP

Landmark Apartment Trust of America, Inc. BK

Landmark Apartment Trust of America, Inc. PP

Landmark Apartment Trust of America, Inc. PV

Landmark Aviation BK

Landmark Aviation BK

LandMark Financial Holding Co. LM

Landmark Funding 2019 Ltd. (Minsheng Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.) EM

Landmark Funding 2020 Ltd. (Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Inc.) EM

Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP BK

Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP CV

Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP PF

Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP PP

Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP PV

Landmark Oil & Gas Corp. PP

Landry's Finance Acquisition Co. BK

Landry's Golden Nugget Atlantic City BK

Landry's Holdings II, Inc. HY

Landry's Inc. BK

Landry's Inc. HY

Landry's Restaurants Inc. HY

Landry's Restaurants, Inc. HY

Landry's Restaurants, Inc. LM

Landry's, Inc. HY

Landry's, Inc. LM

Landry’s Holdings, Inc. HY

Landry’s Restaurants Inc. BK

Landry’s Restaurants Inc. BK

Landry’s Restaurants, Inc. BK

Lands End Resources Ltd. PP

Lands' End Inc. BK

Landsbanki IG

Landsbankinn hf BK

Landsbankinn hf. GN

Landsbankinn hf. GN

Landsbankinn hf. HY

Landsbankinn hf. IG

Landsbankinn hf. LM

Landsea Green Group Co., Ltd. EM

Landsea Green Group Co., Ltd. GN

Landsea Green Properties Co. Ltd. EM

Landsea Green Properties Co., Ltd. DD

Landsea Green Properties Co., Ltd. LM

Landsea Homes Corp. BK

Landsea Homes Corp. HY

Landsea Homes Corp. PV

Landshypotek Bank GN

Landshypotek Bank IG

Landsnet PV

LandSource Communities Development LLC BK

LandSource Communities Development LLC BK

LandSource Communities Development LLC DD

Landstar Properties Inc. PP

Landstar System, Inc. BK

Landstone BV PV

Landsvirkjun BK

Landsvirkjun GN

Landsvirkjun GN

Landsvirkjun HY

Landsvirkjun PV

Lands’ End Inc. BK

Lands’ End, Inc. BK

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank GN

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank HY

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank IG

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank IG

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank (Federal Republic of Germany) IG

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank AG IG

Lane County School District No. 4J MU

Lanesborough Real Estate Investment Trust CA

Lanesborough Real Estate Investment Trust CV

Lanesborough Real Estate Investment Trust LM

Lanesborough Real Estate Investment Trust PP

Langer, Inc. PP

Langton Securities (2008-1) plc LM

Langton Securities (2010-1) plc LM

Langton Securities (2010-2) plc LM

Language Access Network, Inc. PP

Language Line Holdings Inc. HY

Language Line Holdings Inc. BK

Language Line Inc. BK

Language Line Inc. HY

Language Line Services BK

LanguageLine Solutions (Language Line LLC) BK

Langya Overseas Co., Ltd. (Linyi Lanshan District Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd.) EM

Lannet Co. Inc. BK

Lannett Co. Inc. BK

Lannett Co. Inc. CV

Lannett Co. Inc. HY

Lannett Co., Inc. BK

Lannett Co., Inc. DD

LanOptics Ltd. PP

Lans Landsting (Stockholm County Council) GN

Lans Landsting (Stockholm County Council) IG

Lansforsakringar Bank AB GN

Lansforsakringar Bank AB IG

Lansing Board of Water and Light MU

Lansing Trade Group LLC HY

Lansing Trade Group, LLC LM

Lansing Unified School District MU

Lantheus Holdings Inc. CV

Lantheus Holdings, Inc. CV

Lantheus Medical Imaging Inc. BK

Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. BK

Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. HY

Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. LM

Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. (Lantheus Holdings, Inc.) BK

Lantic Inc. (Rogers Sugar Inc.) CA

Lantiq BK

Lantronix, Inc. CV

Lantronix, Inc. PP

Lanxess AG GN

Lanxess AG HY

Lanxess AG IG

Lanxi Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. EM

Lao People's Democratic Republic EM

Laohekou Highway International Ltd. (Laohekou Highway Construction Co., Ltd.) EM

Lapis Technologies Inc. PP

Lapis Technologies, Inc. CV

LaPorte Bancorp, Inc. PP

Lappland Goldminers AB CV

Lar Espana Real Estate SOCIMI SA LM

Lar Espana Real Estate Socimi, SA GN

Lar Espana Real Estate Socimi, SA HY

Lar Espana Real Estate Socimi, SA LM

Lara Exploration Ltd. PP

Laramide Resources Ltd. PP

Laramie County MU

Larchmont Resources LLC BK

Laredo Independent School District MU

Laredo Petroleum Holdings, Inc. LM

Laredo Petroleum, Inc. BK

Laredo Petroleum, Inc. HY

Laredo Petroleum, Inc. LM

Large Scale Biology Corp. PP

Largo Resources Ltd. CA

Largo Resources Ltd. PP

Laricina Energy Ltd. DD

Laricina Energy Ltd. PV

Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CV

Las Vegas MU

Las Vegas from Home Inc. PP

Las Vegas From Home.com Entertainment Inc. PP

Las Vegas Gaming, Inc. PP

Las Vegas Monorail Co. LM

Las Vegas Monorail Co. DD

Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc. PP

Las Vegas Resorts Corp. PP

Las Vegas Sands Corp. BK

Las Vegas Sands Corp. HY

Las Vegas Sands Corp. IG

Las Vegas Sands Corp. PF

Las Vegas Sands Corp. PP

Las Vegas Sands Inc./Venetian Casino Resort LLC (Las Vegas Sands Corp.) BK

Las Vegas Sands LLC BK

Las Vegas Valley Water District MU

Las Vegas-Clark County Library District MU

LaSalle Hotel Properties BK

LaSalle Hotel Properties PF

Laser Energetics, Inc. PP

LaserAway Intermediate Holdings II LLC BK

LaserLock Technologies, Inc. PP

LaserShip (ASP LS Acquisition Corp.) BK

LaserShip Inc. BK

Lassila & Tikanoja plc GN

Lassila & Tikanoja plc HY

Lassila & Tikanoja plc LM

Lassonde Industries Inc. PP

Latam Airlines Group SA BK

Latam Airlines Group SA DD

Latam Airlines Group SA EM

Latam Airlines Group SA LM

Latam Airlines Group, SA BK

Latam Finance Ltd. (Latam Airlines Group SA) EM

Lateegra Gold Corp. PP

Lateral Capital Corp. PP

Latham International LP BK

Latham International, Inc. DD

Latham Pool Products, Inc. BK

Latin America Ventures, Inc. PP

Latin American Minerals Inc. PP

Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR) EM

Latina Offshore Holding Ltd. DD

Latina Offshore Holding Ltd. LM

Latina Offshore Ltd. DD

Latisys BK

Latisys Corp. BK

Latshaw Drilling & Exploration BK

Lattice Inc. PP

Lattice Semiconductor Corp. BK

Lattice Semiconductor Corp. CV

Latvenergo AS EM

Latvenergo AS GN

Latvia EM

Laureate Education Inc. BK

Laureate Education Inc. LM

Laureate Education Inc. BK

Laureate Education, Inc. HY

Laureate Education, Inc. LM

Laureate Education, Inc. LM

Laurentian Bank of Canada CA

Laurentian Bank of Canada IG

Laurentian Bank of Canada PF

Laurentian Goldfields Ltd. PP

Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc. PP

Lauritz AS LM

Lauritz.com A/S DD

Lauritz.com A/S LM

Lavendon Group plc PV

LaVie Care Centers, LLC BK

LaVie Care Centers, LLC DD

Law Debenture Corp. plc PV

Lawrenceville Building Authority MU

Lawson Products, Inc. BK

Lawson Software Inc. BK

Lawson Software Inc. CV

Lawson Software, Inc. LM

Lawson Software, Inc. (Infor (US), Inc.) HY

Layne Christensen Co. BK

Layne Christensen Co. CV

Layne Christensen Co. PP

Layne Christensen Co. PV

Lazard Group IG

Lazard Group LLC BK

Lazard Group LLC IG

Lazard Group LLC (Lazard, Inc.) LM

Lazard Ltd. BK

Lazard Ltd. CV

Lazard Ltd. LM

Lazard Ltd. PP

Lazy Days’ R.V. Center, Inc. BK

Lazy Days’ R.V. Center, Inc. DD

Lazy Days’ RV Center Inc. DD

Lazydays R.V. Center Inc. HY

LB Pacific LP BK


LBC Luxembourg Holdings SCA HY

LBC Tank Terminals Holding Netherlands BV BK

LBC Tank Terminals Holding Netherlands BV HY

LBG Capital No. 1 (Lloyds Banking Group plc) LM

LBG Capital No. 2 (Lloyds Banking Group plc) LM

LBI Media Holdings, Inc. DD

LBI Media Holdings, Inc. HY

LBI Media Holdings, Inc. LM

LBI Media Inc. BK

LBI Media Inc. DD

LBI Media, Inc. HY

LBI Media, Inc. LM

LBI Media, Inc. PV

LBM Acquisition, LLC (US LBM) HY

LCC International, Inc. PP

LCI Holdco, LLC (LifeCare Holdings, Inc.) BK

LCI Holdco, LLC (LifeCare Holdings, Inc.) DD

LCI Industries BK

LCI Industries CV

LCM Investments Holdings II, LLC (Morgan Automotive Group) HY

LCM Investments Holdings II, LLC (Morgan Automotive) HY

LCM Investments Holdings II, LLC/Morgan Automotive HY


LCPR Loan Financing LLC (Liberty Latin America Ltd.) BK

LCPR Senior Secured Financing DAC (Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico) HY

LCPR Senior Secured Financing DAC (Liberty Latin America) HY

LD Celulose International GmbH (LD Celulose SA) EM

LD Celulose International GmbH (LD Celulose SA) GN

LD Holdings Group LLC (loanDepot) HY

LD Holdings Group LLC (loanDepot) LM

LD Holdings Group LLC (loanDepot, Inc.) HY

LD Lower Holdings Inc. (KLDiscovery Inc.) BK

LDiscovery LLC BK

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. CV

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. DD

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. EM

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. LM

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. PP

LDR Holding Corp. CV

Le Centre on Fourth LLC DD

Le Chateau Inc. BK

Le Chateau Inc. DD

Le Nature's Inc. BK

Le Noble Age SA LM

Le Tote, Inc. DD

Le-Nature's Inc. BK

Le-Nature’s, Inc. DD

Le-Nature’s, Inc. HY

Leader Energy Services Ltd. PP

Leading Brands, Inc. PP

Leading Holdings Group Ltd. EM

Leading Holdings Group Ltd. LM

Leaf Financial Corp. BK

Leaf Home (LHS Borrower LLC) BK

Leagold Mining Corp. BK

League City MU

Leander MU

Leander Independent School District MU

Leap Wireless International Inc. BK

Leap Wireless International Inc. CV

Leap Wireless International Inc. DD

Leap Wireless International, Inc. LM

LeapFrog Enterprises Inc. BK

Lear Corp. BK

Lear Corp. CV

Lear Corp. DD

Lear Corp. HY

Lear Corp. IG

Lear Corp. LM

Lear Corp. PP

Lear Corp. CV

Learfield Communications Inc. BK

Learfield Communications LLC BK

Learfield Communications, Inc. BK

Learning Care Group BK

Learning Care Group Inc. BK

Learning Care Group, Inc. BK

Learnsoft Corp. PP

Lease Investment Flight Trust LM

LeasePlan Corp. NV GN

LeasePlan Corp. NV IG

Leather 2 SpA (Conceria Pasubio SpA) HY

Leax Group AB HY

LEB Holdings (USA) Inc. (Barrette) BK

Lebanon DD

Lebanon EM

Lebanon LM

Lebanon EM

Lebara Group HY

LeBoldus Capital Inc. PP

Lebon Gold Mines Ltd. PP

Lecere Corp. PP


LeCroy Corp. BK

LeCroy Corp. CV

Lecta SA HY

Lecta SA LM

LED Medical Diagnostics Inc. PP

Ledgemont Royalty Sub LLC (Endo Pharmaceuticals Solutions Inc.) LM

Ledyard Financial Group PV

Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. CV

Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. EM

Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. LM

Lee County MU

Lee County Industrial Development Authority MU

Lee County School Board MU

Lee Enterpirses Inc. BK

Lee Enterprises Inc. BK

Lee Enterprises Inc. DD

Lee Enterprises Inc. HY

Lee Enterprises, Inc. BK

Lee Enterprises, Inc. PV

Lee Lake Public Financing Authority MU

Lee Lee Oriental Supermart, Inc. PV

Lee Steel Corp. DD

Leeds Building Society LM

Leeds Building Society Covered Bonds LLP LM

Leek Finance No. 17 plc LM

Leek Finance No. 18 plc LM

Leek Finance No. 19 plc LM

Leeward Capital Corp. PP

Leeward Renewable Energy Operations, LLC GN

Leeward Renewable Energy Operations, LLC HY

Left Behind Games Inc. PP

LEG Immobilien AG CV

LEG Properties BV (LEG Immobilien SE) CV

Legacy Cares, Inc. BK

Legacy Cares, Inc. DD

Legacy Estate Group LLC DD

Legacy Oil + Gas Inc. PV

Legacy Renewables LLC PV

Legacy Reserves Inc. BK

Legacy Reserves Inc. CV

Legacy Reserves Inc. DD

Legacy Reserves LP BK

Legacy Reserves LP LM

Legacy Reserves LP PF

Legacy Reserves LP PP

Legacy Reserves LP/Legacy Reserves Finance Corp. HY

Legacy Wine & Spirits International Ltd. PP

LegacyTexas Financial Group Inc. HY

LegacyTexas Financial Group, Inc. HY

Legal Life Plans, Inc. PP

LegalShield BK

LegalShield (Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc.) BK

LegalZoom.com, Inc. BK

Legence Holdings LLC BK

Legend Acquisition Sub, Inc. (M*Modal Inc.) HY

Legend Fortune Ltd. (CMB International Capital Corp. Ltd.) EM

Legend Gold Corp. PP

Legend Homes/Matrix Development DD

Legend International Holdings, Inc. PP

Legend Media, Inc. PP

Legend Oil and Gas, Ltd. PP

Legend Power Systems Inc. PP

Legendary Pictures BK

Legends Gaming, LLC DD

Legends Hospitality Holding Co., LLC/Legends Hospitality Co-Issuer, Inc. HY

Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc. PV

Legg Mason Global Asset Management IG

Legg Mason Inc. CV

Legg Mason Inc. IG

Legg Mason, Inc. BK

Legg Mason, Inc. CV

Legg Mason, Inc. IG

Legg Mason, Inc. PP

Legg Mason, Inc. LM

Leggett & Platt Inc. IG

Leggett & Platt, Inc. BK

Leggett & Platt, Inc. IG

Legrand SA BK

Legrand SA (Fimep SA) HY

Legrand, SA GN

Legrand, SA IG

Legrand, SA (Fimep SA) HY

Legres AB HY

Legumex Walker Inc. PP

Lehigh County General Purpose Authority MU

Lehigh County Industrial Development Authority MU

Lehigh Gas Partners LP BK

Lehman SP

Lehman Brothers Commercial Bank SP

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. CV

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. IG

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. SP

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. DD

Lehman Brothers Holdings plc LM

Lehman Brothers Inc. (General Mills Inc.) SP

Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding I LP (Lehman Brothers Holdings plc) LM

Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding II LP (Lehman Brothers Holdings plc) LM

Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding III LP (Lehman Brothers Holdings plc) LM

Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding LP LM

Lehman Trikes, Inc. PP

Leia Inc. BK

Leidos Holdings Inc. IG

Leidos Holdings Inc. (Leidos Holdings, Inc.) IG

Leidos Holdings, Inc. BK

Leidos Holdings, Inc. (Leidos Inc.) LM

Leidos Holdings, Inc./Abacus Innovations Corp. BK

Leidos Inc. BK

Leidos Inc. (Leidos Holdings, Inc.) BK

Leidos Innovations Corp. BK

Leidos, Inc. (Leidos Holdings Inc.) LM

Leidos, Inc. (Leidos Holdings, Inc.) IG

Leighton Finance International Ltd. EM

Leighton Finance USA Property Ltd. (Leighton Holdings Ltd.) IG

Leighton Holdings Ltd. PV

Leighton Services (LS Deco LLC) BK

Leiner Health Products BK

Leiner Health Products Inc. BK

Leiner Health Products Inc. (Supplements LT) DD

Leiner Merger Corp. (Leiner Health Products Inc.) HY

Leisure Canada Inc. PP

Leisureworld Senior Care Corp. CV

Leisureworld Senior Care LP CA

LeMaitre Vascular Inc. CV

LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. CV

Lemminkainem Corp. LM

Lemontonic Inc. PP

Lenawee County MU

Lenawee County Hospital Finance Authority MU

Lenco Mobile Inc. PP

Lendbuzz BK

LendCare Capital BK

Lender Processing Services HY

Lender Processing Services Inc. BK

Lender Processing Services Inc. BK

Lender Processing Services, Inc. HY

Lender Processing Services, Inc. LM

LendingClub Corp. BK

LendingClub Corp. PP

LendingPoint BK

LendingPoint Consolidated Inc. BK

LendingTree Inc. CV

LendingTree, Inc. BK

LendInvest plc BK

LendInvest Secured Income II plc HY

LendInvest Secured Income plc (LendInvest plc) LM

Lendlease Europe Finance plc GN

Lendlease Europe Finance plc IG

Lendlease Europe Finance plc LM

Lendlease Global Commercial Trust Management Pte. Ltd. (Lendlease Global Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust) EM

Leng Universal, Inc. CV

Lennar Corp. BK

Lennar Corp. CV

Lennar Corp. HY

Lennar Corp. LM

Lennar Corp./LNR Property Corp. BK

Lennox International Inc. BK

Lennox International Inc. CV

Lennox International Inc. IG

Lennox International Inc. BK

Lenovo Group Ltd. CV

Lenovo Group Ltd. EM

Lenovo Group Ltd. GN

Lenovo Group Ltd. LM

Lenovo Perpetual Securities Ltd. (Lenovo Group Ltd.) PF

Lenox Group Inc. BK

Lenox Group Inc. BK

Lenox Group Inc. DD

Lensar, Inc. DD

Lenzing AG HY

Lenzing AG PV

Leo Motors, Inc. PP

Leon County School District MU

Leon's Furniture Ltd. (The Brick Ltd.) LM

Leonardo DRS, Inc. BK

Leonardo Five, Ltd. (NCL Corp. Ltd.) BK

Leonardo Four, Ltd. (NCL Corp. Ltd.) BK

Leonardo Six, Ltd. (NCL Corp. Ltd.) BK

Leonardo SpA HY

Leonardo Three, Ltd. (NCL Corp. Ltd.) BK

Leonardo US Holding, Inc. (Leonardo SpA) LM

Leonid Capital Partners BK

LeoNovus Inc. PP

LeoVegas AB HY

Lereta LLC BK

Lero Gold Corp. PP

Leroy Seafood Group ASA GN

Leroy Seafood Group ASA HY

Leroy Ventures Inc. PP

Les Schwab Tire Centers BK

Leslie Controls, Inc. (Circor International, Inc.) BK

Leslie Controls, Inc. (Circor International, Inc.) DD

Leslie's Poolmart Inc. BK

Leslie's Poolmart Inc. HY

Leslie's Poolmart, Inc. BK

Leslie’s Poolmart Inc. BK

Leslie’s Poolmart, Inc. LM

Lessen LLC LM

Leucadia National Corp. CV

Leucadia National Corp. HY

Leucadia National Corp. IG

Leucadia National Corp. LM

Leumi International Investments NV (Bank Leumi le-Israel BM) EM

Lev BK

Lev Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

LEVC Finance Ltd. (Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. Ltd.) EM

Level 3 Communications Inc. BK

Level 3 Communications Inc. CV

Level 3 Communications Inc. PP

Level 3 Communications Inc. CV

Level 3 Communications Inc. (HoldCo) HY

Level 3 Communications, Inc. BK

Level 3 Communications, Inc. CV

Level 3 Communications, Inc. HY

Level 3 Communications, Inc. LM

Level 3 Communications, Inc. PP

Level 3 Communications, Inc. CV

Level 3 Communications, Inc. PP

Level 3 Escrow II, Inc. (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) HY

Level 3 Escrow Inc. (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. BK

Level 3 Financing Inc. HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. BK

Level 3 Financing Inc. (CenturyLink, Inc.) IG

Level 3 Financing Inc. (FinCo/OpCo) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Level 3 Communications Inc.) BK

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Level 3 Communications Inc.) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Level 3 Parent, LLC) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Lumen Technologies) GN

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Lumen Technologies) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Lumen Technologies, Inc.) HY

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Lumen Technologies, Inc.) LM

Level 3 Financing Inc. (Lumen Technologies, Inc.) PV

Level 3 Financing, Inc. BK

Level 3 Financing, Inc. HY

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (CenturyLink, Inc.) HY

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) BK

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) HY

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) LM

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (Level 3 Parent, LLC) HY

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (Lumen Technologies, Inc.) BK

Level 3 Financing, Inc. (Lumen Technologies, Inc.) LM

Level 3 Financing, Inc./Lumen Technologies, Inc. LM

Level One Bancorp, Inc. PF

Level One Bancorp, Inc. PV

Level Vision Electronics Ltd. PP

Leverator plc LM

Levi Strauss & Co. BK

Levi Strauss & Co. HY

Levi Strauss & Co. LM

Levi Strauss & Co. LM

Leviathan Bond Ltd. HY

Leviathan Minerals Group Inc. PP

Levitt and Sons LLC BK

Levitt and Sons LLC BK

Levitt and Sons, LLC DD

Levitt and Sons, LLC BK

Levitt and Sons, LLC (Levitt Corp.) BK

Levitz Furniture BK

Levitz Furniture DD

Levitz Home Furnishings Inc. HY

Levitz Home Furnishings, Inc. BK

Levitz Home Furnishings, Inc. DD

Levon Resources Ltd. PP

Levy Acquisition Corp. PP

Lewisville Independent School District MU

Lewisville Independent School District, Texas MU

Lexam Explorations Inc. PP

Lexar Media Inc. PP

Lexaria Corp. CV

Lexaria Corp. PP

Lexe Marginco, LLC (Liberty Expedia Holdings, Inc.) BK

Lexicon Genetics Inc. PP

Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc. BK

Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BK

Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PP

LexinFintech Holdings Ltd. PP

Lexington Corporate Properties Trust BK

Lexington Corporate Properties Trust CV

Lexington Corporate Properties Trust PP

Lexington Corporate Properties Trust BK

Lexington County Health Services District MU

Lexington County Health Services District Inc. MU

Lexington County School District No. 1 MU

Lexington Precision Corp. DD

Lexington Precision Corp. BK

Lexington Precision Corp. DD

Lexington Realty Trust BK

Lexington Realty Trust CV

Lexington Realty Trust IG

Lexington Realty Trust LM

Lexington Realty Trust BK

Lexington Realty Trust (Lepercq Corporate Income Fund LP) IG

Lexington Resources Inc. PP

Lexington Resources, Inc. PP

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government MU

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Public Facilities Corp. MU

Lexmark International, Inc. IG

Lexmark International, Inc. LM

Lexon Technologies Inc. PP

LFS Topco LLC (Lendmark Financial Services LLC) HY

LG Chem Ltd. CV

LG Chem Ltd. EM

LG Chem Ltd. GN

LG Display Co. Ltd. CV

LG Electronics EM

LG Electronics Inc. CV

LG Electronics Inc. EM

LG Electronics Inc. GN

LG Electronics Wales Ltd. EM

LG Energy Solution, Ltd. EM

LG Energy Solution, Ltd. GN

LG Energy Solution, Ltd. (LG Chem) EM

LG Energy Solution, Ltd. (LG Chem) GN

LG FinanceCo Corp. (Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.) CA

LG Telecom EM

LG&E and KU Energy LLC IG


LG-Caltex Oil Corp. EM

LG. Philips Displays USA Inc. DD

LGAM Financing SPV LLC (LGAM Private Credit LLC) BK

LGC Group BK

LGC Skyrota Wind Energy Corp. PP

LGI Homes Inc. BK

LGI Homes Inc. CV

LGI Homes, Inc. BK

LGI Homes, Inc. HY

LGI Homes, Inc. BK

LGUplus Co. Ltd. CV

LHC Group Inc. BK

LHC Group Inc. BK

LHC Group, Inc. BK

LHC3 plc (Allfunds Bank) HY

LHMC Finco 2 Sarl (Cirsa Gaming) HY

LHMC Finco SARL (Cirsa Gaming Corp. SA) HY

LHP Hospital Group Inc. BK

Li & Fung EM

Li & Fung Ltd. EM

Li & Fung Ltd. LM

Li Auto Inc. CV

Li3 Energy, Inc. PP

Liaison BK

Liaison (LI Group Holdings Inc.) BK

Liang Shan International Development Ltd. (Liangshan Development (Holdings) Group Co. Ltd.) EM

Liangshan Development (Holdings) Group Co. Ltd. EM

Libbey Glass Inc. BK

Libbey Glass Inc. HY

Libbey Glass Inc. (Libbey Inc.) HY

Libbey Glass Inc. (Libbey Inc.) LM

Libbey Glass Inc. (Libbey Inc.) PV

Libbey Inc. BK

Libbey Inc. DD

Libbey Inc. LM

Libbey Inc. HY

Liberated Brands LLC BK

Liberated Brands LLC DD

Liberator Medical Holdings, Inc. PP

Liberator, Inc. PP

Liberty Broadband Corp CV

Liberty Broadband Corp. BK

Liberty Broadband Corp. CV

Liberty Broadband Corp. LM

Liberty Broadband Corp. SPV BK

Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico BK

Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico LLC BK

Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico Ltd. BK

Liberty Co. Insurance Brokers BK

Liberty Coal Energy Corp. PP

Liberty Communications Of Puerto Rico LLC BK

Liberty Communications of Puerto Rico LLC HY

Liberty Communications Puerto Rico PV

Liberty Costa Rica Senior Secured Finance (Liberty Servicios Fijos LY SA) EM

Liberty Costa Rica Senior Secured Finance (Liberty Servicios Fijos LY SA) GN

Liberty Electric Power, LLC BK

Liberty Energy Corp. PP

Liberty Energy Inc. BK

Liberty Expedia Holdings Inc. CV

Liberty Global Belgium Holding BV (Liberty Global plc) BK

Liberty Global Inc. CV

Liberty Global, Inc. LM

Liberty Global, Inc. PP

Liberty Gold Corp. PP

Liberty Group Ltd. EM

Liberty Group Operating Inc. BK

Liberty Interactive LLC CV

Liberty International plc CV

Liberty Latin America Ltd. BK

Liberty Latin America Ltd. CV

Liberty Media CV

Liberty Media Corp CV

Liberty Media Corp. CV

Liberty Media Corp. LM

Liberty Media LLC LM

Liberty Medical Supply, Inc. DD

Liberty Mines Inc. PP

Liberty Mutual Group Inc. HY

Liberty Mutual Group Inc. IG

Liberty Mutual Group Inc. LM

Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. IG

Liberty Oilfield Services LLC (Liberty Energy Inc.) BK

Liberty Oilfield Services, LLC BK

Liberty Power Holdings LLC BK

Liberty Power Holdings LLC DD

Liberty Property LP BK

Liberty Property LP IG

Liberty Property LP LM

Liberty Property Trust BK

Liberty Silver Corp. PP

Liberty Siri MarginCo, LLC (Liberty Media Corp.) BK

Liberty Star Gold Corp. PP

Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. PP

Liberty Steel USA BK

Liberty Tax, Inc. BK

Liberty Tire Recycling BK

Liberty Tire Recycling (LTR Intermediate Holdings Inc.) BK

Liberty Tire Recycling (LTR Intermediate Holdings Inc.) GN

Liberty Tire Recycling Holdco LLC HY

Liberty Tire Recycling Holdco, LLC DD

Liberty Tire Recycling Holdco, LLC LM

Liberty Tire Recycling Holdco, LLC/Liberty Tire Recycling Finance, Inc. HY

Liberty Tire Recycling LLC BK

Liberty Tire Recycling LLC GN

Liberty Tire Recycling LLC (LTR Intermediate Holdings Inc.) BK

Liberty Tire Recycling LLC (LTR Intermediate Holdings Inc.) GN

Liberty Tire Services LLC BK

Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. CV

Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. PV

Liberty University MU

Liberty Utilities PV

Liberty Utilities Co. (Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.) CA

Liberty Utilities Co. (Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.) PV

Liberty Utilities Finance GP1 (Liberty Utilities Co.) GN

Liberty Utilities Finance GP1 (Liberty Utilities Co.) IG

Liberty Water Co. (Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.) PV

Libra GroupCo SpA (Lutech SpA) HY

Licheng International Development Co., Ltd. (Jinan Licheng Holding Group Co., Ltd.) EM


Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG CV

Lietuvos Energija UAB EM

Lietuvos Energija UAB GN

Life & Banc Split Banc Corp. PF

Life Care St. Johns, Inc. DD

Life Partners Holdings, Inc. DD

Life School of Dallas MU

Life Science REIT BK

Life Science REIT plc BK

Life Science REIT plc GN

Life Sciences Institute Inc. PP

Life Settlements Absolute Return I, LLC DD

Life Stem Genetics, Inc. PP

Life Storage LP LM

Life Storage LP (Life Storage, Inc.) IG

Life Storage, Inc./Life Storage LP BK

Life Technologies Corp. IG

Life Time Fitness Inc. BK

Life Time Fitness Inc. (LTF Merger Sub Inc.) BK

Life Time Inc. BK

Life Time Inc. HY

Life Time Inc. (Life Time Group Holdings, Inc.) HY

Life Time, Inc. (Life Time Group Holdings, Inc.) BK

LifeCare Holdings Inc. BK

LifeCare Holdings Inc. HY

LifeCare Holdings LLC BK

LifeCare Holdings, Inc. DD

Lifecore Biomedical, Inc./Curation Foods, Inc./Lifecore Biomedical Operating Company, Inc. BK

Lifeline Therapeutics Inc. PP

LifeLock, Inc. BK

LifeMark Health BK

LifeMD, Inc. PF

LifeMiles Ltd. BK

LifePoint Health Inc. BK

LifePoint Health Inc. HY

LifePoint Health, Inc. BK

LifePoint Health, Inc. HY

LifePoint Health, Inc. LM

LifePoint Hospitals BK

LifePoint Hospitals Inc. BK

LifePoint Hospitals Inc. CV

LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. CV

LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. HY

LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. LM

LifePoint Inc. PP

LifeScan Global Corp. BK

Lifesize Inc. BK

Lifesize Inc. DD

LifeStance Health Holdings, Inc. (LifeStance Health Group, Inc.) BK

LifeStance Health Holdings, Inc. (LifeStance Health Holdings/Lynnwood Intermediate Holdings, Inc.) BK

Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. PP

Lifestyle International Holdings Ltd. EM

Lifetime Brands Inc. BK

Lifetime Brands, Inc. BK

Lifetime Brands, Inc. CV

Lifevantage Corp. PP

Liftoff Mobile Inc. BK

Liftoff Mobile Inc./Vungle Inc. (Mars Borrower LLC) BK

Ligado Networks LLC BK

Ligado Networks LLC DD

Ligado Networks LLC HY

Ligado Networks LLC LM

Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. BK

Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. CV

Light & Wonder Inc. BK

Light & Wonder Inc. (Scientific Games Corp.) BK

Light AcquiCo GmbH (LifeFit Group MidCo GmbH) HY

Light and Wonder International, Inc. (Light & Wonder Inc.) BK

Light and Wonder International, Inc. (Light & Wonder, Inc.) HY